No matter the pain!

Joey ran down the halls, hoping to find somebody.

He turned the corner and saw the jinn standing there, just looking at him.

"You can't run away from me with her in your hands kid. I am cursing her after all!"

The jinn waved it's sword around in a circular motion. (I can't run anymore…just have to fight!) Joey thought to himself as he lunches at the jinn.

The jinn smiled wide and disappeared. Joey jumped into the wall and felt a giant hand grab him by the head.

"Let's go outside, boy!" It said.

The jinn threw Joey through the wall. Joey landed head first outside in the rain.

Joey felt a burning sensation go throughout his body.

Joey let out screams of pain. Meanwhile, the jinn sat in the hole and laughed at Joey from


"My ritual makes people feel the pits of hell with my rain! Don't worry though, your not dying or anything. Your just feeling what others like me are going through!!" The jinn laughed.

"It hurts, god it hurts!!" Joey yelled.

Joey quickly ran back into the building and collapsed on the floor. (I have to hurry and get…to the second floor.)

Joey tried to push himself up off the ground, but he fell back down.

(All my muscles are cramping! That rain was so hot…but I my skin isn't melting away. What's the meaning of this? Is this some kind of allusion?) Joey thought to himself.

He heard lots of footsteps coming from behind. People trampled over his body. Everyone was stomping on Joey as they were running away from something.

While on the ground, Joey turned his head and noticed the jinn in the crowd slashing people in half.

"Someone's killing us!" The people screamed.

"Everyone calm down!!" Joey yelled as people pushed past him.

(They can't see the jinn like I can. But if I fight the jinn now…it'll look suspicious! I can't just swing my little blade at the air to these people!)

"Screw it." Joey said to himself.

Him and the jinn made direct eye contact with each other. The jinn made a smile that sent chills down Joey's spine.

Joey ran towards he jinn as people where still running in the opposite direction.

"Come here boy!" It yelled.

The jinn threw a body through the air and at Joey.

Joey slid on the ground to dodge and got back up. Joey jumped in the air punched the jinn in the face.

The jinn was sent flying into the wall. "Hey,hey,hey! Not bad kid! Not bad at all!" The jinn yelled as he pushed himself out of the wall.

(Where's Jackson? Lily? Elena? Ahana? Feels like I'm all alone here. I'm still not strong enough…I can't beat him without my own jinn weapon. I haven't been pushed to my limits yet!)

While in thought. Joey felt a crazy amount of pain in his stomach. He was punched by the jinn, as blood came from his mouth.

Joey pulled out the blade and paused.

"That's your jinn weapon?" The jinn asked with a smile.

Joey ignored him and wiped the blood from his head. (Head was cut. But nothing too serious. I need to fight…I have to protect everyone in this building!)

"Water binding: water shuriken!" Water flowed in the air and formed into two giant shuriken.

The jinn grabbed both of them slowly and laughed at Joey.

"What's so funny?" Joey asked.

"You humans…I wonder why you all fear death so much! It's not that bad after all, Joey!" It said.

"I believe know one should be scared of death. But some of us aren't ready to leave yet." Joey said with his chest high.

"Don't give me that crap! That girl, Elena wants you dead! All for me to save her brother! Hahaha!! It's so funny how we all get portrayed by the ones we trust or know most! Am I right, Joey!?"

Joey had a angry look on his face. He gripped the blade tighter than before.

"If I were you I'd want her dead! Believe me, Joey. I know all about betrayal And revenge. You know why!?"

Joey said nothing. He stared at the jinn in a very bland way.

"Haha! Look at that face of yours! It's so angry and ready to kill me! I have an idea! Why don't you let me kill you and you become a jinn? I can torture you for all eternity and keep killing you over and over again! Or how about you let me slaughter all the people in the building? Let me eat your guts? Let me watch you bleed out? Make you beg for your life?!" The jinn laughed as it started scratching itself.

"Your a crazy son of a bitch!" Joey said.

The jinn froze and soon started hitting itself repeatedly.

"I'm gonna enjoy playing with you, Joey! Me…ME!! Because I'm ALASTOR!!" The jinn yelled as he grabbed the two giant shuriken and threw them at Joey. Joey ducked, but ended up getting cut on the right side of his face.

