Chapter 277 Private jet

Steven followed fearlessly up, unable to conceal the smile in his eyes. He secretly whispered to Jimmy, praising the Christian's strength.

Boarding the plane, she sat inside while Christian outside. Behind them were Steven and Canon. Wendy and Christian were across an aisle from each other.

She picked up a magazine aside, which was about airplane models.

She saw a new type of private jet, which seemed to be the Adrian's plane she took last time.

Thinking over, she recalled as if he had never seen the man aside take a private plane before.

She looked back and asked, "you don't have a private plane?"

The man looked at the magazine in her hand and said, "What? Which one do you like, Adrian’s? "

He immediately shook his head, "I'm just casually asking. I feel that Adrian knows how to enjoy life."

Christian let out a low laugh, and Steven also laughed secretly behind him. Isabella was baffled, and after mumbling something wrong, she turned her head and stared at.