Chapter184 Was She Dreaming? 

Christian did not explain too much to her, "There are some things that I am not sure yet, but you don't get too close to him."

Isabella thought for a few seconds, and when the waiter came over to serve her food, she seemed to shift gear and laughed lazily, "You can't be thinking that I'm jealous because we're too close, right?"

Christian didn't refute, his tone was calm and unhurried. "You're so smart, so why ask that? I thought I made it clear that day at the hospital. No matter if it was you or the child, I didn't want to give it to anyone else."


Isabella's expression froze, she felt like her heart was beating faster and she was suffocating.

It was an understatement that he was caught off guard.

"It's all for the child." With a soft self-deprecating voice, she picked up the chopsticks and began to eat with her head lowered, her lips curving in a faintly discernible curve.

"A child can be born to anyone." His voice was very gentle.
