The confrontation!

Jackson held the blade to the principals neck as he asked him over and over. "Why did you send us!?" Jackson asked.

"I-i don't know what your talking about!"

Jackson looked at Ahana. "He's lying, I can see that with my eye." She said.

"Your lying!" Jackson accused the man.

"I'm not! I promise you, I'm not lying at all! I don't know a thing about jinns or whatever you said!"

"Tell him to pull out the glasses underneath his desk." Ahana told Jackson.

"Put the glasses on, the ones beneath your desk."

The principal reached slowly beneath his desk and pulled out a pair of glasses.

"H-how did you know I-"

"Hurry up and put them on." Jackson ordered.

The principal looked at the ground and quickly pulled out a gun.

Jackson froze as he tried to move his arm. "One move, and your a dead man, Jackson!"

(I knew it. This man worked with Kebuchie and Sho!)

"Jackson, stay calm and try to ask him why won't he put them on."

Jackson turned his head towards Ahana. The principal put a warning shot in the air.

"Don't move! They told me some kids stopped their plans…are you one of them!?" He asked.

"You seem frightened, Mr. Baker. Tell me, who or what made you do this? Why do you own jinn hunter glasses?" Jackson asked in a calm voice.

"Why aren't you scared?" Mr.Baker asked Jackson.

"Put the damn glasses on!" Jackson demanded.

Mr.Baker rolled his eyes and Quincey put on his glasses.

"What do you see?" Jackson asked.

"I only see you." Baker said.

(He looked at me for an instant! Right in my direction. He sees me clear as day! Which means he can also hear me.) Ahana thought to herself as she walked closer to Baker.

"Hello there." She whispered in his ear.

Baker shot the gun at Ahana. The bullet traveled through her head.

"So you can see me? How awesome!" Ahana laughed.

Baker jumped out of the chair and ran towards the door.

Before Jackson could grab him, Ahana teleported in front of the door and grabbed Baker by the throat.

"We've got lots of questions for you,Baker boy!" Ahana said.

She threw him across the room and made him sit back in the chair.

(She's so powerful! Not only jinn energy wise, but physically too!) Jackson thought.

"Now then, let's have a REAL talk, Baker." Ahana said.

Jackson pulled a chair out for Ahana to sit in. Ahana took a seat and slowly took off her eye-patch.

(What's with this pressure?! It feels like…like I'm being crushed by gravity?) Jackson thought to himself as Ahana showed her yellow-glowing eye.

"What level of jinn made you do this?"

Baker's body went numb as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. "Insane…" he whispered.

"I can only control his mind for one minute. Make sure to remember everything he's about to say." Ahana told Jackson.

"Why did you send those kids to the museum?"

"I needed sacrifices for the deal I made with the insane level jinn."

"What was the deal?"

"Feed him five people for my wife's Healy,feed him ten for my life,and to never tell anyone." Baker said.

"What happens if you were to break this rule?"

"Death for me."

"Who are Kebuchie and Aho to you?"


"What's there plan?" Ahana asked.

"To bring back the special one."

(Special one?)

"What for?"

"To bring peace,hope,love,and stability to the people of this world."

"Last question, Baker. Who or what is the special one?" Ahana asked while leaning in closer.

"A ancient jinn, used to mow down empires like wheat in a field."

(An ancient jinn? So the jinn must've been here long than the other ones? Some are millions of years old. Ancient must mean…)

Ahana quickly snapped her fingers. Baker woke up and looked around confused.

"W-why am I here? What's going on, Jackson?" He asked.

"We we're in the middle of a meeting for when you planned on opening the school again!" Jackson lied right through his teeth.

Joey and Lily sat down in the hospital room with their grandma. She was oddly happy.

"Why are you smiling so much?" Lily asked her.

She ignored Lily and waved them both over. When they were close enough, she grabbed them by the hair and pulled them in for a hug.

"I love you guys so much!!" The yelled.

