The attack

Everyone walked into the museum, everyone accept Jackson. He looked around hesitantly. "Something's not right, it's cold,lots of birds,and from what Joey told me…lots of jinns were in the area." Jackson said to himself.

Jodi approached Jackson from behind and gave him a little scare. "Don't do that again, Jodi." Jackson yelled as Jodi laughed.

"You seem nervous. I got rid of all the low-level jinns. I haven't seen any jinns in the museum. Looks like the coast is clear! But, we still need to find out what makes people go missing." Jodi explained.

Jackson looked at Jodi and noticed all the scares on his face. "How'd you get those?" He pointed out.

"Oh? My scars? I got these from mother! At least when I couldn't control her." Jodi explained.

"I see." Jodi walked Jackson into the museum and approached Joey and Lily with him.

"Everyone listen up! We will all be moving in one group! Try not to get lost or touch anything. The guide will lead us to show us around, does anyone have questions?" Mrs. Baker asked the class.

Joey raised his hand. "Yes Joey?"

"Uhh…where's the food?" Joey asked as everyone laughed. (I don't see what's funny.) He thought.

The guide was a very tall,skinny; pale man. He pointed down a dark hall. Joey stared into the darkness and froze for a moment. "On second thought…I'll stay with the class. As a matter of fact, no one should use the restroom!" Joey said nervously.

(What the hells his problem?) Jackson though to himself. Jodi also stared deep into the darkness. Jackson put on his glasses and froze in fear. He quickly took them off and looked straight at the teacher.

"Ok class, let's get moving!"

"Did you see that?" Joey asked Jackson as he moved through the crowd.

"Yea. Looked like a whole grown ass man standing in the hall…but not real in a way." Jackson explained.

"This place is haunted you know!" Jodi said.

Jackson and Joey stopped in their tracks. "Wait what!?" The both of them said.

"I thought you guys knew that. You can tell from all the jinns that there's something very sinister here. I don't know what it is but…it's dangerous for all of us to be here at this very moment." Jodi explained.

"So what do we do? We can't just get people to leave!" Joey said.

"There's lots of ways, Joey!" Jackson said.

"Excuse me, sir! When's the last time you had visitors at this museum!?" Jackson asked.

The guide turned around slowly and looked Jackson in his red eyes. "The…last time we…had visitors was…last week…during the attack at Heavens gate high." The guide explained.

"Anyone go missing?" Someone asked in the crowd of students.

"Yes…twelve people in fact…went missing…never to…be found again." He said.

"Why don't you just shut it down?" Jodi asked.

The man paused for a Moment and stopped in his tracks. Everyone looked at the man strangely as he started shaking.

(Sending these people here was a death sentence! This place almost seems to be…fake in a way. Is a ritual being activated?) Jodi thought to himself, as the crowd followed the guide.

The man was still shaking as he walked down the hall. He eventually stopped in front of a giant statue.

It looked identical to the Statue of Liberty. "Who built this?" Joey asked the man.

"When the city…was first founded…by a group of lost men. Legend has it…that they ran into….something….sinister and evil. Have you kids learned about…Christopher Columbus?" The man asked in a dry tone.

"Well yea, of course!" Joey answered.

The man smile and stared at the enormous statue. "They teach you in school that he founded America,'s simply not true." The man said.

Everyone looked at the man with a confused look. "I see you all are confused. Then, let me explain! You see. Christopher was being chased by something…something very dark,evil, and sinister. Before he claimed the land and met the natives who reside there…he ran into a beautiful woman. The woman had long blue hair, blue eyes, and was very, very beautiful! But SHE was the one who chased him and got him lost. That's how he "found" America, by running from this entity. They later created a statue, that was buried deep beneath the earth in order to hold the spirit."

"What kind of bull crap was that!?" A guy yelled while laughing. The man turned his head quickly towards the person and stared them down.

"It's not a myth. It's exactly what happened! Where else can you find this statue? You think the museum created it?" The guide asked.

The teenage boy said nothing and just looked up. "Why didn't they teach us that in school, then?" Joey asked.

"Because…it wouldn't sound true, not at all." The guide said.

"On to our next item class!" Mrs.Baker said.

As the crowd left, Joey walked up to the statue and closed his eyes. He reached his hand out and touched the statue.

Joey was on a boat, there where ten men and the water was pitch black. Joey felt fear running through his body as he was lost and didn't know where to go.

"Captain! Where do we go!? Is that…that thing coming?" A crew-mate asked.

"Just…just keep sailing west! She can't swim so we should be fine-"

Footsteps was heard on water, coming from behind the ship. The waves were calm and steady. "It's too dark to see!"

Joey turned around to see a man being grabbed by the neck, pulled into the air, and disappeared into the darkness.

Joey quickly let go of the statue and fell back in fear. (This statue, it's a jinn! A jinn that possesses things…it's a high level!) Joey thought to himself as he looked around for the class.

"Shit, Everyone's gone!" Joey said.

Joey turned his head to look back and forth. "Which way did they go? I have to tell them quickly!"

Joey stopped and turned his head slowly. "The statue…it's gone!"

Meanwhile, Jodi and Jackson walked with the crowd of students. They listened to the guy talk on and on about items.

Jackson noticed Joey gone. "The hell?" He said. "I'm going to the restroom." Jackson said to the teacher.

