The twisted person

Joey sat down in the living room. Joey couldn't believe how big Jackson's house was.

"This place is like a damn mansion!" Joey yelled.

Jackson locked all the doors and windows. "That's because it is a mansion, Castle."

How long are we gonna have to sit here? Joey asked Jackson. "Well,They're gonna come back. We have to kill them both at once, and we have to find out why they're after you."

Joey got up and started walking around the house. Jackson followed closely behind him. "What the hell are you doing?" Jackson asked Joey.

Joey ignored him and walked up the long stairs and opened the door to a very dark room.

"I've been in here before! I don't know why but I…feel like I've seen this room." Joey explained.

That's Impossible! Jackson said in anger.

Joey walked out the room and slammed the door shut. "That room gives off a dark and sinister presence." Joey said as he walked down stairs.

"It's the room where my whole family was killed by a jinn, when I was younger." Jackson said.

Joey stopped and stood in place. (That's what he meant by his dream…he wants revenge!)

"A jinn? If that's true then…why the hell did it leave you alive?" Joey asked.

Jackson sat back down on the couch and poured him a glass of juice. "I remember it's words clearly. After it killed my father, and mother…I was raised by my butler, Gildon." Jackson explained as he took a sip.

(That explains why I've never seen Jackson smile, and why he's a complete dick!)

"The jinn spoke? So it was a medium level?" Joey asked.

"No. This was a insane level jinn. It had the perfect voice of a woman and a man. To be honest, I don't even know. But I remember…it's the whole reason why I became a jinn slayer." Jackson explained.

(Indians level!? Sounded like a woman and man? I have so many questions but I don't wanna get it more personal than it already is!) Joey thought to himself.

"We wait here until night comes. Then after this is over… I'm gonna figure out why the jinns are after you and us. Not that I care." Jackson said as he turned on the tv.

Jackson stopped on the new Chanel and got off the couch. He walked closer to the tv and stared in amazement.

"Another body was found near the famous "night river" last night. The body has been identified as fifteen year old, Brian Fork! He went to "Heavens gate" high school and was loved by peers and family. Police are doing an investigation in the area, as twenty kids have gone missing or have been found dead near water areas. We are asking residents to be safe when walking at night and to look out for any suspicious activities, thank you." The woman said. Jackson sat next to Joey and started talking to himself.

"All of these kids were blonds…only blonds. And with blue eyes. Every day for the past month or so…people have been dying near water and no one can find the killer. Is this a jinn's doing?"

"Someone told me that there was a strong and evil presence headed this way. Should be here by Friday night." Joey explained to Jackson.

Jackson turned his head in surprise. "How the hell do you-your telling me that whatever's killing these people, is headed to our school?"

"Yea. And it's not a trash level jinn. Thinking maybe a medium, almost high. But if it comes to it…I'll need your help to kill it Jackson." Joey said.

Jackson broke out laughing with tears in his eyes. "Hahaha! You think I need the help from someone like the likes of you!? Think again, this isn't a game, Castle…it's real life! You can just stand aside whenever the jinn attacks, and I'll kill it." Jackson said.

"Jackson…we need to work together to bring down-if I can beat the jinn down, and get answers from it…then I can finally find the one who's linked too it."

(I could never fight along side, Jackson. He's too much of a selfish guy.)

Before Joey could say anything else, he noticed it was dark outside.

"Night already?" He asked.

Jackson grabbed his sword and marched outside. Joey followed behind him.

Jackson sat in a chair and looked straight ahead into the darkness that surrounded the house.

(Why is it night all of a sudden? And did the other twin respawn?)

Jackson heard someone approaching the house at a fast pace.

He pulled out his sword and got ready to attack. A old man walked from the darkness. "I'm glad your here, master." Jackson said.

Joey studied the man. He was wearing a well dressed suit, had a good tooth, and both of his eyes were stitched shut.

(This must be the butler. But he blind! How in the world can he-)

"I see you have company, Jackson." The old man said.

Jackson grabbed Joey by his head and forced his head on the ground. Joey was about to yell at Jackson but realized Jackson was also bowing.

"Yes sir. We have Avery special guest here. One that jinns want dead…and is jinn slayers from the dead." Jackson said in a formal tone.


man turned his head directly in Joey's direction. (He can see me!?) Joey thought to himself.

