The two brothers

Joey and Elizabeth were skipping first period and went to go eat breakfast. "Wait, wait. So your dad thought the cat was a mouse!?"

"Haha, yeah it's so weird. Then he shot at the cat and blamed me for it!" Joey and Elizabeth laughed their eyes out together.

They went to their job to go eat. Your dad's ok with you skipping? Joey asked.

"He doesn't really care. As long as I'm back by second period it's fine." Elizabeth said.

After ordering their food and receiving it they finally started eating. "Not gonna lie…but are pancakes suck ass here." Joey said as he chewed on a piece. Yea, I can agree with you on that one. Elizabeth added.

They finished up and walked to school. "Elizabeth, is something bothering you? You don't seem like yourself." Joey said.

"Oh…it's nothing really. I don want to bother you or anything." She said. Nope. You can talk to me about anything, Elizabeth. Joey said.

"Maybe some other time." She said as they approached the school. (She hasn't been herself the whole day…I hope everything is ok.)

Joey walked her to her class and then walked to his. "Second period…one of my most terrible nightmares is nothing more then gym class." He whispered to himself.

Joey walked into the boys locker room. Everyone stared him down. (The hell?) he thought to himself. Joey shrugged it off and changed into his gym clothes.

"Shit…this means we're playing…seniors!" Joey said. He fell to the floor in agony. "I'm not trying to sweat!" He said in a annoyed way.

"This really,really,sucks man!" He said.

Jackson picked him up by his shirt and dragged him out into the hall.

"Joey…what the hell are you!?" He whispered.

Joey had a confused look on his face. "What are you talking about, Jackson!?" Joey asked.

"Your strength…it's almost like your not human. It's weird but…are you with-" Jackson was interrupted by the sounds of heavy footsteps. Jackson turned around to see no one. He let go of Joey and walked away.

(What the hell is this guy's problem?)

Gym class passed and Joey was alone in the locker room taking a quick shower. As he was rinsing off the soap from his body he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and seen nobody.

(The same sound from when Jackson pulled me to the side! Is it some jinn or…?) Joey turned back around and could see a shadowy figure standing in the corner of the shower. It was foggy, so it was hard for Joey to see.

"Who's there!?" He yelled out.

The shower stopped and Joey stood in the opening with a cold breeze going by.

He took a step forward and noticed he was looking at the edge of a axel.

(Is someone…trying to kill me?) he thought to himself as he ducked to dodged.

The impact of the swing was so powerful, that it put a giant dent in the wall.

Joey looked up to see two giant men staring over him. "You saw that coming kid?" One asked.

Joey said nothing and just stared at them. "You even speak English?" The other asked.

"Are you two supposed to be jinns or something?" Joey asked with a blank expression.

What? The two men asked. "This kid can see us, brother!?"

"Well…I mean yea, why wouldn't I be able to see you?" Joey asked. (Play it cool. These are definitely jinn slayers. I didn't actually think they'd hunt me down to kill me though.)

Joey played it off and grabbed a towel to dry his body. (I'm about to make a run for it…should be able to make it out in the halls.) Joey thought, as he put on his stuff.

He looked towards the door and took off running.

One of the men threw another axe or Joey. Joey ducked and changed directions. (If I can make it to my book bag then I can use the weapon, Ahana have to me!)

Joey jumped at his book bag and quickly opened it up. He grabbed the little blade Ahana gave him and pulled it out.

Both the men stopped and looked gloomily at the weapon. "So she did give him a jinn weapon!" One said.

"Shall we, brother!?" One asked.

The other nodded in approval.

"Ritual: demon dogs!"

"Ritual: demon dogs!"

They both said. Joey noticed the floor turning black and a heads of dogs appeared.

Joey jumped back to see red glowing eyes and very sharp teeth. Their fur was brown and they had claw marks all over their bodies. (There's teeny of them…and I have to dodge the two brother's attacks. This will be tricky.) Joey thought to himself.

All of the dogs surrounded the brothers. "Let's kill him!" He yelled. The other snapped his fingers.

Ten of the dogs lunged towards Joey. Joey opened up all the locker doors and disappeared.

"Where the hell did he-" the man stopped when being kicked in the face. Joey knocked one on the ground and ran towards the other.

The man clapped his hands and the ten demon dogs surrounded him. Joey turned around to see the other ten running right at him.

(One's acting as a shield…the other is being offensive…what's their powers?)

Joey took a step back and moved to the right to dodge all the dogs.

Before Joey could catch his breath, he held the blade behind him to stop the other man's axe from hitting the side of his head.

"Damn. Your a slippery one aren't ya?" The man said.