"You need someone to go with you, Jackson!" She yelled out. Jackson ignored her and walked down the dark, creepy hallway.

(I smell…bullshit!) Jackson thought. He slowly pulled out his red-glowing sword. "The statue…is gone?" Jackson asked himself.

He sat on the floor and closed his eyes. "Demon senses!" Jackson could feel everyone in the building at that very moment.

He opened his eyes and sprinted upstairs. "I found you, jinn!" Jackson yelled with a smile on his face.

Jackson went upstairs and swung open a giant door. Jackson froze when looking right at hundreds of statue-like soldiers.

"What the hell?" Jackson said.

"Jackson! What the hell are you doing!?" Lily asked as she came barging into the room.

"The hell hell you doin' here?" He asked.

"Jodi went to go look for Joey. I saw you turn around and I followed you." She explained.

Jackson had a annoyed look on his face as he was about to leave the room.

"This room takes up lots of space. I wonder why nothings in here." Lily said.

Jackson froze and looked at Lily with a crazy face. "You don't see these statues?" Jackson asked.

"What statues?"

Jackson quickly shoved Lily to the ground and pulled out his sword. The statues ran towards Jackson with swords and shield in their hands.

"Demon slash, sixth attack: call of the void!"

Jackson teleported all the statues onto the roof of the museum. "I was fast enough to stop Lily from seeing them! That's all that matters, now." Jackson said as he was surrounded by the jinns.

"I see you all aren't possessing things! Why the hell do you all look like statues then? I know you guys are at least medium!" Jackson yelled out.

One jinn quickly ran off the roof and fell.

"Some…low I see." He said hesitantly.

One big jinn with armor moved everyone else out of the way. "Your name is Jackson right? Jackson Whitlock?" The jinn asked.

Jackson said nothing. He just closed his eyes and put his hand on his blade.

(Demon slash, tenth attack: the beheading!)

Jackson jumped in the air teleported behind all the jinns. Jackson slide his sword into its holder; when he did, all of the jinn's heads came off their bodies.

Jackson watched as all the jinns started to disappear. "You guys aren't important anyways! I don't even care if your boss wants me, I just wanna kill the big guy!" Jackson laughed.

"You…won't be able to kill, Ghost! He's the strongest of us all here! Your as good as dead, boy!" The jinn laughed as it disappeared.

"Ghost is it's name. I'll kill it and we can finally leave this damn place." Jackson said.

Meanwhile, Jodi opened up a door and saw a man sitting high on a throne.

"I've seen you somewhere!" Jodi laughed.

"You were that guy standing in the dark. Me and two others saw you, just staring there looking at all the girls. Kinda weird…right?"

"When I see Beaty, I just can't help but look." The man laughed.

Jodi's smile disappeared from his face as he looked at the man with murder in his eye.

"Who are you? And why are you here?" Jodi asked.

The man stood up and slowly walked down from the throne. "The real question is…how did you find us?" he asked.

Jodi ignored the man and shut the door quietly. (This man…he's not a jinn, but Jackson had to use his glasses in order to see him. What the hell is he?)

"Hey kid, if you don't answer me in the next five second…I'll kill you!"

"I wouldn't try that If I were you." Jodi threatened.

The man let out a little laugh and leaned forward. In the blink of an eye, his fist was about to make contract with Jodi's face.

"Come out, mom!" Jodi yelled.

A giant beasts fist appeared in front on Jodi's face. The man jumped back and stared in amazement.

What looked to be a devil, formed around Jodi. As if his body was being shielded.

The jinn that hovered over him had long horns,fur everywhere, and big red glowing eyes. It looked like a Minotaur but half its body looked like a ghost.

(It blocked my punch. What kind of jinn is that? He made a deal with it or something!?) the man thought to himself.


"What?" The jinn asked in a deep tone.

"That man there,he's trying to hurt everyone in this building. He even tried to kill me!" Jodi explained.

(It's getting hot in here!) the man thought to himself.

The jinn's body grew bigger in size, along with its muscles. "Don't you dare…hurt my JODI!!!" It screamed as it flew over to the man.

"Are you kidding me!?" The man laughed.

He jumped in the air and pulled out hand-sized blade.

He crouched low to the ground and showed a twisted smile.

"Hey kid…you wanna be one with her?" He asked as he laughed.

Meanwhile, Joey was looking for the giant statue. He searched up and down to look for it but couldn't find it anywhere.

He then found himself headed towards the basement. "Where could this damn thing be!?" Joey asked himself.

He went down the steps and walked into a giant room. "Whoa!" Joey whispered.

In the room was a tall tower with trees everywhere. "This is…all fake. But who the hell built this museum!? This shouldn't even be able to fit here!" Joey said.

"It's my ritual!" A deep,creepy voice yelled out from the room. The voice made the ground shake from its tone.

(That's the statue! I can't fight it on my own, it's a high-level jinn!) Joey thought to himself.

Joey tip-toed around in the forest and kept his guard up.

Meanwhile, far away front the museum was Ahana. There was an abandoned house in the middle of the woods. She opened up the door and noticed a man standing on the pile of rubble.

"Nice to finally meet you after all these years, Kebushie" Ahana whispered.

The man turned his head to reveal two purple glowing eyes in the dark.

"Nice to finally see you too, old partner!"

Next chapter: Ahana's reunion

In 4 days