Breaking Limits

Jodi looked at the man with confusion. "What do you mean "be one with her?" Jodi asked.

The man busted out into laughter as he held is stomach tightly. "You are just on the peak of perfection! You were cursed and learned to control the jinn!? That's something, kid! I give you my gratitude, it takes so much talent to do such a thing!" The man explained.

Jodi ignored him and pointed right at the man. The jinn opened it's mouth and shot a beam of flames from its mouth.

"I see how it is!" The man laughed, as the beam was getting closer and closer.

The man jumped out of the way to avoid the beam. The beam shot through the roof of the museum.

"Amazing jinn energy!" He yelled.

(Hey, Jiniki! Let me burrow your power!)

(Sure thing!)

A weird creature started to form around the man's waste. It looked like a lizard of some-sorts.

"Jinn item: the giver!"

The man placed his hand in front of the creatures mouth. Jodi watched as the lizard started throwing up weapons.

"It's spawning him weapons!?" Jodi asked his mom.

The man crouched low to the ground, he looked just like a lion hunting it's prey.

Jodi could see Jinn energy coming from the man's feet. The man lunged at Jodi in the blink of an eye. Jodi's jinn quickly teleported in front of him.

She used both of her arms to make a shield. The man spawned a sword.

The sword slashed her arms. She quickly grabbed the man by the throat and threw him to the ground. Jodi jumped in the air, and tried to knee the man, but he quickly got up and jumped far back.

Before he could catch his breath, he noticed the two of them running straight after him.

(These two are coordinated very well. I'll just need to get rid of the jinn first, then the boy!) the man thought to himself.

(The other way around, Sho! You need to get rid of the boy first, he's the biggest threat here! If you get rid of him then the jinn will disappear! Plus he's a legend that I didn't even know exist!) Jiniki explained.

Sho put his eyes on Jodi, who was running beside his jinn.

"I understand." Sho said as he held his hand towards the lizard's mouth.

The lizard coughed up sai weapons. Sho tapped his foot on the ground and teleported behind Jodi as he was running.

Jodi turned around to stop, Sho, but it was too late. Sho quickly jabbed the weapon into Jodi's heart.

Jodi went flying and fell into the wall and coughed up blood.

"One shot was enough to kill him?" Sho asked himself.

The jinn disappeared and Jodi later on the floor lifeless.

"Why a complete waste! All that potential…just gone like that." Sho laughed as he turned around to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Jodi whispered.

Sho stopped in his tracks and turned around with a confused look on his face. "Are you for real? Your still alive!? That weapon was supposed to have killed you!"

Jodi got up slowly from the ground and pulled out a sword holing case.

Sho quickly drew the sais and raised his arms. (His jinn weapon! What happened to his jinn, is it gone?) Sho asked himself.

Blood poured on the floor as Jodi took off his shirt. "The real fight…starts now!" Jodi laughed as a storm started forming over the museum.

Sho looked through the hole in the roof to see lighting.

(Sho, we need to hurry up and get out of here! His weapon is dangerous!) Jiniki said.

"I'll be fine. I'm curious to why he's a legend among you jinns!" Sho laughed.

Jodi drew his blade from its holder, lighting from the sky shot onto the blade. Jodi slowly took off his cast to reveal a jinn's arm.

Sho laughed his eyes out. "So the legends is true! You're part jinn! Just like me, Jodi!!" Sho yelled happily.

"That explains why you didn't die! Your heart really is a jinn's heart, how amusing! What kind of screwed up deal did your parents make with that jinn!?" Sho laughed.

Jodi looked down at the ground and at his reptile-like arm. "It's not like I asked for this. But…that's why I'm here! That's why I fight! I'm going to break my curse!" Jodi yelled as he lunged at Sho.

Jodi's jinn appeared once again over his head.

Jodi swung his sword at a fast past.

Sho jumped back and laughed as he quickly spawned nunchucks from the lizard.

"Come at me, the both of you!" Sho yelled.

Jodi ran up the jinn's back and jumped off. Sho raised the nunchucks above his head to block Jodi's sword.

Jodi's jinn tried to sweep Sho from underneath his feet, Sho jumped in the air; rolled when landing. Sho jumped back up and blocked the two while running backwards.

