The cursed one

Joey was in line early in the morning m, waiting to get on the bus and take a nice nap. "Remember why we're here in the first place, Castle." Jackson snarled.

Joey turned his head around slowly and looked at Jackson head-to-toe. "Your still in your pajamas, dumb ass." Joey mumbled.

Jackson looked at his pants and shirt. He rolled his eyes and put on his headphones quickly.

"Yea…I shut his ass up." Joey whispered to himself.

Jackson leaned in closer to Joey's ear. "What was that, Castle!?" He asked in a demanding voice.

Joey turned around confused. "Oh nothing." He said in a dry tone.

Joey had on tight jeans with a white tank top, and a flannel jacket. "It's five in the morning. Why the hell did they make us wake up so late?" Lily asked Joey.

Joey shrugged and waited patiently, as he moved closer and closer to the bus door.

He noticed a very pretty girl walking through the crowd of people. Joey stared her down, hard.

"That's not your goal. You little shit." Jackson said.

"She's hot, man! But i know you people don't like me like that." Joey said.

"Excuse me!" Jackson yelled to the girl as she turned around. "My friend here said you can cut AND sit with him on the bus!" Jackson yelled over.

Joey turned red and looked straight in front of him. "No, but thanks! He's ugly,doesn't dress well,and poor!" The girl yelled over as she went onto another bus.

Joey's jaw dropped in disbelief as he just stared off into space. (No way he just did that. And screw that girl!) he thought to himself.

Eventually, all three of them ended up on the bus and took their seats. Joey and Lily sat together, as Jackson sat across from them, with no one in his seat.

"I'm about to sleep the whole ride." Lily said as she let out a loud yawn. "There's no need to be so loud, Lily. Try to cover your mouth next time!" Joey said.

"I'll keep watch. You go ahead and get rest, Castle!" Jackson said.

Jackson looked to his left to see Lily and Jackson both leaning on each other sleep.

Jackson felt the bus moving as he stared off into the window. (It's been a week and one day, since the death of Elena and her little brother. I also meant to ask my master about Ahana. He seemed very spooked when he talked about a "spirit with blue hair". I haven't even seen her around Joey that much!) Jackson thought to himself.

A tall guy with white hair and scars over his face, sat next to Jackson on the bus. Jackson took a look over and stared at the guy. "Who the hell are you?" Jackson asked the guy.

"I'm Jodi. Nice too finally meet you, Joey?" Jodi asked. Jackson had a confused look on his face as he looked up and down at the guy. "Joey's the one who's sleeping. What do you want with him?" Jackson asked.

Jodi stared at Joey while he slept and quickly turned his gaze towards Jackson. "You wouldn't understand." He said in a calm voice.

Jodi was covered in scars, wore a mask around his mouth, and covered his arm with a piece of cloth.

"Me and Joey…do things together. I'm pretty sure I would understand." Jackson replied.

Jodi gave Jackson an odd look. "What do you mean by "things"?" Jodi looked at Joey then back at Jackson. "Are you two gay perhaps?" He asked.

Jackson busted out laughing, almost to the point where tears came from his eyes. Jodi stared at Jackson with a blank look on his face and said nothing as, Jackson laughed.

Jackson stopped laughing and looked at Jodi with a serious look on his face. "Yea, don't ever say that again." He said.

Jodi scratched his head in confusion. "I'll just ask from the jump then. Do you know what a jinn is?" Jodi asked.

Jackson rolled his eyes."yes. Me and Joey have fought a medium level jinn. He defeated it though." Jackson explained.

Jodi stored at Joey and laughed. "I would hope he'd be able to kill a medium level jinn! They're not that strong, so it should've been no problem, right?" Jodi asked.

Jackson stared in amazement. (This guy makes it sound like medium jinns are nothing! Is he that strong!?)

Jackson ignored Jodi and stared out the window, to admire the trees. "So…who sent you here to meet Joey?" Jackson asked as he looked off into the distance.

"Ahana sent me here to back him up." Jodi said.

Jackson turned his head in shock and grabbed Jodi by his shoulders. "How do you know Ahana!?" Jackson asked in a frantic tone.

Jodi stared at Jackson's hand on his shoulder. "I wouldn't touch me too much if I were you." Jodi warned.

"What was that?" Jackson asked.

Jodi removed Jackson's hands slowly from his shoulder. "Calm down, he didn't mean it." Jodi whispered

(Who is he talking to?" Jackson thought.

"And to answer your question, yes I'm with Ahana. I know her because I'm her first student or pup. A pup is short for student. But she saved my live…so I owe her my own. And I was sent here to help Joey on his mission, she told me about you guys going on a trip. She found out from Joey, so she assigned me on this mission!" Jodi explained.

(I sense no strong jinn energy coming from this guy. What could he possibly do!?) Jackson thought.

"Who were you talking too earlier?" Jackson asked.

Jodi smiled hard and pointed up. "My mother!"

Jackson looked up and felt his heart stop. He was looking at two giant eye balls, two horns on top, with red-glowing jinn energy around them, and hair. It looked like the outline of a jinn.

Jackson nearly fell out of his seat while looking at it. Jackson quickly took off his glasses and looked back out the window.