The giant shuriken flew past Joey and made a huge hole in the wall. Joey could see outside now through the hole.

"Your aim isn't the best!" Joey taunted.

"Haha! I wasn't aiming for you kid! One of them already slashed your face, which means you'll be paralyzed before long! My water has poison in it also!" The jinn laughed.

(That has to be a lie, Or is he serious!?)

Joey was about to run towards the jinn until he heard a loud noice coming from behind him.

Joey turned around to see the shuriken coming back. He quickly ducked again and watched as the jinn caught them.

Water slowly entered the building. (He's controlling the water from outside?!) Joey thought.

Joey leaped in the air and threw his blade at the jinn.

The jinn used both the giant shuriken to block the blade.

"Now you've lost your weapon, bo-"

The jinn noticed that Joey was gone and no where to be found. (Where'd he go!?)

Suddenly, the jinn felt a sharp pain in his back. "What the hell!?" It said in pain.

Joey placed one of the bugs on the jinn's back and watched it burn him.

(How did this brat know about my insects? How did he know they harm me? How is he able to touch them for so long!?)

"Your probably wondering how I'm able to touch such a poison thing. All around the school you changed the appearance of these into portals,bugs,or a damn mist. The first time I touched one, I noticed that it paralyzed my finger and burnt me. After touching them over and over again, my body became immune to your little poison!" Joey explained.

The jinn turned around and swung its long arms at Joey. Joey jumped back and did a flip in the air to dodge.

"Your a smart one aren't you?" The jinn asked.

The jinn closed its eyes and snapped it's fingers. A wave of water came from behind it and flooded the hall.

Joey was lifted from the ground and launched into the wall.

(He's using the waters pressure to push me back! It feels like I'm standing in the ocean…and there's strong waves trying to push me back!)

Joey went through the walls again and ended up back outside.

Paint went through Joey's body as it felt like fire was on him.

"Ahhh!! Shit,shit,shittt!!" He yelled in pain.

The jinn jumped out of the school and landed in front of Joey.

Joey crawled on the ground as he could barley stand.

"Look at you, you pathetic little human! Why even be alive if you can't even go through hell!?" He jinn asked as it stomped on Joey head repeatedly.

Joey said nothing as he covered his head with both his hands.

Cmon kid, give me an answer! What's so good about life, huh? What makes you so feared that my master wants you dead!? Your a nobody! You care about life and cherish it, I can tell! Hahaha! It's funny to watch you humans give up hope and suffer!" The jinn laughed.

The jinn stopped kicking Joey in the head and noticed he was passed out.

"ANSWER MEEE!!" It yelled.

"Get the hell away from him, you ugly freak!"

The jinn turned around to see Jackson standing in the opening where Joey went through.

(Another jinn slayer!? Interesting, I see he also has the demon sword. I'll add it to my collection!)

Jackson stared down at the jinn and Joey. (The rains hot. Everyone else is on the top floor and waiting for police. Everyone thinks is a attack…but that's good. Anyways,I can't beat the jinn outside. I need him to come in here…but I can move fast enough to just…)

Jackson stared at the jinn and lowered his head.

"Water binding: archery!"

A bow and arrow appeared in front of the jinn as he grabbed it quickly and shot at Jackson.

(Demon slash, first attack: unknowing roar!)

In a flash, Jackson flew past the arrow and right in the jinns face.

The jinn leaned back in surprise. (This kid's fast! But not fast enough, my rain will still hit him and I'll be able to kill him!)

The jinn was shocked to see Jackson still swing his sword. (He's still going!? Don't you feel pain?)

The jinn quickly jumped back and pulled out his water sword. "What's the meaning of this!?"

Jackson kept running towards the jinn, even thought the rain was clearly making contact with him.

The jinn and Jackson started moving through the school campus as both of them dodged,blocked,and swung at each other.

The jinn kicked Jackson in his stomach and sent him flying into a ground.

"You don't feel all that heat!?" The jinn asked in surprise.

Jackson raised his head slowly and brushed off his coat. "The pain of hell. Even that can't stop me from finding the one. And besides, the pain I've already experienced in life is far greater than hell!" Jackson said as he slowly walked towards the tall jinn.

