Hope arrives

Jodi and his jinn slowly approached Sho. Sho swung the chain over his head, waiting for them to get closer.

"This is your pat chance, Jodi. Lay down your weapon and come with me! You and me aren't so different! Sho yelled out.

Jodi ignored his and glared at his mom. "You ready?" Jodi asked.

The jinn nodded it's head, and quickly teleported behind Sho.

Sho quickly attached his blade to the end of the chain and swung it at the jinn.

The jinn used both arms to block the attack. Jodi was approaching Sho from behind.

Sho turned around and put his foot on the chain to angle it. The blade part of the chain was headed straight towards Jodi's face.

Jodi leaned backwards and dodged the blade. He lifted his body forward and threw his sword at Sho.

Sho. Sho dodged carefully and clapped his hands. Sho disappeared and appeared on top of a statue.

Sho pushed off the statue to move faster towards Jodi.

The jinn teleported in front of Jodi to block for him. (We got him!) Jodi thought to himself.

The jinn grabbed Sho and straggled his body. "Shit!" Sho said as blood poured from his body.

"Tell me…what did you mean by "a deal!?" Jodi asked.

Sho began laughing as Jodi walked even closer to him.

"You think this jinn is strong enough to hold me?! You think I'm a no-body!? I'll show you, Jodi!!" Sho yelled as he broke free from the jinn's grasps.

Sho swung the chain and slashed Jodi's throat. Blood from Jodi and the jinn spilled everywhere on the floor.

"Just had to lure you in…" Sho whispered.

"Lighting blade, lighting spread!"

Jodi slammed his sword in the ground and spread the electricity.

Sho jumped away and landed back on the statue.

Jodi got to his feet slowly, as blood kept pouring from his throat. "Mom…we're gonna have to use it." Jodi whispered.

"Really!? I have your permission!?" The jinn asked.

"Yeah. Just don't destroy everything, we can you the small version." Jodi said.

"Yaaaayyy!!!" The jinn laughed as it flew into Jodi's body.

Jodi fell to the ground in pain and he started to grow a tail,two long horns,and sharp white teeth.

"He's fusing with his jinn!? This is unheard of! No one has ever done that! I get it now, that's what makes you so strong! You, your sword, plus with jinn strength and speed! That's unmatched potential!" Sho laughed as Jodi finished his transformation.

His sword glowed red as he pointed it at Sho. "Now I'm gonna finish this!l Jodi said.

(Right now he's on a high-jinn level! This power…the great Ahana was strong enough to make even him submit?) Sho thought.

(Sho, do you want me to take control?) Jiniki asked.

"There's no need. I want to see him at full power, just like now! I want to test his strength!" Sho laughed.

Jodi threw his sword to the ground.

(He doesn't need his sword?) Sho asked himself.

"Lightning fist." Jodi's hands were surrounded by lighting aura. "Time to get to work!" Jodi said as he took a step forward.

He quickly vanished, then appeared in front of Sho. Sho laughed while falling backwards to dodge.

While falling, Sho put his hand towards the lizard's mouth. The lizard coughed up a wooden staff with jinn energy surrounding it.

Sho used the end of the staff to stop the falling.

Jodi sent barrages of punches at Sho. Sho twirled the staff round-n-round to block. He landed a nice blow to Sho's stomach.

Sho was sent back into the air and kicked into the wall.

(Amazing!) Sho thought as Jodi punched him repeatedly in the face.

"Why won't you die?!" Jodi asked as Sho stopped his punches.

"Because…I'm already dead!" Sho laughed as he threw Jodi off of him.

(Already dead!? What does he mean by that?) Jodi asked.

Sho picked up a piece of the floor tile and launched it at Jodi.

Jodi punched the floor with his lighting fist. Rubble was everywhere, Jodi tried to look for Sho but couldn't find him.

Sho ended up behind Jodi and penetrated his heart with a hand-sized blade.

"This blade was made for people like you and I! Wanna know how I got it?" Sho asked as Jodi tried to push the blade out.