All three of them were moving so fast that it looked like they were teleporting around.

Jodi threw his sword at Sho. Sho ducked and wrapped his nunchuck around Jodi's ankle. "Learn how good the ground feels!" Sho laughed.

He slammed Jodi to the ground and spawned a knife in his right hand. Sho turned his head and realized the jinn had grabbed Jodi's sword.

"DON'T HURT MY JODIII!!" It roared. She swung the sword towards, Sho. (She can use his jinn weapon!?) he thought, as he raised the little blade to block the attack.

The impact made a huge explosion that sent Sho flying towards the wall. As he was sliding across the ground, he held his hand towards the lizard to spawn a hand-held scythe to stop him from moving.

Sho lifted his head as he tried to see threw the thick smoke. He was shocked to see Jodi and the jinn jump through the smoke.

Jodi and the jinn landed a blow to Sho's face, the impact sent him through the wall and into another room.

"They actually hit me! Not too shabby, not bad at all, Jodi!" Sho laughed.

Jodi and his jinn were side-by-side as Jodi slowly approached Sho.

Sho got up from the ground in a odd way and laughed.

Jodi noticed blood coming from his chest. (He slashed me? He must have done it when me and mom punched him. He's amazingly fast!) Jodi thought.

"It would seem…whatever happened to you, happens to the jinn too! In other words…if I kill you, she'll die!" Sho laughed.

"Your exactly right! But your the one who's at a disadvantage. You see, mom here…is a high-level jinn! Only few jinns are high level. Which means your screwed!" Jodi said.

Sho stopped smiling and put His hands inside of the lizards mouth. This time, a long, bloody chain was pulled from its mouth.

"I'll take you a little serous." Sho said.

Joey was still in the Forrest, looking for the statue-jinn. (It's voice was deep…last time I remember, Ahana said something about high-jinns not sounding like demons. So how is a medium-jinn able to possess an object?) Joey asked himself.

Joey ran threw the Forrest. He quickly halted when seeing something flying towards him. "The hell is that?" He said, as he quickly ducked down.

The flying object was another tree being Thrown. "It's throwing trees!?"

Joey jumped from the ground and started running, as tree were falling around him.

(Shit. If this keeps up I'm gonna get crushed! I can't stop, have to keep going!)

Joey planted his feet in the ground and held his position. (Focus…unleash your jinn energy! Let it flow freely, Joey!) Joey thought to himself.

Joey unleashed all of his jinn energy and blew all of the trees away in a instant. He could see the jinn looking in amazement.

"Not bad, whoever you are." The jinn said.

Joey fell to the ground out of breath. The jinn slowly walked over and shrunk into human-sized.

(I get it now! The jinn wasn't possessing the statue at all! It was making itself bigger with its actual body.)

"It would seem you used all of your jinn energy. I'll be taking the orb and leave." The jinn explained as it started walking away.

(Don't let it go! I need to move, come on! Force it!)

Joey got to his feet and took aim with one of his pistols.

"Jinn weapon, peacemaker pistol attack: Silent Shot!"

Joey pulled the trigger. The bullet came flying out of the gun with no sound at all, as It was getting closer and closer to the jinn.

Without turning around, the jinn surrounded itself with tree branches. It neglected the bullets.

(It saw me shoot!? No that's not it…)

Joey was shocked to see the jinn gone. He turned to meet eyes with knuckles. Joey went flying yards away.

"I see you use pistols. That's an unusual weapon for jinn slayers, how interesting." The jinn said in it's demonic voice.

Joey wiped off his face and got to his feet. Blood poured from the top of his head. "Damn. It hits supper hard! It can also control the trees in the area, along with the roots underneath the ground!" Joey whispered to himself.

"I need to get close and shoot it with my shotgun…that'll allow me to blow it's arm off or something."

Joey took a breath and sprinted towards the jinn.

The jinn laughed and shot needles of wood at Joey. Joey dodged smoothly as he was getting closer and closer.

(He dodged them? This one…might be fun after all!) the jinn thought to itself.

Roots came from the ground and shot towards Joey. Joey jumped on the roots and was riding them in the air.

The jinn teleported behind Joey as he was on the roots. Joey turned and pulled out the second pistol.

"Wood sword!" The jinn laughed.

