School fight

Joey woke up in the chair he slept in. His sister was still sleeping. He looked down for a moment at his watch and his heart dropped.

"Shit…we have twenty minutes to get to school Lily!!" Joey yelled in her ear.

Lily woke up in confusion and stared at him with a confused look on her face.

"Huh?" She said.

"GET UR ASS UP AND GET READY!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. Lily looked at her watch and quickly ran out of his room.

(Ok, ok, have to take a two minute shower, brush teeth,wash face,do hair, and put on a different outfit!) Joey thought to himself.

"Ahh and I need a outfit for work!"

Joey and Lily wasted no time, they both where ready when ten minutes passed by.

Joey grabbed Lily by her hand as she was eating cereal and ran out the door with her.

"Joey I was eating, you bastard!!"

Who gives a damn!? I'm not getting my ass whopped for nobody! Joey yelled back. They reached the school with three minutes to bare. Joey was out of breath and went straight to the water fountain.

"I'm going to class. And don't ever keep me from eating again!" Lily said in a threatening tone.

(Still made it didn't we?)

Joey sprinted upstairs. As he was walking he noticed a black spot in the wall. Joey bent done too take a look at the weird spot. He reached out and touched it to feel a biting sensation on his finger tips.

"Damn it!" He said.

(The hell is this? Some kinda…jinn? No,no, it's not that.) Joey pulled out his phone and took a picture. "I'll come back to this spot after first period and check it out."

Joey went to class and took his seat. Jackson and his crew were all siting on the opposite side of the room and were laughing at something on their phones.

"Ok everyone! Time for learning ms. Baker said.

First period went by and Joey went to the spot where he seen the spot. To his surprise the spot was completely gone.

(It's gone! Good thing I still have the picture on my phone. I can show Ahana and get her intel.)

Joey felt a hand on his shoulder. Her turned his head to see Jackson and a couple other guys behind him.

"Why the hell are you taking pictures of the wall, Castle?" Jackson asked.

"It's more than just the wall. Someone like you wouldn't understand." Joey said as he walked passed him.

"I saw the coach trying too talk to you the other day. What'd he say? want you to try out or something?" Jackson asked.

Joey rolled his eyes and turned to face Jackson, who clearly towered over him. Well of course he asked me to tryout…Someone couldn't keep their mouth shut and made a video about me punching that big hole in the wall. Joey said sarcastically.

"That someone was my girlfriend…you little twerp!"

"Well…tell her to keep her mouth shut and we won't have that problem. I know you don't want your popularity to be ruined or whatever! Joey said as he walked away.

Jackson walked in front of him and stood in his way. "You think you could your better than me or something!? Jackson asked.

"Jackson, I don't think…I know."

Joey moved Jackson to the side and kept walking down the hall. "Your life is shit and so's your family! Your dad's gone and your mother's gonna be dead in a couple days from her sickness…believe me your trash in this world, Castle!" Jackson yelled out.

Joey stopped moving and stood with his back turned. Everyone in the halls stopped and looked.

"What did you say?" Joey asked in a plain voice.

"You heard me. Your piece of shit fam-" before Jackson could say anything else, Joey had jumped up and punched him in the face.

Everyone quickly pulled out their phones and started recording.

Jackson pushed Joey off of him. He got on top of Joey and started punching his face in. "People like you are just trash to society! It'd be better if you just died!" Jackson said.

Joey stopped Jackson's punch and squeezed his hand. Jinn energy came from Joey's hand as bones could be heard breaking from Jackson's hand.

Joey head butted Jackson and sent him flying into a crowd of people. Joey got up slowly and watched as Jackson ran at him, getting ready to punch him.

Joey put his arm back and was getting ready to punch Jackson using his jinn energy. Before he could make contact with Jackson, Ahana appeared and stopped his fist from colliding.

As soon as she stopped his punch with her hand, Jackson fell back from the impact of the punch.

Everyone stood in shock. "His punch was that powerful?" Someone whispered in the crowd.

"Joey-boy. Your actions…you could've killed this young man." Ahana said.