(This kids cursed by a jinn!? And it's his own mom!? How the hell is he even controlling that thing? Shouldn't she have made a deal with him instead or something!?)

"Why a scary Jinn." Jackson replied.

Jodi sat back, relaxed, and took off his shoes as he closed his eyes. "Yeah well, she protects me! She is my mom after all! But I still don't know how she died or who killed her, she won't tell me or ever speak about it. But one day I wanna find out and ask the person why the did what they did to my mother!" Jodi said with determination in his voice.

"I see. Same goes here though! A unknown jinn killed my family right in front of me as a child, I just can't remember what the damn thing looked like! But it's voice…it sounded so familiar to someone I've heard before." Jackson said to Jodi.

"So your going to kill it?" Jodi asked.

"Well, of course!" Jackson laughed.

(Something's off about this one. Ms.Ahana didn't notice this?) Jodi thought too himself.

Jodi had brown eyes,white hair, and a very mysterious vibe to him. Jackson trusted him though.

Not long after, Joey woke up and noticed Jodi next to Jackson. "Oh, your the one Ahana was telling me about!?" Joey asked Jodi.

Jodi put a thumbs up in agreement. Joey couldn't help but stare above Jodi's head as he could see the outline of what looked to be satan.

"What's a scary jinn!" Joey whispered.

The bus stopped at a gas station and let the students out for a break. Joey,Jackson,Jodi,and Lily all sat down in the station and waited.

(He's hot!) Lily thought too herself as she stared at Jodi.

"So Jodi…you from around here? You look our age, at least." Jackson asked.

Jodi scratched his head in embarrassment. "I actually don't know where I'm from. And I'm 16. I already know Joey's sixteen also." Jodi added.

"How did you know that?" Lily asked.

"Well you are his sister right? You can see ji"Joey quickly put his hand over Jodi's mouth, "she's not like me and Jackson! She's basically a civilian!" Joey whispered into his ear.

"I see. Well me and Joey go way back! But I moved away and here I am!" Jodi laughed.

Lily tapped Joey on the arm. "When we're you gonna tell me you had such a hottie as your friend?" Lily asked.

Jodi poked his head in between the two. "I'm sorry, what was that?" He asked.

"O-oh nothing, nothing at all! Just talking about how good it feels outside.

"Yes. It does feel amazing!" Jodi agreed.

Jackson stared at Jodi with suspicion in his eyes. (He is from Ahana, but…something's off about him. It feels like I should be scared or thankful for him in a way. I don't know what this feeling is.)

Jackson whispered something in Jodi's ear and they both stepped outside, where no one was.

"Let me see your jinn weapon!" Jackson demanded.

"All you said was to follow you. Not to show my weapon." Jodi laughed.

"I'm curious. I sense a lot of strength coming from you, I believe you can take on a high-level jinn all by yourself! So, show me the weapon you use to kill them." Jackson said.

Jodi's whole mood changed as the clouds covered the sun. A storm was starting to form above the gas station as Jodi stared at Jackson. (This pressure…it's Insane! This is his jinn energy!?)

"Unless you want all these people to die, I can't draw my weapon. It will kill everything around me…even Joey and you." Jodi said in a deep voice.

Jackson could feel the pressure putting pain on his body as he fell to the ground. (He's this strong at our age? Where is he from? How come I've never heard of him!? He's stronger than me!?)

The sun came into view,the weather went back to normal and the pressure quickly went away.

Jodi smiled and helped Jackson up as he walked back into the station. "It's like he wasn't even the sam person! I must know…is he kid master mentioned to me before!?" Jackson asked himself.

"If so…the legend really is true! But Jodi doesn't know the truth, I'll just keep it that way."

Everyone loaded on the bus. This time, Lily and Jodi sat together while Joey and Jackson sat in the other seat.

"Ain't no damn way…my sister really likes this guy! She just met him." Joey said to Jackson.

"Looks like they get along well." Jackson commented, as Jodi and Lily laughed about something.

(Seems like a great guy though! Can't wait to work with him.) Joey thought to himself.

"We're almost there! Everyone, make sure to grab your items and try not to leave it on the bus!" Mrs. Baker said to the students.

Jodi and Lily couldn't help but stare at the huge museum. It was two stories high and had dogs on top.

"This looks like the White House!" Joey laughed.

"It's the museum, dip-shit!" Jackson said as he walked off the bus. (Always mean.) Joey thought to himself.

Immediately Joey noticed all of the jinns walking around. "Damn. This place is crawling with them!" Joey said to himself.

Jodi stared in amazement as he snapped his fingers and watched all of the low-level jinns disappear.

Joey stood in disbelief as he stared at Jodi as he walked by with Lily. (He just killed them all with two fingers! Two!!)

"Have they arrived?" The man asked while standing in the darkness.

(Yes. It is now time…time to take the secret weapon!) the deep voice said.

The man stood up and looked out the window at all the kids. "Who's my prey? I wanna know!" The man asked excitedly.

(I have to see their weapon first! And I have to measure the jinn energy. It's almost time, Sho.)

Next chapter: the attack

Coming in 3 days