A wooden sword formed into the jinns hand as it swung at Joey.

Joey used the little blades underneath the pistols trigger to block the attack.

Joey and the jinn were going higher and higher in the air as they eventually bursted through the musical roof.

"Are you insane!? People will see us!" Joey yelled.

"Think again! They'll see you, boy!!" The jinn laughed.

Joey looked down at the cars and people looking up at the giant roots. Joey jumped off and was head straight towards the ground.

(Is he killing himself?) the jinn thought.

While in air, Joey turned around and took aim. "This is a new move I learned! Peace maker pistols, suppressor mode: rapid fire!"

The guns changed into smg's and shoot a barrage of battles at the jinn.

The jinn jumped off and was headed right for Joey. (That's right! Come closer and closer, so I can blow your face off!)

Joey switched to his shotgun and shot it at point-blank range. A wood shield formed in front of the jinn as it blocked Joey's attack.

(This kid isn't so dumb! He's willing to sacrifice himself in order to defeat me! I have no choice but to use my real ritual…but if I do that…half of the museum will be destroyed, police will get involved, and much more!)

The jinn stared, while falling at Joey. He looked at the ground, then back at Joey-who was reloading the shotgun.

(Damn it! I've got no choice! Forgive me, Sho! But you better not be in range!)

The jinn clapped its hands together. "Ritual summoning: tree of Adam and Eve!"

The ground began to shake as a giant tree popped from the ground and caught Joey and the jinn in air.

They were going even higher now.

"I have to hurry up and kill you! Your powers are insanely strong!" Joey complimented.

The jinn laughed as it formed a long staff made out of wood from the tree.

(If I don't kill it now, the tree will keep growing! I'm gonna use my speed move! The one I used to kill my very first Jinn!)

The jinn ran out Joey and swung it's staff. Joey ran while dodging the attacks.

Joey quickly shot two bullets at the jinn. The jinn stopped and twirled the Staff around as if it were dancing, to block the bullets.

The bullets came back at Joey and pierced his stomach area. Joey fell back in pain as he was shot.

"Alastor was stronger than you! This-this is nothing!" Joey yelled.

The jinn threw it's staff towards Joey. Joey closed his eyes and focused hard.

(Listen to your heart beat…follow its flow! Build up enough Jinn energy in your body to move faster than speed and sound combined!)

Joey spread his legs apart and disappeared from the jinns eyes. "Where did you go boy?!" The jinn asked.

Just then, the jinn could see flashes of purple light zooming around the giant tree. The jinn turned his head to see Joey.

It stabbed Joey through the heart. Joey's body disappeared again.

The jinn turned around once more, to stab him. He disappeared once again.

"Don't toy with me!!" The jinn screamed.

The jinn shot arrows from the tree in all directions, trying to hit Joey.

The jinn was shocked to feel a dangerous amount of heat coming from behind it.

It turned around to see Joey running at him with the shotgun in his hand.

(I've charged up the shot! No matter what distance you are…this can't be blocked or dodged!)

"Peacemaker attack: bullet light!"

"I refuse to die to someone like you!" The jinn screamed as a yellow beam appeared in front of it's two hands.

(This is who the king was talking about! The brat that's a threat to both worlds!!) the jinn thought.

The jinn pushed the yellow ball forward to shoot out a beam of Jin energy.

Joey shot the gun and released a powerful beam of energy at the jinn. Both clashed, creating a huge explosion.

The explosion pushed Joey off of the giant tree as he plummeted.

Joey was surprised to not feel much pain from falling. "This isn't the ground…it's a hand!"

Joey popped up and looked into the eyes of the giant jinn.

"I made myself bigger…before you could destroy me with that blast!" The jinn laughed. "It's over now, boy! Say your prayers!"

Joey was even higher than before in the sky as he was being held up by the hand. "I can't destroy something this big…not with my jinn weapons!" Joey said.

Joey got to his feet with a smile on his face and with blood dripping. "Well…this was never supposed to be an easy mission!" He laughed.

(It's like I'm fighting the Statue of Liberty! This is insane. And if I do beat him, he'll fall on the residents below and kill them! I'll need to destroy the body into pieces! I'm going to break my limits right now!) Joey though as he drew his pistols.

Next chapter: Joey's comeback

Coming in 3 days