Chapter 368 Maybe there is hope

She seemed to find it hard to believe as she flipped through two pages of the document, ignoring the damp and greasy feeling. Her eyes lit up even more as she skimmed through the contents from top to bottom.

Out of the corner of his eyes, she saw the phone by the side of the table, picked it up and dialed a number. There was no reply for a long time, Isabella could only hang up and ask, "Do you know where Director Yumi has gone?"

Simon pursed his lips, "I heard her receive a call when she was on her way out. It seems to be from some doctor."

"Doctor …" She was stunned for a second and quickly reacted. She took her jacket from the clothes rack behind her and was about to leave, "I'm going out for a while.

After saying that, she put on her coat and prepared to leave.

— —

In the long corridor of the hospital, a pale—faced woman leaned against the white tiles on the wall. Her eyes brimmed with an aura of despair. "Bruno, you said that you would get a divorce."