"I see. Joey, was it?" The man asked.

Joey lifted his head and said yes.

"I see. Well then, Joey. Who's working with you? And do you know why the jinn spirits are after you?" The man asked.

"I'm sorry. But I can't tell you who I'm working with at the moment. But…I don't know why jinns want me dead, or why you slayers want me dead too." Joey said.

Joey noticed that the man was gone. He felt a tap on his shoulder. Joey turned around to see the man standing over him.

"I'm not sensing any strong jinn energy coming from you. Usually in a town like this, where people are happy, enjoy life, and smile. Jinn energy barley happens around here." The man explained.

The man took a closer look at Joey. (Is this boy a jinn user? Is this one reason why they want him dead? They don't want another one of "Kebushie" running around. But he's nothing like him…this kid seems to have a good heart!) the man thought to himself.

Jackson popped up and told the man everything that had happened up until this point.

"I see. Well you better get ready to fight, Jackson and Joey." He said in a calm voice.

Your not gonna help? Joey asked.

"If you want…I can take you two directly to the two twins if you'd like!" He said.

"We'll pass!"

"Take us there now master!"

Joey had disbelief on his face as he listened to Jackson say those painful words.

(No,no,no,no,no! I'm not gonna fight those two again-)

Joey and Jackson were face to face with the two brothers in the middle of a park.

"When the hell did-"

"My master can teleport people as he pleases. Now shut up, it's time to fight and get answers." Jackson said happily.

"Whose brother! We found the guy!" One of them laughed.

Without wasting anytime, the brothers clapped their hands together.

"Ritual: Demon dogs, alpha's howl!

"Ritual; Demon dogs, alpha's betas!

In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of demon dogs surrounding Jackson and Joey. The two brothers emerged together to create a giant wolf-like creature.

It's arms were so huge that they were almost bigger than it's body.

Joey took a couple steps back, while Jackson stood proud and high.

"I'll attack. You just back me up, Castle." Jackson ordered.

Jackson lunged at the giant creature. Jackson raised the sword over his head. Before he could make another move, he felt a powerful punch in his rib area.

Jackson went flying past Joey and into the playground slide.

(Oh sh-) Joey's thoughts where cut short when he felt his jaw being snapped.

He went face first in the ground, his face was covered in dirt.

"Hahaha! They really are weak when we combine like this!" The creature said.

It stood over Joey and placed its giant claws on his head. It raised the other in the air.

"Goodbye brat!"

Joey quickly opened his eyes and stabbed the creature in the eye with the blade Ahana had given him.

(I have to grab on to him quickly!) Joey thought has he grabbed on to the creature's thick, and brown fur.

It let out a howl in pain. The demon dogs all ran towards Joey and the giant wolf.

Before the dogs could reach Joey, Jackson sliced three of them into pieces.

(So-so fast!) Joey thought to himself.

All of the dogs backed off and stayed still.

"You need to get out of here dimwit!" Joey yelled as he protected from some more demon dogs.

Joey noticed he was still on top of the brothers. The creature jumped high in the air and threw him off.

Joey readjusted his body and turned around to face the creature. (I can see the weak point. I think I understand now…how these brothers work.)

"Jackson! I know a way to defeat them!" Joey yelled over while dodging attacks from the monster.

Joey turned around and was staring right in the mouth of the creature.

Jackson rushed over and pulled Joey by the shirt.

(Shit, I'm no help at all! This stupid weapon Ahana gave me does me no good at all! Pulse…if I keep this up then Jack-he'll die! He can't keep protecting me like this.)

Jackson swung his sword recklessly in every direction.

"There's no end to these damn dogs!" Jackson yelled out.

Jackson noticed the sun starting to rise.

(No one knows that my sword speeds up time itself when I swing it…apparently from what Joey told me…they should die by the sun. We're almost there!)

Jackson grabbed Joey and ran in the opposite direction.

"The sun's coming up already!?" Joey asked as he ran beside Jackson.

"It's my power! I speed up time! But right now just run, Castle!"

The dogs were right behind the two. Getting closer by the second.

The two brothers split apart and ran full speed towards Joey.

