Chapter Is that enough ?

The chopsticks that Simon brought to his mouth trembled slightly, and the corner of his mouth twitched for a long while before he managed to catch his breath.

She purposely played the fool and did not take Isabella's suggestion seriously. It seemed like this man had been coveting her director for more than a day or two.

However, the man looked to be at least in his forties. Although there was no hairline problem, his beer belly, which could not be suppressed under the suit, was particularly eye—catching.

No matter how slow the youngsters in the office were, they were able to see through Vice President Leo's thoughts. They looked at each other and started to protect Isabella, pretending to be attentive as they toasted the man.

Vice President Leo could not stop them either, after one round of drinking, he was confused and confused.

Seeing that it was about time, Isabella got up and stopped them, "Director Leo, it's getting late, thank you for your hospitality today."