Chapter 444 A young girl

That day, Isabella returned home after work, and placed a bag full of fresh fruits on the tea table, "Mom, didn't you say you want to eat durian? I bought it for you, "

Diana was sitting on the sofa, staring intently at the television. Hearing what was said, her expression was indifferent, and only let out a "Okay" in a neither light nor heavy tone.

Isabella vaguely sensed that the atmosphere in the house was not right.

Looking around, the floor was completely clean, all the toys had been moved to the side, his father was not in the living room accompanying him in watching TV, and neither was Andi.

It had been a long time since the house had been so quiet.

"Has Andi slept? "Let me take a look …" Isabella placed her bag on the sofa and got up to go to Baby Room, "I have something to do at the company later, I need to go out."

She had barely taken a step when she was interrupted by a sharp scolding from behind her.