"Throw the axe and hurry! We can't let him escape!" The man yelled.

Before anything else could happen, Joey threw the knife at the brother with stitches's heart.

The man slowed down in speed and coughed up blood.

(No way! How did this kid know!) the other man thought.

The man with stitches fell to the ground and snapped his fingers.

"Demon dog ability: Warming howl!"

Jackson and Joey froze in place as the dogs got closer and closer.

(Come on sun hurry up and rise!) Joey thought to himself.

"This kid knew about my brother's heart…he didn't throw it at me, even though I was in front! He targeted my brother because he knew he was the man unit from the beginning! And he knew the weak spot from our monster was him!) the man said as he was running full speed with the axe.

Jackson let out a yell in struggle. Blood came from his nose as he tried to move his body. "I refuse to be defeated! Not until I kill the JINN!!" Jackson yelled as he stared moving his body.

He stepped in front of Joey and clutched his sword with a tight grip. The brother swung his axe towards Jackson's face. Jackson blocked it with his sword and grabbed the man by his throat.

(He's very light-wait don't tell me-!)

Jackson turned around to see the same guy getting ready to cut Joey with the axe.

(He made a clone of himself!?) Jackson thought.

Joey watched as the axe was getting closer and closer to his face.

(Come on…you have to move, right now!!) Joey thought.

Just then, he ducked to dodge the axe. Joey punched the man in his rib cage. A loud crack could be heard that sent chills up Joey's spine.

(This kid has jinn energy!?)

The man was sent flying across the playground.

"DONT STOP RUNNING, CASTLE!!" Jackson yelled as a demon dog bit his leg.

Joey turned to see the sun starting to rise over the trees.

"Shit. I have to keep running!" Joey said as he limped away.

A dog grabbed him by the foot and dragged him to the ground. Mutuel were biting him now. The man came back and jumped on top of Joey. He swung his axe, but Joey caught it and stopped it.

(He's being torn apart, had a broken jaw,but yet…you still protect your head!?) the man thought in frustration.

Both Joey and the man let out yells of struggle.

"Just die!!!" The man yelled.

Jackson jumped on top of the man and started choking him out with his sword.

Joey could feel his flesh being pulled apart by the dogs as he tried to hold off the guy's attack.

(That's it!) Jackson thought to himself as he let go of the guy, and started swinging his sword in the air.

The sun was rising much quicker now. After five seconds, the sun was finally visible.

"Shit, shit, shit, brother we need to-"

The demon dogs disappeared and the man had a scared look on his face.

"The dogs are gone?" Joey asked.

The man let go of Joey and took off running towards his brother. The man fell to the ground in fear with his legs shaking uncontrollably.

Joey turned around to see Ahana standing in the distance on the playground set.

Jackson turned around and froze. (There's no way that Joey- no fucking way.) Jackson thought as he removed his jinn glasses.

"Looks like times up! You guys did better than expected though!" Ahana said with a smile.

The man grabbed his brother and tried to run. Ahana clapped her hands and was already in front of the two.

"Remember our little deal?" She asked.

"I-if you kill us then our leaders will see you as a rule breaker!" The man said.

You think I care about the higher ups? We'll think again! I could care less what you other jinn slayers from the spirit world have to say about me. In fact…if they hate me…tell them to come and kill me! Ahana laughed.

She pointed at the man that was scared the most. He dropped his brother on the ground and ran again.

"Bang." Ahana whispered.

Joey watched as a giant hole was made in the man's stomach.

The man fell to the ground with organs falling from his body. Blood was everywhere.

Jackson was bout to put back on his glasses,but Joey grabbed his hand and shook his head no.

"You'd wish you didn't have eyes like me." Joey said.

Ahana looked at the other brother who was on the ground wounded.

"Screw you." He whispered to Ahana,as he spit in her face.

Ahana whipped the spit from her face with her finger, and put the finger in her mouth.

"Do you want to hear something interesting?" She asked.

The man said nothing as he stared at her.

"No? Well then, never mind." She said.

She stood over the man and grabbed him by the arm. She stomped on his arm, breaking it in half.

The man let out a painful scream. Joey watched with horror on his face. And Jackson stared at Joey.