(Shit,shit,shit. I'm losing consciousness! He hit me right in the weak spot!) Jodi thought to himself.

"All these weapons I've spawned…are from jinn slayers that I've killed! I'm the jinn slayer hunter, Sho!" Sho laughed.

"You weren't supposed to die but…you can be the orbs new vessel!" Sho said as Jodi fell to the ground unconscious.

Meanwhile, Joey and Jackson were holding off Kebuchie. "We haven't landed a single attack on him! We can't touch him!" Jackson said with frustration.

Just then, Kebuchie punched Jackson in the face. Then turned around to dodge Joey's bullet and catch it.

"What amazing weapons you have. Let's see if you can dodge it!" He laughed as he threw the bullet back at Joey.

(The hell?) Joey thought as he felt the bullet barley miss his face as it slashed his cheek.

Kubuchie pointed towards the roof. The two giant portals shot out two glob-looking jinns.

"Jinns are coming from the portals!?" Jackson asked himself as he dodged the jinn's long arms.

"Give me your flesh!" The jinn screamed as Joey shot it in the head.

Jackson quickly sliced the head off the other jinn.

(These two are good at killing medium-level jinns, I'll give them that! But they're both too weak!) Kebuchie laughed in his head.

Jackson ran at Kebuchie and swung his sword . Kebuchie snapped his fingers and watched as Jackson's body was forced on to the ground.

"Get off of him!" Joey yelled as he jumped in the air and shot his pistols.

Kebuchie quickly pointed in the air again and said "freeze." The bullet stopped in place.

"I have the power to use and manipulate jinns that I've killed! I can even use all of their abilities in battle!" Kebuchie explained.

"That's insane! You have that kind of power and your still the weakest!?" Jackson asked in a taunting way.

"You can't get to me, popular boy! And besides, your the weakest person here." Kebuchie laughed.

Rage flooded Jackson's heart as he ran towards Kebuchie.

(He's canceled my jinn weapons ability! He's using a jinn's ability to cancel my own, that's brutal.) Jackson thought to himself.

Jackson swung and swung his sword in desperation, as Kebuchie snapped his fingers.

A giant arm came from the portal and grabbed Jackson. Before the hand could squeeze, Joey cut the and off with the blades under his pistols.

Joey quickly shot at Kebuchie. Kebuchie held out his hand to stop the bullet once again.

"Jinn technique: blades of a thousand eyes!" Kebuchie said.

Joey and Jackson looked up at the ceiling to see thousands of knifes covering the whole thing. "Fall!" He yelled.

The knifes came pouring down at Joey dove for cover.

Jackson stayed and blocked all of the knife with his sword. Before he could ph attention to Kebuchie, he was punched in his stomach. Kebuchie quickly grabbed Jackson by the hair and slammed his head on the floor.

"Your just like an insect! This is literally hilarious!" He laughed.

(Am I really this weak!? I know all about this guy from master, but it's still not enough! After everything I've done…this is all I can do? Really?) Jackson thought to himself as he was thrown into the wall.

Joey ran past Jackson and towards Kebuchie. "Don't give up, Jackson! Keep moving forward no matter the enemy!" Joey yelled as he jumped in the air and shot.

(Yes, yes, keep coming! Your so amazing, Joey!) Kebuchie thought to himself as he dodged both the bullets.

Joey was close, he started using the blades underneath the trigger to swing at Kebuchie.

He blocked Joey's blades with his staff very smoothly. Joey kept on swinging.

"More, Joey!" Kebuchie yelled.

Kebuchie lunged back and slapped the floor beneath him.

"Wall of jinn!"

Joey watched as the floor turned into a jinn pit. He quickly jumped to the other side of the floor as Kebuchie did the same.

Joey was breathing hard, trying to catch his breath. "I'm all out of ideas. I…I can't touch him and he's just toying with us! I don't even know how many jinn abilities he has!" Joey said to himself.

Between Joey and Kebuchie, was a pit of jinns waiting for someone to fall in. It looked just like hell.

"He's…he's too strong! Maybe Jodi can-"

Joey was interrupted by seeing Jodi's body flying past him and sent into the wall where Jackson was.

