Chapter 433 It's suitable for someone

Isabella couldn't help but ignored Christian and her eyes looked at the white coat men behind Christian.

The young and handsome male doctor walked closer and stood beside Christian, "Why are you still in the hospital so late?"

Isabella pursed her lips, maintained a distant but polite smile, and replied: "I came to see a friend."

The male doctor shrugged, revealing a look of concern, "Have you taken your medicine on time in the past two days? The problem on the stomach needs to be slowly and carefully coped with. If you continue to vomit acrid saliva, remember to come and recheck it …"

Christian stood at the side and listened, his expression gradually turning cold, his brows slowly knitting together.

"Alright, I understand, Dr. Johnson." Isabella felt a little awkward, and she glanced at Christian and realized that he did not have a good expression.