Chapter 238 Stupid mistake

Luke had a smile on his face the entire time, the spoon that was lowered to was shaking uncontrollably.

Suddenly, the child cried loudly. Isabella was shocked when she spat out the soup in her mouth.

"What's wrong!"

Luke's calm eyes started to panic as he hurriedly wiped off the corner of his mouth. He gently parted her lips, causing his skin and flesh to become pale white.

"It's father's fault, not crying, not crying." Hugging Rachel to coax them, she looked at them apologetically, "I was careless, I'll send her to the hospital."

Tristan said, "Child's skin is tender, hurry up and go."

Isabella quickly got up and frowned. She pitied Rachel, "I'll go with you."

Christian's arm was empty, his face was dark, and a cold intent filled his eyes as he looked at Luke.

Isabella's hand was held by him, without a single ripple on her face, "I'll send you guys off."

The meal ended in chaos.