"That wasn't so hard!" Jodi laughed as he came into the clearing.

Joey stared in shock as Jodi was knocked out and unconscious.

"Jodi?" Joey said as he stared in disbelief.

"What took you so long, Sho?" Kebuchie asked.

"He wasn't all that weak. I had to bring out the chains." Sho explained.

"I see. Well then, we'll take the sword,orb,and those two boys." Kebuchie said.


"You guys…why do people never leave this museum!? Is it because of you!?" Joey asked.

Sho laughed out loud as tears ran from his eyes. "Most of the victims are girls…that's the thing they didn't mention! You can blame me for that, though! Sho said happily.

"Where are they?" Joey asked in a demanding tone.

"Well, I raped them, killed them,tortured them,and fed their bodies to some dogs! But I could care less about their lives! They are the weaker human beings after all!" Sho laughed.

Joey fell into silence and stared at Sho with anger in his eyes.

"They only had one life! Why take that from them?" Joey asked.

Sho ignored him and threw the chain around Joey's body. "Time to go. I'll be taking the orb with us!" Sho said.

(More than hundreds of peoples lives lost…all because of him! I'm gonna…I'm gonna…)

Sho walked over to Joey and grabbed him by the shirt. "You've lost, kid. Time to go!"

"IM GONNA KILL YOU!!" Joey yelled, as his jinn energy formed around his body.

Sho was punched away with great force, he almost fell into the pit of jinns below.

Joey's body was surrounded by jinn energy, as rage was filled up inside of him.

"You will not get away with this! The both of you will pay for what you've done! No one, and I mean no one deserves to lose their lives to you!!" Joey yelled.

(What's this? His energy is skyrocketing!) Kebuchie thought to himself, standing on the other side of the room.

Joey grabbed Aho by the face and threw him across the room. Sho landed and slide across, beside Kebuchie.

"Amazing." Sho laughed.

Joey took one step forward and ended up across the room in an instant. (So fast!) Sho thought.

Sho tired to punch Joey as he was moving closer. But Joey's energy wouldn't let his fist pass.

Sho jumped out of the way quickly. Joey pulled out his shotgun and hit Sho right in the leg.

Kebuchie clapped his hands together to teleport him and Sho across the room.

Just then, everything disappeared as Joey lost the strength to even move his body.

"Sho, quickly grab the orb! I already took the boys sword!" Kebuchie demanded.

"It's a fake. You fell right into our trap!" Joey laughed.

Footsteps were approaching the room. The door swung open. Ahana walked into the building with a big smile.

"I'm finally free!" Ahana said playfully.

"How the hell did you escape?" Kebuchie asked.

She ignored him and walked over to Jackson and Jodi. "You three did an amazing job! I'm so proud of you all for holding your own. But I'll finish This once and for all!" Ahana whispered.

Ahana got up and turned around slowly. "Kebuchie! After you so kindly sealed me away, I noticed that I can't die! Not from physical attacks at least." Ahana explained.

Sho jumped in the air and swung his chains towards Ahana. Ahana looked at the chains and Sho.

Sho's arms quickly evaporated away into the air. Sho let out a yell in pain and agony. He fell to the ground to see his arms missing.

"Shit, shit, shit!!!" Sho yelled.

"I didn't say you can move." Ahana said.

Kebuchie took one step forward. He quickly stopped when noticing Ahana's blue eye.

"Let's see…hmmm. I know! I'll kill one of you and leave one of these three to kill you in the future!" Ahana said happily as she pointed at Sho.

"You've killed lots of innocent people. I'll kill you now and leave Kebuchie to the others in the future." Ahana said.

"You think I'm just gonna let you kill my pup?" Kebuchie asked.

"No, but it's not like your gonna do anything. Your too weak to fight me."

Kebuchie grew angry as his muscles started to tense.

"I always knew you would be the traitor, I planned this from the beginning. I sent these three to find out who or what is making people disappear, and to find the orb." Ahana explained.

Kebuchie showed Jackson's sword. "I have his sword! That's one thing I need for our plan."