"The two twins of death…the weakest out of all spirit jinn slayers. Why even skip the trials? Why not be reunited with your mom?" Ahana said tauntingly.

The man true d his body over and tried to throw a punch with his right arm. Ahana grabbed the man's fist and sat on him.

"You both were poor and had a sick mom. Your dad didn't do anything, but both wanted you to join the military. Which is why when u were shot and killed…you wanted to be a jinn slayer! To accomplish your mother's dream!" Ahana whispered.

"But I feel sorry for her…because she raised such weak men. Her dream…dies with the both of you." Ahana said.

She crushed the man's fist with her bare hand and laughed at his pain.

"I hope they can all just kill you! Why…why do they keep you alive!? Why do you have such Insane power!? Why…why are you so cruel?" The man asked.

Ahana's smile disappeared from her face. "What's cruel is this world. Not me…old friend."

Ahana pointed at the back of the man's head. The man started to cry.


Brain parts went flying everywhere and the guy's head was completely gone.

Joey couldn't speak, he was too scared to say anything.

Ahana walked over to Joey and Jackson. She leaned over and took a squat in front of Joey.

"You did good to last this long, Joey-boy. I'm proud of you!"

(Wait…she's the one who sent them after me?) Joey thought to himself.

Ahana tapped Joey on the head and healed all of his injuries. She did the same with Jackson.

Jackson put on his glasses and froze up again.

("If you ever meet you ever meet a jinn slayer with a eye patch on her left eye, blue hair, not to tall or short, and very powerful, do yourself a favor and run…as fast and far as you can,Jackson. And if she's ever associated with a living human…stay away from them!) Jackson remembered his master's words clearly.

He took a step back, slowly. Ahana glared at him. "I bet you both are very scared. Trust me, I'm not crazy. I just have history with them!" Ahana said with a smile.

(Her smile is real…I'm always good with smiles. But something's off. And I couldn't even get answered from the two.) Joey thought to himself.

Jackson…why are you so quiet all of a sudden? Joey asked.

Jackson said nothing and put his sword away. "See you at the game." He said as he walked away.

Ahana stared Jackson down and licked her lips. "Ahana…why did you kill them? Wasn't there another way?" Joey asked.

Ahana ignored him. "You should get ready for school. Today's the day anyways, so be prepared. She said as she disappeared.

Joey stood there alone in the middle of the park. He noticed people staring at him in their cars.

(Shit. Got to get home!) Joey ran quickly to his house and bursted through the door.

Joey grabbed his lungs as he was out of breath. "Anyone home!?" He yelled out.

I've told you about that yelling, boy! His grandmother yelled from upstairs.

She took her time walking down the old-wooded steps. "Why didn't you come home last night!? Why are you dirty!? Are you going to school!?" His grandmother asked him.

"Oh…I over slept at Jackson's place last night, I'm very sorry!" Joey said.

"Well…Lily already went to school. Your a couple hours late but it's fine. Now go get ready!" She said.

Joey marched upstairs and into his room. He slammed the door and pulled out a map of the school.

(Ok so the jinn comes today. Tonight there's a football game also, but Jackson will be there. What I need to do is stop as many people as possible from going. But that's gonna be hard…considering both teams are undefeated. There's gonna be a couple thousand people there tonight.)

Joey studied the map closely. "There's two entrances to the field. We have a front and back way. If I could just stop people from entering then…but how?" Joey asked himself.

"They're gonna have officers at the entrance at all times. So If I was to make some noise like a loud boom or claim someone has a gun…it will send people away, in a panic of course."

Joey stopped for a moment and thanked even harder.

"Wait…the person who's working with the jinn knows me…that means they're gonna be at the game tonight! I just have to stay close to the people I usually talk to and keep an eye on them-wait no, no, I still have to get rid of all the civilians. That means I'll just…I'll wait for the jinn to arrive…then people should flee inside the building for cover. That will give me time to get Jackson and Ahana to take the jinn down. Ok, that does it!"

Joey layer down on his bed and drifted off to sleep.

(I'll wake up before the game and head to the school. Screw going to school right now…I'm tired.) Joey thought to himself as he went to sleep.

Next chapter: Friday Night Lights Of Hell

Coming in 5 days