Chapter 522 Fried rice

On the third day after Sarah came back, Simon, the second young master of the Daniel family, directly came to London in the name of expanding the market.

Austin's phone call came right after. He urged her to stop what she was doing and focus on receiving him. Sarah who was on the phone replied casually, and then hung it up and continued to do the things she was doing.

Ivy, who was standing at the side, received all the calls that had just been made. She looked troubled as she opened the schedule in her hand and asked, "There are two meetings in the afternoon. Do they need to be changed to another time?"

"No need." The woman, who was engrossed in the paperwork, did not even raise her head. She answered straightforwardly as if she was not the least bit conflicted.

Seeing this, Ivy closed her record again and cautiously asked, "Then what about your father?"