Chapter 427 Pregnancy

After about a week, the cooperation between Eternity Jewelry and Benton Technology Technology was finally completed. Mr. Smith was extremely happy, he even mentioned Isabella at the meeting and gave her full confirmation of her abilities.

Isabella was also relieved. She was more realistic and was more concerned about the performance bonus that was about to arrive.

Because the case was settled, other than her, the entire Marketing Department, and even the entire company's quarterly bonus money had become a considerable sum. The old subordinates who were originally following Heather also relaxed their attitude towards him by a lot.

Today, Isabella came out of the conference room and went straight to the washroom.

She was leaning on the counter and spitting out a mouthful of sour water. When she rinsed her mouth, she saw Annie come in, she immediately stopped in her tracks, and the two looked at each other through the mirror.