Chapter183 He's Not As Simple As You Think

Shawn starred at her, as if his usually refined-face was now covered heavily by haze. There was a dense hostility spread to every corner.

With his thin lips tightened, he suddenly let go of her hand and said in a deep but cold voice, "If you feel bored, you can keep the child. Or you can abort him if you want."

Hearing this, Sarah smiled faintly and said, "If I'm bored, I can have a dog. Children are too noisy."

Her meaning was obvious.

Shawn's aura instantly became even colder.

The smile on Sarah face became deeper as she said, "Alright, since you've made up your decision, then you don't need to go home tomorrow afternoon."

With that, she walking out on her high heels without looking back.

This time, Shawn didn't stop her. He just curled his finger without a sound.

In Benton Technology, Brighton, Isabella pressed an internal call from her office.

"John, come over here."

A few seconds later, John knocked on the door and entered.

"Miss Jones, what can I do for you?"