Chapter 367 He will be thankful to me

After the regular meeting on Monday, Mr. Smith left Isabella alone.

She could roughly guess the main contents of the following conversation. Just as she walked out of the meeting room, on her way to Mr. Smith's office, she heard him instructing the assistant beside her, "Go and call Yumi over to my office."

Isabella remained silent and followed Mr. Smith into the elevator. Waiting for the elevator door to slowly close, the man let out an inaudible sigh, "I passed the agreement with the other deputy chiefs, you will be the next head of the Marketing."

Mr. Smith was standing near the entrance of the elevator and Isabella was slightly behind him. It was not easy to notice the expression of a man for a moment, but he could faintly feel a burst of bad mood.

"Mr. Smith is worried that I do not have enough qualifications. On one hand, masses cannot accept me, and on the other hand, I am not sure if my ability is sufficient for this position."