Joey looked to to reveal the rage in his eyes. Oh, I see. You let him get the best of you with your emotions? You should learn to calm yourself when you have jinn energy. You can kill a normal person when using your energy in a fight. She explained.

"Hey Joey, why'd you stop!?" Someone yelled. Shut your damn mouth! Joey yelled back.

"Joey…this is gonna end pretty bad for you and this town once all these people post this fight." Ahana said.

Why's that? He asked.

"Because…anyone who is affiliated with a jinn will see this and me in the video. You remember when I said to stay Lowkey for a while? Well…after hard thinking, jinns started to appear more and more at your school after the video of the hole in the wall was up. Which means someone here…is the enemy!" Ahana explained.

Before Joey could say anything else, a teacher came and grabbed him and Jackson.

Time went by and Joey found himself in the principal's office with Jackson.

"Who started it and why?" The principal asked.

"It was castle! He kept nagging me about how he was being asked by the coach of the football team to tryout! He said he was better than me and that I should just give up on my dreams." Jackson said.

"This true, Joey?" The principal asked.

"No. What really happened w-well I'm not surprised. Jackson is a very good and well respected young man. Jackson…tor free to go. The man said.

Joey said nothing and stared at the floor.

After Jackson left the principal started asking Joey questions.

"Why do you always start trouble around here?" He asked.

"Are you kidding me?" Joey said.

"Jackson didn't start anything! I know because his father teaches him better than that! YOUR name is always on my desk Joey!" The man said.

Joey sat in disbelief and stared at the floor. "Jackson talked about my mother and father…my whole family. And for what? All because we don't have money like him?" Joey asked himself.

"Joey-you believe him because he's rich and is the perfect teen boy. But since I'm the complete opposite and always get in trouble, you assume it's me." Joey said.

Joey got up and walked out the office. He decided to hang out at the store until school was over.

He was sitting at the door of the gas station and looked to his left to see Ahana sitting next to him.

"I wonder why people keep throwing you under the bus. Your a great kid." She said.

Joey ignored her and kept staring off into space. Oh, come on. You should cheer up…for now at least.

"Why say that?" Joey asked.

Ahana stood up. Well…someone at your school shows someone who's involved with a jinn your little videos. I can tell because a lot of low jinns head towards the school now. And if a person is actually communicating with the jinn then it's definitely a medium level or high." She explained.

"Why don't the jinns that are in the school area go ahead and attack?" Joey asked.

"Well because I'm here. And because jinns can't just go out in public and kill everyone. They get more power from fear,depression,loneliness,and so on. They can't kill ALL humans when they feed off of them. She explained.

"So what do you want me to do about this jinn person?" Joey asked.

"For experience…I want you to find out who's showing the vids to someone in power somewhere. Weather it's a building owner,rich person,restaurant owner, anyone who owns and has power among others! Ahana explained too Joey.

"Rich,owner…sounds a lot like Jackson." Joey said.

"No. It's not him, I can tell. You need to check with your friend's father. What's her name?"

"Oh…you mean Elizabeth?" Joey asked. I mean…she and her father don't really talk that much. He owns the restaurant I work at but…I just don't know! There's so many people at the school!" Joey explained.

"I know but…you only have three days to know and prepare for the jinn that's coming. The person who's showing the affiliated person is someone who's been there in the beginning…when I shot that giant hole in the wall." Ahana explained.

"I'll figure it out. Today is Tuesday so…Friday is the big night game!"

Oh and uhh…I have jinn energy but…it's not strong at all, even I can see that. But when I used that blade you gave me…it was like I had a buff?"

(I see. So a supernatural weapon is just what he needs. He's a rare one all right! As I said before…he should unlock his weapon when he's really pushed to the limit in battle.) Ahana thought to herself.

"It seems as though your going to need supernatural weapons to fight jinns. Your energy isn't strong enough because your a rare jinn weapon fighter. Most people who use jinn weapons don't have jinn energy…but being that you have it's a little odd. Your kinda like us dead jinn slayers…just alive!"

