Chapter 432 Not a good father

On Wednesday night, Isabella took the soup made by her mother to the hospital to see Simon. The young lad had been lying on his sickbed for almost a month, and had gained a lot of weight. But his spirit was good, and every time when he saw Isabella, he always talked about leave hospital repeatedly

Isabella shook her head helplessly, "When you go back home, there will be no one to take care of you. When that happens, you will be lying on the bed and starving to death.

After Simon heard this, he waved both his arms, "I've almost recovered. Director, I can kill an ox with one punch now."

After he finished speaking, he pulled back the blanket and was about to get up from the bed. But unexpectedly, when he got up, the pain from his broken leg caused him to breathe painfully and sit back down.

Isabella said with a smile but looked unhappy, "If you keep tormenting yourself, I will really look for a new assistant."