"Kebuchie. who do you work for exactly, my dear friend?" Ahana asked.

"I can't answer that question, I'm sorry."

"That's a lie. You can answer, you just don't want to."

"Anyways, I'd like to make a trade! You take the real orb and I get the sword back. And if it's a fake, I'll kill you right were you stand." Ahana threatened.

(Why hasn't she killed me!? She can easily do it!)

Kebuchie tossed Ahana the sword. Ahana studied the blade and gave a thumbs up.

"You know I could just leave with both items right?" Ahana asked.

"Your not that type of person. Especially since you want to be the best person you can be."

Ahana had shock in her eyes as she heard him say those words.

She tossed the orb over to Kebuchie.

"I'm gonna kill your pup now." She said.


Before she could finish her attack, Kebuchie sucked Sho away with the portal and jumped into it.

They were both gone.

"Damn coward." She whispered.

She turned her head to Joey. (He might not know it but…whatever he did was making a huge earthquake around the world! That's some terrifying jinn energy. Just how depressed or messed up are you, Joey boy?)

Mrs.Baker barded into the room. Ahana quickly teleported Jodi away.

"Oh my goodness! What happens here!?" She yelled frantically.

"Someone call the cops! We need the ambulance here immediately!"

Ahana stared Baker down. "This woman…is working with a rat. She's a good person, she was just around someone who sent these kids here. I assume that…the principle sent them. Me and Joey will handle him later then." Ahana said to herself as she looked at Joey one last time before leaving.

"Sorry I haven't been talking to you that mush, Joey boy. But I'll see you soon. Our enemies are getting stronger and stronger!" She said as she disappeared.

Joey opened his eyes and was laying on his couch. "How-Jackson!" He yelled as he sat up.

"I get it now. Thank you, Ahana…even though you kinda cut me off." Joey rolled off of the couch and was immediately slapped across the face.

"Why is it every time you disappear you get hurt!?" Lily asked while hitting him repeatedly.

"Oh cut the crap!" Joey yelled.

Lily hugged Joey tightly. "You keep scaring me more and more. Stop doing that, I was really worried." She said.

Joey hugged her back and apologized.

Not long after, Joey went upstairs to greet his mom.

"Your up! How'd you sleep!?" Joey asked.

"Good." She replied.

"What's wrong?" Joey asked.

"Nothing-nothing wrong, I ok."

"Mom, say "I'm" ok" Joey said.


Joey looked at his mom and noticed her having a fake smile on her face. "What happened?" He asked.

"She told me not to tell anyone but…grandma has cancer."

Joey froze and stumbled backwards. "C-cancer? What kind?"


Joey couldn't believe what his mom was saying. "I'll be right back, mom."

He ran out the door and downstairs. "Where's grandma?" Joey asked Lily.

"Oh yea, she went to the hospital. She didn't tell me what was wrong with her though."

Joey grabbed a jacket and ran out the door.

"So much stuff is happening, for what? I need to talk to grandma,Jackson,Jodi,and Ahana!" He said while he was running down the street.

Joey reached the hospital and found his grandma's room. "Grandma!"

Joey sat in the chair next to the bed. "When did you get here?" Joey asked.

"Two days ago."

(I was out for two days?)

"You were sleep when they came and got me. I'm sorry, Joey." His grandmother said.

"Grandma, be honest with me….how long you got?" Joey asked.

"Tomorrow's it for me, Joey. Don't tell them that. I-I'll tell Lily in person. You just need to b-bring her here."

Joey held his grandma's hand. "I'll stay here till night comes. We should catch up!" Joey suggested.

Meanwhile,Jackson and Ahana where at the school and in the office. The principal couldn't see Ahana.

"I thought your guardian wanted this meeting?" The principle asked.

"Sit down, old man!" Jackson said.

The man sat down and looked Jackson in the eye. "Why…why did you send us to a museum where people go missing? We're the first people to ever make it out!" Jackson said in anger.

"This is gonna be interesting." Ahana whispered.

Next Chapter: The Confrontation

Coming in 3 days