Joey’s comeback

Jackson stared in disbelief at the giant Jinn. "That's the big one…he's just even bigger than before." Jackson said.

"That didn't take long at all!" A voice said, coming from behind Jackson.

Jackson turned his head to see a young man with smooth skin,grey hair,purple eyes,and dressed in a very well grey suit.

"My,my. Uka's goin all out on that kid!" The man said as he walked towards Jackson.

Jackson reached for his sword, but was shocked to see it was gone.

"What a beautiful sword! The legendary demon sword of the underworld. A truly magnificent blade!" The man said.

"Who the hell are you?!" Jackson asked.

The man slowly turned his attention to Jackson. Looking at him with disgust.

"I don't expect you other slayers to know who I am. I am at the bottom of the list, after all." The man explained.

"What's your name?" Jackson asked in a direct tone.

The man took a bow. "The name's Kebuchie. However,I don't have time to talk with someone like you, I don't associate with people who aren't a artist of life!" Kebuchie said.

"Art of life? The hell are you talking about, you punk!"

"I'll be taking the sword now,all I need is the orb and I'll be fine!" Kebuchie laughed as he walked away.

Jackson ran towards Kebuchie, Kebuchie turned around and glared at Jackson, who was sent flying away.

(What kind of power…? Who the hell is this man?)

Jackson thought as he flew into the wall.

"Don't try to come after me! I prefer to not kill anyone today, at least."

"Screw that!" Jackson whispered.

(For the first time in a while…I'm gonna use my ritual! I'll use it to take my sword…I know it's incomplete, but that's exactly why I can use it!) Jackson thought to himself.

(For him to own such a powerful weapon…nothing stands out about him. He's nothing by special.) Kebuchie thought to himself.

Jackson smiled and got to his feet. "Screw it! That's for another time then! I'm gonna get my sword the right way!l Jackson yelled.

"What is this kid talking about?"

Jackson reached in his pocket and pulled out a blue-glowing orb.

Kebuchie's eyes grew wide. "That's the orb!" He said.

Jackson looked up towards Joey. "You ready Joey!?" He yelled up.

The giant jinn focused it's attention to Jackson, as Joey took the opportunity to jump out of the jinn's hand and dove straight towards The orb.

(When did they get the orb!? These kids shouldn't have known a thing about that!) Kebuchie thought to himself.

Joey grabbed the orb and landed inside of the museum.

"Uka! Shrink yourself and get the orb! We need it for the plan!" Kebuchie yelled.

Uka shrunken his body and followed Joey back into the museum.

Kebuchie turned around to see Jackson gone. "First, I'll erase the memories of all the people in the area! Then I'll take the orb." He said to himself.

"Star guiding memory lost!"

The museum was fixed,the crowd of people went home,and the field trip was still going.

"That fixes that!" Kebuchie laughed.

(But…where's Sho? He should've been killed these kids. What are you up to, pup?)

Joey ran from the jinn as it was gaining speed.

(These kids knew what they were coming here for! They knew it wasn't just a normal field trip! But…how do they know about the orb? The only people who know about it is master Kebuchie and…no it can't be!)

The jinn stopped in it's tracks and stared with fear. Joey pointed his pistol at the orb and stopped.

"If you take another step toward, on my life! I'll shoot this orb!" Joey yelled.

(This kids crazy! They obviously learned and know about the orb! He knows it's value! You won't pull the trigger kid, I know you won't!) Uka thought to himself.

"I know you don't have the balls to pull the trigger. Your working with her aren't you?" Uka asked Joey.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb! Your Ahana's pup! The strongest jinn slayer!" The jinn said.

"So what if I am working with Ahana?! What does that have to do with you or this orb!" Joey said.

The jinn busted out laughing. "You don't know do you? The truth!" The jinn asked.

"What truth?"

He jinn kept on laughing and laughing. As Jackson appeared from behind Joey,grabbed his gun and shot the jinn in the head.

"That settles that." Jackson whispered. Joey quickly grabbed the gun and pulled it away from Jackson.

"What the hell are you doing?! He was about to give information!" Joey yelled.

Jackson rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Hey, where are you going!?" Joey asked.

"I'm gonna go find, Jodi. My swords gone and we have the orb, the orb that has an ancient jinn living inside of it. According to Ahana!" Jackson explained.

(It's a good thing she told us about the orb before we came here! They would have nerve known it was planted here by Ahana!) Joey thought to himself.

"Oh yeah, Jackson! Should I alert her?" Joey asked.

Jackson put a thumbs up for a yes.

Joey pulled out his phone and dialed a number. He waited for it to ring and ring as Ahana answered.

"Ahana, they've taken the bait! You have the real orb right?" Joey asked.

"Yep! I've left it with a trustworthy friend of mine! Now that we know who the traitor is…I'll be there soon to kill him! You just have to give me some time to get out of this seal, Joey boy." Ahana said over the phone.

"Your sealed away? Like…captured?!" Joey asked.


"Are you ok?"


"Are you mad?"


"You want a hug?"

"Not from you."

"So…aren't you supposed to be like the strongest? How'd you get captured?" Joey asked with a very straight face.

"Are you trying to insult me?" Ahana asked in a dry tone.