(Both brothers…their abilities must be connected somehow. This blonde haired one doesn't throw his axe…but the one with stitches all over his body throws and play defense.)

Joey pushed the axe back and kicked the man in his stomach.

Joey was shocked to see the man smiling. "Is that really how you hit with your jinn energy, kid!?" He asked in a Taunting tone.

He grabbed Joey by his leg and threw him across the locker room. Joey banged his head on a locker and made a loud boom noise.

(My vision…it's blurry but I can still manage. My heads bleeding also…damn.)

Joey got up and could see lots of blood dripping from behind his head.

The the ten demon dogs ran at him again. This time, in one swift motion. Joey jumped up and started running on the sides of the lockers. Joey ran and jumped at the dogs. While in air he noticed all of them lined up one by one. While adjusting his body in air, he decapitated all ten of the dogs with multiple strikes.

Joey fell to the ground and held his head. He noticed one of the brothers missing from his view.

Joey spun around to see the man raising the axe above his head. Joey guarded his face and prepared for the worse.

Joey was waiting for the blow to cut off his arms, but instead a red sword came into view and blocked the axe.

(A red sword?) Joey thought to himself as he looked to his right. It was Jackson.

"Jackson of the devil sword?" The man said as he jumped away from Jackson.

Joey couldn't believe his eyes. Joey noticed Jackson wearing glasses that were glowing green. "Your a…Jinn slayer, Jackson!??" Joey asked.

Jackson looked at Joey and rolled his eyes. He focused on the ten dogs and the two brothers in front of him.

"Just shut up and watch, Castle!" He said.

He slowly walked towards the two. They backed away in fear. "Demon dogs…attack!" The blonde haired one yelled.

The ten dogs left the others body and ran at Jackson. Jackson pushed his sword back into the holder and got lowered his back, with his face looking downward.

The ten dogs leaped into the air and where about to read Jackson apart. In a flash, Jackson opened his eyes and all the dogs where cut to pieces.

(I didn't even see him move! What Insane speed!) Joey thought.

Joey grabbed his blade quickly and ran over towards Jackson. Jackson turned around and noticed Joey blocking the other who snuck up behind him.

"The main unit is the one with stitches everywhere on his body. I'll kill him and you take on the ugly one." Jackson explained.

Joey pushed the man back and ran towards him. Meanwhile, Jackson walked towards the other.

"Why are you protecting him? You know he's on the kill list!" The man said.

"I didn't actually believe that, that twerp was a threat to us. And besides…who cares about what the higher ups have to say. I'm alive and I don't plan on meeting them anytime soon."

Jackson held his breath. In a instant, the man's head was falling to the ground. Jackson stared at the man's head and watched it evaporate.

"Peace." Jackson said.

He turned around to see Joey holding his arm and the other brother gone. "Did you kill him?" Jackson asked.

No. Joey said in disappointment.

"That sucks. That means that the other one I just killed will respawn inside his brother. They'll be back later on. Maybe around night." Jackson explained as he took off the glasses.

"Jackson…your a jinn-yeah…I am." Jackson interrupted.

Jackson walked over to Joey and started scolding him. "The day when the power went out…what did you hear or see?" He asked.

Joey got up and brushed himself off. Well I ran out the room because I heard my sister screaming. But when I went into the bathroom it was a jinn. It wanted to kill me!" Joey explained.

Jackson started scratching his head. (So that's why he was always talking to himself. Explains it.)

"So Joey. You killed the jinn?" Jackson asked.

"No. Another jinn slayer came and killed it with no problem. She's not from around her nor is she alive." Joey said. (I won't give him to much information on Ahana. I don't trust Jackson at all!)

(Why the hell do jinns know any Joey of all people dead? And why were these two jinn slayers trying to kill him? There's something us living jinn slayers don't know about. But for now…I'll leave this loser and use him as bait to get answers.)

Jackson turned around and walked out of the locker room. Joey quickly grabbed his bag and ran towards the door.

He looked around to see Jackson no where to be found. (I have so many questions!) Joey thought to himself. He put on his hoodie and walked don the hall and continued on about his day.

After school, Joey sat at the store, waiting for Lily. "What's taking her so long? And why haven't I seen Ahana all damn day?" Joey asked.

Joey noticed a black car parked to his right. Jackson stepped out of the car and waved Joey over.

Joey ignored him and kept looking for Lily.

"Castle, I already told your sister your coming home with me today. I'll drop you off after we're done with our little friends." Jackson explained.

"Umm…if I go with you, where would I be going?" Joey asked.

Jackson walked towards the car. "The place where it all started." He said.