Chapter 278 On purpose

Entering the hotel, the two men who were leading the way greeted the manager, then turned around and said to them, "Christian and Madam are in presidential suite 101 on the 8th floor. Miss Forrest, your room is 302, on the 7th floor, and the manager will now bring you in."

Christian slightly nodded and led Isabella up.

Walking around the suite, it was so luxurious that it was beyond his imagination. Isabella pushed open the double doors to the bedroom, scanned through, and then spoke to the man behind him, "Shawn wouldn't simply want to entertain us, doing such an unprofitable thing is not his style."

The man took off his jacket, dressed in a white shirt, and made coffee. He took out a carton of milk from the refrigerator and heated it in the microwave.

"You'll know at night," he said flatly, then looked up and said, "You don't need to think about it too much, just treat it as a vacation, we can go to the auction together tomorrow."