Chapter 521 Loser

When Miss Bond could no longer hold herself back, she finally slammed the fork and knife heavily onto the plate and stood up with a crisp sound.

She tried her best to hold back the tears in her eyes, and she looked so pitiful. Since her eyes were not focused, it was hard to decide who was the one, hurting her to this extent.

Whether it was Kitty who didn’t speak in measured words, or Mr. Judd who had never speak up to stop her, or Adrian who besides her and had never put on a stern expression instead of her from the beginning to the end.

Miss Bond' actions shocked the people at the dining table, causing them to stop what they were doing and some of them even had expressions of shock or understanding.

Only Sofia wiped her hands using the hot towel that prepared on the side after putting down her knife and fork. Her gaze lightly fell on the woman's left wrist.