Chapter 388 We have two kids at home

After the morning meeting ended, Isabella was in Mr. Smith' office to report on the progress of the work done, the general details had been explained, Mr. Smith leaned on his office chair, and revealed a pleased smile at Isabella, "Seems like I was not mistaken, Heather is not here, and the progress of the work in the Marketing has not been reduced, I heard that you have been working on a new business?"

Isabella pursed her lips, she knew Mr. Smith was referring to the case of Everlasting Jewelry, but the collaboration had not been successful, and there were very few people in the company who knew about this matter and the fact that it could reach Mr. Smith' ears so quickly surprised her.

But on the surface, he still maintained a calm expression, "Mr. Hale Eternity Jewelry is a very cautious man, he said that he would have to consider it again, but later on I will have my people follow up, this is one thing I ask Mr. Smith to be at ease."