Past and information

Ahana sat on the ground next to the jinn. "You trained that boy?" It asked her.

"You should save your energy. It's not good to talk when your about to lose your life, Alastor." Ahana said with a smile.

(How does she know my name?)

"I know your name because I see all, hear all, and because I am all." Ahana explained.

"Your…your Her!? Why the hell are you here?" The jinn asked in a frantic tone.

"I must be very popular among the underworld, I see! That's kinda cool, actually!" Ahana said as she let out a cute laugh.

Just kill me already. The jinn said as he looked up at the stars.

"I bet it's amazing up there. In internal life, it must be the most peaceful and beautiful thing to experience. To be able to be free,live forever,not experience pain, and have happiness."

"Kill me!" The yelled in a tearful way.

Ahana changed her gaze from the stars to the jinn. "Your body is still here. That's because you made a deal with Jackson's little girlfriend! The deal was, if you were to die…she'd also have to be killed."

"I'm…I'm not proud of making a deal with such a young person. But…I had no choice, Ahana." The jinn explained.

"No choice? Who's commanding you? And who wants Joey killed?" Ahana asked.

"I can't say. Just watch your back at all times! That piece of shit if pure evil! Way worse than me!"

"Your not evil. Your just a kid who turned into a jinn and wanted revenge, But thank you." Ahana said.

For what? The jinn asked.

"For talking to me silly! Most of you jinns are just evil to the core! You actually show sympathy. You and Jackson will share the same pain in a couple of moments though. He too is about to lose someone he loves." Ahana said.

"But before that happens you need to answer my questions. Where you the one who killed all those kids from the high school?" Ahana asked.


"You where searching for Joey?"

"Yes and no. It's all just a coincidence. All those kids I killed…where the children of the bullies I had in school."

Ahana had a surprised look on her face as she leaned in closer to hear the jinn speak.

"I was sent here to search for a boy named Joey, who has the potential to destroy the bosses plan. But…all those kids…they looked just like their parents! I wanted my bullies to know what it felt like to lose someone so close to them! Just like I did, you see. After I killed and haunted all of their kids, I was full of happiness. I laughed at their pain and loved every single second of it!" The jinn laughed.

(At the end of the day…he's still a jinn. But I do understand.) Ahana thought to herself.

"The girl you loved took her life because of the bullies…right? Then after that, she cursed you because she didn't wanna leave you, then you killed yourself because you couldn't take being cursed anymore, which completely banished her." Ahana explained.

The jinn said nothing. He just looked up. "Tell the boy with the demon sword that I'm sorry. He'll have to kill that girl in order to kill me."

Ahana closed her eye and lowered her head.

"He knows what to do." She said.

Back at the school, Jackson and Joey cleared everyone out of the burning building and watched as the police handled the fire.

"I'm glad we woke up in time! Otherwise everyone would have burnt to a crisp!" Joey said.

Lily was sitting beside Joey in the fire truck and held him tight in her arms.

"I was so worried. We heard gunshots,someone yelling,and the rain was super hot! Wait…where's Jackson!? Wasn't he with you?" Lily asked Joey.

Joey shrugged his shoulders and looked at the school.

Jackson was wondering the dark halls and ended up in the girls bathroom. "Elena. I know your in here, just come out, We can talk about this."

Elena opened up the stall and waved Jackson in. Jackson walked in and locked the door. He could see Elena sitting on the floor, next to the toilet with her head down.

Jackson took a seat on the floor in front of her. Elena had guilt all over her face.

"So…your a jinn hunter too, huh? You and Joey." Elena asked.

(People that are cursed can see the memories of the jinns that are cursing them.)

"Yea. We both are jinn hunters." Jackson said in a dry tone.

"Jackson…I know how this works. You have to kill-shut up." Jackson interrupted. Elena had a confused look on her face as Jackson's hair covered up the sadness in his eyes.

"I don't want to kill the person that I've always loved…even as a younger kid! If you die, Elena…all I'll have is one person in my live that I care about." Jackson whispered.

Elena looked at Jackson with disbelief and turned it into a pretty smile. She placed her hand on the right side of Jackson's face and lifted his head up. "No matter what happens ,what you do or where I'll go in the afterlife. I'll still always love you with all my heart, Jackson." Elena said with a smile.

Tears ran from Jackson's eyes, to down his face. He lifted up his head to reveal sad and painful eyes.