(This kid…how amusing! He doesn't even know that there's poison in the water! Hahaha!!)

"Water binding: water flow!"

Some of water in the rain joined together and formed what looked to be a clear goo. The jinn waved its hands and controlled the water.

The water went straight towards Jackson's face. Jackson slashed it in half.

"Dance for me, demon sword holder!!"

Jackson dodged each of the goo-like substances.

(Shit! Joey, Joey, you need to wake the hell up! The rains not real! It may feel like your burning but…it's a illusion! Move past the pain!) Jackson thought.

Joey stayed on the ground; knocked out, as Jackson was struggling to dodge the Jinn's attack.

(I can't move my body. And the rain feels just like fire. I can't move or feel my body!)

Just then. Joey started having memories of when he was younger.

(I have to move…no matter the pain! This pain is nothing from when you,Lily,and mom where homeless and on the streets! Come on, move body!)

Joey slowly started to push himself off the ground and looked at Jackson. Jackson was being beat and thrown around as if he was a plaything.

(Move,ignore the pain and push forward! Move,move,move, MOVEEE!!! Don't be the useless kid everyone thinks you are!)

The jinn started to choke out Jackson. Blood came from Jackson's mouth as he tried to grab the jinn be the wrist.

Joey tried to push off the ground, but his body wasn't budging.

"HEY ALASTOR!!" Joey yelled while on the ground and soaked wet.

The jinn turned its head and looked at Joey with an ugly look on its face.

"Don't kill him." Joey whispered as he crawled towards the jinn, with Jackson in it's hand.

"Don't kill him!? Hahaha! You humans really are funny! Why would you want him alive, Joey? He's bullied you your whole life! Stolen from you! Walked over you! And even talked about your dying mother! I know all this because my bugs have been listening for the longest time!" The jinn laughed.

"I know Jackson's a piece of shit but…we only get one chance at life. It's not something we can replay like a video game." Joey whispered.

(This kid…)

"Every life is precious. Even yours, Alastor. You never know when it will be the last time you see someone,eat your favorite food,lose a leg,smell the beautiful nature around us. That's why life is so precious. Because we always have to treasure the moments or years we experience…in the end, we all die." Joey whispered.

The jinn dropped Jackson and just stared at Joey.

The jinn started scratching its face until blood shot everywhere from it. "Those words…your just like her!" The jinn said in anger.

(What's he talking about? And Jackson looks to be out of it. I need to hurry up and stand, damn it!)

The jinn began punching the ground repeatedly in anger. "Die,die,die,die, just shut up and DIE!!" The jinn yelled as it rushed over to Joey.

Joey quickly pushed himself off the ground and into the air.

(Not yet. I can't die just yet!)

"Water binding: water tide!"

Some of the rain drops changed into sharp looking needles and where being shot right at Joey.

Joey dodged and dodged while the jinn was swinging his sword.

"Water shuriken!"

Four giant shuriken where made out of water and thrown right at Joey.

(Keep dodging! Don't stop, Joey! Move your body at all cost!)

Joey was getting cut all over his body. The jinn landed a good kick on his chest and sent him flying.

"Time to die, Joey!" The jinn laughed.

"Water binding: Jinn thundering strike!"

Joey watched as all the moves where headed in his direction.

(I'm dead. And so is everyone in the building! And Jackson! Is it really over?) Joey thought to himself.

(No. I can't die…not yet! I need to keep the promise I made to Lily! That the both of us would live happy lives and take core of mom! Until that happens…I can't die. No, I won't die!)

The rain stopped and so did the jinns attack.

"What's the meaning of this?" The jinn asked as it stared at Joey.

Joey's body was surrounded by jinn energy.

(What's this?) the jinn thought.

"I can't die. Not until I fulfill my dream!" Joey said with confidence.

Jackson rolled over and looked in shock. "Your dream, Joey?"

"My dream…is to be happy with my friends and family down the road of my life! That's all I ever wanted, true happiness!!" Joey yelled to the jinn.

A purple ray came from the sky and right in front of Joey's face.

(There's no way! The brat reached his limit and it's open to him now!?) the jinn thought to itself.

Joey stared at the beam. As though it was calling his name.

