Chapter 360 What do you have?

have to go against my orders


That afternoon, Isabella was accompanying Diana in the hospital. During that, she received a call from her aunt, causing her expression to immediately change. Putting down the phone, she rushed out of the ward before she could explain anything.

When she got home, she saw that the gate was wide open and his footsteps were unsteady. She staggered across the front yard and heard the ruckus in the living room before she even stepped into the house.

"You can leave. I've already told you that neither the husband nor the wife is home. I'm just an aunt who cooks rice, so I don't know anything."

Auntie opened her arms to try to persuade the newcomer, but she was too weak to beat the dozen or so youngsters, and after a while she was driven by the crowd into the sofa, where she was pummeled by microphone after microphone.

"May I know if this is Christian's and Isabella's home?"

"Do you know Isabella's status as a mistress?"