Chapter 428 Pneumonia

On the weekends, Isabella finished her examination at the hospital and came out. She also took a look at Simon, but before she left, he received a call from Christian, and directly drove to Leeds.

In the children's hospital in Leeds city, Mallory hugged Annie who was crying loudly, her expression was anxious yet helpless.

The doctor took the little fellow's temperature and did the basic tests. In the end, he helplessly sighed and looked towards Mallory as he filled out the form, his eyes full of questions.

"What’s the relationship between you and the child?" He narrowed his eyes, tore off the opened list, and held it in his hand.

"I’m her grandmother."

Mallory caressed Annie's back lightly as the little fellow in her embrace cried and coughed. Its face was completely red, but it did not seem to have any intention of stopping.

The alert young male doctor frowned, as if he heard it, and asked again, "Where's the child's mother?"