Chapter 445 I almost lost my dad

Isabella pushed open the door to the room, and Tristan, who was sitting blankly in front of the window, slowly turned his head upon hearing the voice.

His eyes were still vacant, only after much difficulty did he manage to focus. Seeing the woman standing in front of the door, a pale smile appeared on his face as he beckoned to her, "Isabella, you're back …"

Isabella closed the door softly and walked to her father's side. She stood at a distance of one meter and answered hesitantly, "Yes, I'm back."

A lamp was lit on the desk by the window. The white light shone on the old man's face, causing his wrinkled face to look even more aged and aged.

The old man tried to turn the wheelchair, but because he was too weak, he did not succeed. He pushed the table behind him, finally turning it a little bit, and even brought down the book that was spread out on the table.