Two pistols and a double barrel shotgun with symbols on it fell from the beam and onto the ground in front of Joey. "What's this? My jinn slayer weapons!?" Joey asked himself.

Jackson couldn't believe his eyes. "The legendary peacemaker pistols and peacekeeper shotgun!? That's his jinn weapons?"

The jinn stood in disbelief and watched as Joey grabbed both the pistols and put the shotgun underneath his belt.

"Dual pistols and a shotgun? That's not normal, not at all! What kind of weapons are those!?" The jinn asked in anger.

The ray disappeared in the sky. Joey stood high and held both the pistols tight in his hands. (Both have little blades on the end for close combat. One reads "death", the other reads "of jinns." Joey said to himself. (Both guns have two shots each. After that I have to reload. I only have four shots in total. But these blades underneath the trigger will help with close combat.) Joey thought to himself.

"Show me what you got boy!" The jinn called out.

"Sure thing." Joey responded.

Joey twirled the pistols around on his fingers and took aim. The jinn quickly jumped out of the way and pulled out its sword.

Joey shot one bullet from each pistol. The jinn used it's sword to block the bullets. The jinn looked to see Joey gone from view.

It turned around to see Joey's fist headed towards its face. (This kid…he's using his jinn energy to move faster and make his strikes stronger! What an amazing kid!) Joey sent a barrage of punches at the jinn's stomach. The jinn coughed up blood as Joey was punching him repeatedly at a very fast pace.

Joey kicked the jinn into the wall of the school and started beating his face in. "Get off of me!!" The jinn yelled as it pushed Joey away with water.

Joey pulled the pistols out quickly and shot the jinn in both shoulders. "I can't raise my arms, anymore!" The jinn said to itself.

Joey reloaded the pistols and threw them across his face to swap hands. He shot twice and hit the jinn in its neck and chest area. The jinn fell to the ground. (These guns…they slow my ritual and the flow of my jinn energy!) The jinn thought to itself.

Joey quickly pulled out the shotgun and pointed it at the jinns head. (This can't be how I die! Not to this brat! All those kids that I've killed to get where I am today! I refuse to die to someone who's just like her!!) the jinn raised it's head quickly. "Water binding: snake lunge!" The Jinns neck grew longer. It opened its mouth wide, towards Joey's neck. (Shit. I can't dodge it in time!) Joey thought to himself as he tried to lean back.

Jackson was on the ground and passed out. He could hear a familiar voice calling his name. "Jackson! Jackson! Wake up! You have to wake up…or our last hope will die and it'll all be for nothing!!)

Joey opened his eyes wide and tightened the grip around his sword. "Demon sword. Second attack: traveling hell strike!"

A red beam came from Jackson's sword and was headed right for the jinn's head and Joey's.

When the traveling slash was close enough, the jinn shrunk it's neck to avoid the slash. The slash traveled through the building and set a fire. (I can't see the boy!) the jinn thought to itself.

Joey then, jumped through the flame and put the shotgun in it's mouth. "Alastor! You have a good soul." Joey said before squeezing the trigger. Parts of the jinn's head went flying in the air.

Joey fell to the ground while out of breath. "Is it…finally over? Did I-did we actually kill him?" Joey asked himself while looking up at the stars.

Joey looked beside him to see Alastor's head right beside his. "Well done kid, you actually managed to kill me!" he said. Joey stared at Alalstor with gloomy eyes. "I'll disappear. My real body is somewhere else though. Don't worry, I already know who's waiting there." The jinn said.

Joey put his hand on Alastor's head. He was having a quick vision of human-Alastor running around with a beautiful girl. He was happy and full of life. "She was very beautiful. After she passed away…that took a toll on you." Joey whispered in his ear. Tears began to fill up Alastor's eye balls as his head was starting to disappear. (Joey Castle. The boy with a kind heart indeed.) the jinn thought as it disappeared.

Joey smiled and crawled toward Jackson. "Thanks for the help, asshole." He whispered as he passed out next to Jackson on the ground.

Meanwhile near a river not far from the school. Alastor's body was pale and watery.

He stared, as Ahana stood over him with a smile on her face.

Next chapter: Past and Information

Coming in 6 days