Chapter 239 He's busy everyday

Luke took Isabella's phone's thermos and explained, "I cried the moment I ate something, and now I'm not even willing to open my mouth."

Isabella patted his shoulder, telling him to stop blaming herself. She carried Rachel and sat down, accompanying her in playing.

Luke went into the kitchen to put down the things. Hearing the gentle voice of the woman in the living room, the corners of his mouth curled up.

After bringing out a plate of fruits, he sat cross—legged on the opposite side, "Is Christian busy with the company?"

Isabella paused for a moment, the corners of her mouth drooping, her long eyelashes trembling, she said indifferently, "He is busy every day."

The man was silent for a moment before he looked up and asked, "Did you guys get into a conflict?"

Isabella frowned. The scene from last night once again surfaced before her eyes, her lips tightly pursed, "Let's not mention him anymore."