Chapter185 Don't You Miss Me At All

When she was about to step back, a warm and powerful pair of arms wrapped around her waist.

Isabella's body stiffened, not knowing where to place her hands.

Christian chuckled, he hugged her waist slightly and used some strength, causing Isabella to sit on his leg in a panic, not having time to cry out in alarm.

Subconsciously, she stood up but was pressed back down.

She got a bit angry and embarrassed, "Christian Miller."

"Don't move, I haven't seen you for so many days, and you don't want to see me at all?" Christian lowered his eyes, with his fingers gently stroking her smooth hair, in a hoarse voice .

Isabella looked at the handsome face that was just inches away from her head. A ball of fire seemed to burn within her pair of pitch—black eyes, causing her heart to beat uncontrollably.

"Why should I miss you?" The nervousness made her feel a little uncomfortable, and her tone of voice was somewhat aggressive.