Chapter 127 Just a mistress

At that time, I was a little unhappy.

I've found so many lawyers, and they all believe me. On the basis of "I'm innocent", they can defend me.

And Vicent actually felt that "I'm guilty" and then tried to cover it up.

This made me feel that he was unreliable.

I got up and said, "I think there's something wrong with my communication with you. I'd better find someone else for this case."

After that, he got up and was about to leave.

"Hey, don't, don't, don't!" Hearing this, Vicent immediately stopped me and said with a big smile, "In fact, it's not that I don't want to trouble you if you're willing to give me more money except for compensation."

Looking at his smiling face, I suddenly felt that Vicent was unreliable.

I told him the truth. "Mr. George, to be honest, my financial situation is not very rich. I really don't have much money to give you except for compensation."