"Yes ma'am?"

"I think I'm gonna rip your head off if I can get out of here."

Joey quickly hung up and sped walked towards Jackson.

"Ahana already suspected Kebuchie! That's who that guy is, I'm sure of it!" Joey said to Jackson.

"Kebuchie? My master told me stories about a kid once…what did he say?"

Just then, a loud boom was heard behind the two. Kebuchie stepped into the clearing, as he punched a hole in the wall.

"Man you kids have me the scare! How interesting though…you both managed to find the legendary orb!" He laughed.

"Wrong!" Jackson yelled.

"What?" Kebuchie asked.

Joey covered Jackson's mouth as he pulled out his guns.

Kebuchie tossed Jackson his sword. Jackson caught the sword and gave a nod to Kebuchie.

"I believe in fair fights. I wouldn't want you both dying without a fair battle. So, I'll be taking the orb,the sword,and revive the great one!" Kebuchie explained.

"The great one?" Joey asked.

"Yes. The legendary and ancient jinn that need a dead body! It will posses it's body and become one again!" Kebuchie explained.

"You plan on using Ahana?" Jackson asked.

Kebuchie laughed and laughed. "Ahana?! No not her! Someone even more of a threat! Ahana's dead now! I killed her!" He laughed.

(He's completely unaware that she's alive!) Joey thought.

Two red portals formed over Kebuchie's head, as a spear slowly came out of it.

"I'll just take you two down myself! Sho's fighting that legendary kid…I want him to be a pup of mine too. Along with you, blond boy!" Kebuchie said as he pointed at Joey.

"I don't want anything to do with you!" Joey yelled.

"That's understandable! I understand completely. In your eyes, you think I'm the bad guy, right? But what I want is to create a better world for people who are suffering!" Kebuchie explained.

"Explain it then!" Jackson ordered.

"I don't like people like you, boy! People like you stand out to others and get jealous all for your own pleasure! Your not used to being outdone by anyone!" Kebuchie said.

Kebuchie stared at Joey with a fascinating look in his eyes.

"But you…your the one that the jinns have told be about! I need you in my new world. You and me are almost the same." Kebuchie said.

"We're nothing alike!" Joey yelled back.

"I heard from one of the jinn slayers that Ahana talked a lot about you! A boy with dreams, a big heart, but he lives in the shadows as people throw him out! Your treated like trash among society! Why's that? Because your poor? Kind? A good person? I'll tell you why, boy! It's because this world is evil! There are no good people! And when you are a good person, you'll always find a change in heart because of these evil people! I'm not villain at all! My dream, my goal is to combine jinn and human together, to make the ultimate human being!"

"Combine human and jinn? That's Insane!" Jackson said.

"No! It will save countless lives. Just think about it, I'll use my pup Sho for example. He had a brain tumor as a child, his parents abandoned him and left him to die after they found out about all of the billing. I implanted a trash-level jinn inside of his head. It got rid of all his problems, he was brand new! The jinn I gave him got rid of the tumor, Sho is now living a happy life. Imagine if I could spread that all across the world! I can save countless lives, even control wars, and disease. Want I want…is an equal life for all people! You guys are in America, so you have no idea what life is like for some of the kids in other countries! Jinns can help stop that problem if I can just give everyone a jinn!" Kebuchie explained.

"It's just like Jodi…" Jackson whispered.

Kebuchie showed a crooked smile as he heard Jodi's name.

"The legend of Jodi, the lighting blade user! Jodi's a great example! In the stories I've heard, his mother died while giving birth, Jodi also died in the stomach of his mother! Jodi's father made a deal with a insane level jinn, the jinn placed a trash-level jinn inside of Jodi to save his life! That's the legend of your little friend!" Kebuchie explained.

"An insane level jinn?" Jackson asked himself.

"What the hell is a insane level?" Joey asked Jackson.

"It's basically the upper jinns. Ones stronger than higher level ones."

Joey turned his attention to Kebuchie, who had a long spear, with a very sharp end in his hands.

"I don't want to be part of your new world, Kebuchie. I think what you plan on doing is wrong and unjustified! I would never be part of something like that! Me or Jodi!" Joey yelled.

"Kid…your already part of it!" Kebuchie laughed.

(What? What does he mean by that?) Joey thought to himself.

"Enough talk. It's time to crush you both!" Kebuchie said as he slowly walked towards Joey and Jackson.

Jackson and Joey raised both of their weapons and prepared themselves for the battle.

(He's way stronger than us! But we can't give up! Here and now…we stop him from taking the sword and Jodi!)

"The both of you…come at me, now!" Kebuchie yelled.

Meanwhile, Jodi stared at Sho with amazement as blood poured from his chest.

"He's really fast for hitting me while we both attacked him mom."

Jodi said to his jinn.

Sho reached inside of the lizard and pulled out along bloody chain. "I'll take you a little seriously!" Sho said.

"Ready for another round mom? It looks like he knows our secret. I'm going to need you to use the attack when I find an opening, please don't hesitate!" Jodi said to his jinn.

"Come at me, Jodi!" Sho laughed as he swung the chain over his head.

Next chapter: Hope arrives

Coming in 5 days