Joey could hear the bell ringing from across the street. Imma go get Lily and figure this whole thing out. See ya and thank you once again. Joey said.

Joey walked Lily home and then to work. When he opened the door he could see Elizabeth running at him.

"You actually fought Jackson!?" She asked.

Joey rolled his eyes and moved Elizabeth to the side. "It's nothing. He was just running his mouth too much." Joey said.

Yea,yea,but from what I saw…your punches are incredibly strong! You do boxing or something? She asked.

"Joey!" A voice called. Joey looked up to see a tall man. It was Elizabeth's father.

Joey walked into his office. "I've heard a lot about you today. We don't allow trouble makers at this job!" He said.

Joey looked down at the ground in disappointment. "But I don't blame you! Jackson and his dad are pieces of shit." Elizabeth's dad laughed. He grabbed Joey by the head and shook it aggressively.

"So your not mad?" Joey asked.

Mad? No. not at all, Joey! I'm actually proud someone stood up to that weird kid. He said.

Joey looked up at the ceiling and noticed a dark spot. (It's the same one from the school! Shit, I completely forgot to show miss Ahana!)

"Well I'm gonna get to work now! See ya after the shift boss man!" Joey said in a rush.

It's was eight at night and Joey was getting off work. He went into the office to look for the spot and noticed it was gone.

"I'm gonna go find Ahana!"

Joey ran out the door and went straight to the park at near his house. Sure enough, Ahana was staring up at the moon.

"Ahana I have something to show you!" Joey yelled.

"What is it?"

Joey pulled out his phone and showed her the picture. "It looks like a normal bug. Why show me this?" She asked.

"Other people couldn't see it! You and me are the only ones who can see the bug. Isn't that weird? And it burnt me!!" Joey explained.

Ahana leaned in closer to get a better look. Joey couldn't help but notice how beautiful Ahana was up close.

"Nope. Looks like a normal stink bug." She said as she backed away.

Joey rolled his eyes in annoyance and sat down next to her. "Why are you always here?" He asked.

Me and my little brother always came here…back when we were younger. Ahana said.

"You had a brother!? Where is he? How come I never knew about this before!?" Joey asked in excitement.

"He's dead…to me at least." She said with a smile.

(To you at least? What does that mean?) Joey thought to himself.

"Ahana…my friends father isn't it. It's someone else."

"We better find out quickly. Or else in a couple months this place will be crawling with jinn, looking for you." Ahana said.

Ahana got up. "You should head on home. I'll be there all night when I get back. She said.

Joey nodded in agreement and walked home.

(There hasn't been a single jinn all day today. And that thing in the picture was a portal…it's definitely a medium jinn that's close to becoming a high jinn.)

Ahana heard footsteps behind her as she was in thought. She turned around to see two big guys standing behind her.

"So…you guys finally found me!" She said.

"Why haven't you killed him yet?" One of them asked her in a threatening way.

Lower your tone. Ahana said. And besides…he's just a sixteen your old kid. I would never kill him. She said with a smile on her face.

Ahana had a brilliant idea pop in her head. "How about this. You two can try to kill him…and if he's alive by tomorrow night…I'll kill you instead!" She said with laughter.

Both the men looked at each other nodded. "We're jinn slayers. We will definitely kill the punk before sundown tomorrow." They said.

Ahana turned back around and smiled. "Wouldn't be so sure about that." She whispered as she disappeared.

One of the men pulled out a long katana blade and pointed up in the sky. "For our higher ups…we will kill the one who'll bring destruction!" He shouted.

"We're both dead…he shouldn't see us coming! We will make our move when he's at school tomorrow and kill him, okay brother!?"


Ahana watched from a far distance and listened.

"The brothers…the weakest unit we have out of all our slayers. But this should be a good warm up for Joey-boy. I also need to know why they want him dead…but nothing will happen while I'm here."

Ahana turned back around and walked into the forest.

(I'll leave these two goons to you, Joey-boy. Show us Jinn slayers what you've got!)