Elena started to cry and hugged Jackson tightly. "Don't be so sad, I'll be able to see you. You just can't see me." Elena laughed.

Jackson wrapped his arms around Elena. "That doesn't make me any happier, you damn idiot."

Elena pulled Jackson's head in for a kiss. "My last kiss. Goodbye…Jackson. And always remember to surround yourself with positive people in your life! You'll never be alone!" Elena said before kissing Jackson one last time.

Jackson closed his eyes, slowly pulled out his sword. He held Elena tight in his arms and cried softly. "Be happy and love others around you! They'll be your true friends in the very end. Goodbye…Jackson."

Jackson quickly drove his sword in Elena's stomach and pulled it out slowly. Her blood shot everywhere in the bathroom stall as he held her body tight in his arms.

Elena's body was starting to disappear. She stared into Jackson's eyes as she could feel herself losing life. (I almost forgot…to say sorry to you Joey. I just wanted my brother to get better, That's all! I just regret one thing about me and you…and that's not getting able to be your friend. I was always jealous of how happy you were, even when people talked bad about you. I can't believe I was jealous of the biggest loser in school, hahaha! Take good care of Jackson for me, Joey!)

Jackson cried as Elena's body went soft. "She's dead. I-I killed Elena!" Jackson said to himself as he sat on the floor crying in he blood.

He put his hands over his eyes to cover the tears.

Back at the river where Ahana and the jinn sat. The jinn started to disappear into the air.

"Looks like he did it." Ahana said in a dry tone as she stared at the ground.

She looked over to see the jinn smiling. (He's smiling before death?) she thought to herself.

(That means Elena is dead! I'll disappear, now and join Cassidy in the great lands.)

Alastor started reminiscing on the good times he had a a kid with his best friend, Cassidy.

(We always played together, ate together, slept together, fought with each other, and were broke with each other. I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you back then from all of the bullies…I'm sorry I was so weak to fight for you! In the end…I could never tell you how much I loved you. You were so beautiful and strong, but I was the true weak one in the end. And I'm sorry, Cassidy.) Alastor thought while he was disappearing.

"That's not true!" A woman's voice whispered in Alastor's ear.

He turned around to see a very beautiful woman staring at him. (C-Cassidy!? Your not a jinn anymore! Which means…you made it into the light place after all! Sadly I can't go with you, not this time. I'm sorry.)

"There's no need to be sorry, Alastor. Wherever you go, I'll go too! We can go to hell together or be banished." Cassidy said.

Alastor had tears run down his face as he sprinted over and hugged Cassidy. Cassidy stepped from the light and turned into a jinn. They both held hands and walked into the flames of hell together.

Ahana watched, Alastor's head as he kept the smile on his face the whole time. Eventually, Alastor was no more and disappeared.

Ahana got up from the ground and clapped her hands. She teleported right in front of Joey.

Joey was sitting in the fire truck still as everyone was getting ready to leave.

"I know you can't say anything because your sister is right there. Just tell me where Jackson is, Joey boy." Ahana said.

Joey pointed at the school.

Ahana found Jackson laying on the ground with blood everywhere.

(He's not wearing his glasses, so he can't hear or see me right now. I guess…I'll leave for now. I bet it sucks to kill the persons you love. That's tuff.) Ahana thought to herself as she walked out the bathroom.

Joey and Lily hugged each other tightly. "How am I supposed to know that you couldn't see me!?" Joey yelled at Lily.

"Oh shut the hell up! You went off running away when the terrorist or whatever attacked the school! I don't wanna hear a damn thing, loser!"

Joey felt his emotions building up.

"Fat face!" He yelled.

"Mole rat!" Lily screamed back.

"You look like a damn monkey!"

"Oh shut the hell up! We look the damn same you idiot!"

"Screw you! Everyone knows I look the best and you know it!"

"In your dreams, Joey! Men don't look better than woman and that's a fact."

"Well I sure hope so! You look more manly than you do womanly!" Joey laughed.

Ahana walked alone down the streets of the town. Multiple police cars where in the area. "Joey really did it. He killed the medium level jinn! And what's better, I can see he's unlocked his weapons! Very good, Joey boy, very good indeed! Keep this up and you'll be able to fight high level jinns in no time! His powers are coming along well. But be ready Joey. For our enemies aren't just gonna be jinns! People in the Jinn slayer ranks want your head too apparently." Ahana said to herself with a smile.

"This is gonna be fun."

Next chapter: The lockdown

Coming in 3 days