Chapter 329  Worldly wisdom

The two young men escorted Tristan into the room. The assistant took out a few bills from his pocket and said, "This is people from Shawn, please keep your mouths shut."

The two of them quickly retreated, holding the money in their hands as they secretly rejoiced.

The old man was squatting in a corner, his entire body trembling and his body slightly bent. If one observed carefully, one could see that his eyes were as aggrieved as a child's, and his mouth was pouting very high.

Shawn played with the wine cup in his hand, and observed the man in the corner with sinking eyes. His eyes revealed a slight smile of unknown meaning, and he inadvertently poured the half cup of wine down his throat.

The lady stood respectfully at the side, looking at Tristan with a shocked expression. Who would have thought that the man who could turn the tide in the past would end up like this?