Chapter 361 The negotiation

In the hospital ward, Christian had bandages wrapped around his head. Without caring about Steven's obstruction, he changed out of his hospital gown, and after only taking two steps, feeling a numbing pain from all parts of his body.

"Christian, Madam has already arranged for a lawyer to be present. Canon is there too, you can't help."

Steven obstinately blocked the door. His eyes revealed concern, "The doctor said that your concussion was serious. You can't leave the hospital on your own."

Christian's face sank to the extreme, "Steven, you're beginning to have your own idea."

His voice was cold and without any warmth. After that, Christian pushed him away, but Steven did not give up. He still stopped Christian, showing his determination.

Christian narrowed his eyes. His current condition did not allow him to contend with the man in front of him physically, so he slowly said, “You can draw your salary now and find another job.”