Chapter 128 Cannot go back

The person who modified my work drew a small circle at the place where he modified it.

He made a small mark.

There was a difference in the drawing method of this small circle. However, the two lines were not sealed in time, but were separated a little bit, which was a little similar to the X-ray connected by the painting.

I have this habit in drawing circles. I only know one person...

Matteo Adkins.

Thinking of him, my heart tightened.

"Shouldn't he be in his hometown? And last time, he said that he would open a company in his hometown."

"Why is he in Jelson?"

You're still helping me change my picture?

How was this possible?

However, who else could it be if it wasn't him?

With such a skillful style and accurate judgment, who else could it be but Matteo?

My mind was full of questions.

After getting off work that day, I went to the hospital and asked the doctor about Aurora's condition. Aurora was still in a coma.