Chapter 328 Don't waste his time

Isabella cheeks slightly red, let Christian pushed out of the baby room, am Rayleign's eyes just fell in this direction, as if to see what the same smile, "I seem to be here to disturb two of you."

Isabella's expression did not change, she was supported by Christian to sit down at the table, "In that case, Shawn is blaming us for not being able to receive a proper reception."

As she spoke, she shifted her body towards the Back chair, revealing a round belly underneath the dining table. "Pregnant women are really inconvenient. When the baby is born, I will definitely apologize to you with Christian."

Although she did not like Shawn, in the end, she still had to take Christian's face into consideration, and from time to time, she brought up the word "baby". She wanted to see his reaction.

As he had expected, his eyes were always calm and gentle, not revealing the slightest bit of emotion worth investigating.