"We love you too!"

"We love you too!"

"Wait why did you ask me to come here!? You seem to be just fine, grandma!" Lily said.

Joey looked at his grandma with intensity in his eyes.

"Don't you worry, I'm ok! Just wanted to see your face." She laughed.

(Why don't you tell her? Am I imagining things?!) Joey though to himself.

Meanwhile,Ahana was sitting at a lo desk, just like before. She waited for someone to walk through the portal.

Astor,Ximena,Amber,and Flip all walked through at the same time.

"Why did you summon us again?" Flip asked with attitude.

Ahana had a disappointed look on her face as she stared at the table. "Kebuchie was the traitor. I let him get away." She whispered.

"Kebuchie!? The weak little punk?! How'd you let him get away? When did all this happen!?" Astor yelled.

"I sent my three pups to a cursed museum. They weren't supposed to win their fights. I really just sent them there to get to know Jodi, and each other. But…My eye was right, I was Kebuchie and he was looking for a orb." Ahana explained.

"You don't mean…that orb do you?" Amber asked.

"Yep. I mean that one, Amber." Ahana replied.

"Where is it!? We must keep it here at all times!" Flip demanded.

"I gave him the stone…in order to retrieve the demon sword. It was a trade." She explained.

Astor punched the table in anger. "You let him get the orb!? Do you not know what's inside of that thing? It's something we all can't mess with when it comes to power! A legendary jinn user is sealed within the stone, if it ends up in the wrong hands, this whole world is finished! What were you thinking!? I can't believe, K put a damn dumbass in charge!" Astor yelled.

Ahana grabbed her dual swords and held them to Astor's throat. "Talk about our master again, and I'll kill you!" She threatened.

Astor put his hands up and backed away slowly. Ximena walked over to Ahana and lowered the swords. "Let's all just calm down. We know they need the orb, but if they wanted the boys sword…then they must want that too, right? So let's all just protect the sword." She suggested.

Ahana stared at Astor with rage in her eye.

Flip and Amber took a seat. Ahana took a deep breath and put on a smile.

(How'd you let Kebuchie escape…you damn weakling!) Astor thought.

"Kebuchie isn't weak, not anymore. He has the power to easily kill you now. And if you keep spitting negative energy from your mouth, one day…I'm gonna shut you up, Astor." Ahana said.

Astor took a seat.

"The others are coming." Amber said in excitement.

Three people walked in, all wearing black suits and red ties.

"Haven't seen you bastards in years!" Flip yelled in excitement.

A short, but very muscular guy ran towards Ahana and got in her face.

"Ahana, Ahana, can we please hurry up and fight!? I can't wait any longer! I wanna get my hands on you!" The man yelled with a huge smile.

(This one is Rock. Short…but very powerful. One of the strongest jinn slayers ever!) Ahana thought to herself.

"I missed you all so much! Especially you, Flip!" The woman said in a flirtatious way.

(That ones Jinx! Really nice girl, but if you piss her off she'll do hell of damage. She's also bad luck…literally.)

A huge man moved Jinx out of the way and pulled out a little jinn.

"Why the hell do you have it here!?" Amber asked.

The man ignored her and bit the head off of the creature.

(And this one…is Hercules. He's…well yeah, he's just him. I don't have time to explain all of that.)

Ahana pushed rock to the side and told everyone to take a seat.

"As you all know, our enemy has been revealed. I believe there's a whole damn army of them!" Ahana said.

"Our pups can't handle the heat and the enemy won't make it's move until they get their hands on the demon sword!" Ahana said.

"I have a great idea! How about we do the pup trials!? Let our pups fight each other! They'll gain strength, experience, and we get to see who'll come out on top!" Rock suggested.

"That's…actually not a bad idea. But we all know…that Astor and Jinx always have the strongest pups!" Amber said.

"Yeah, strong pups that die from insane missions!" Hercules laughed with his deep voice.

"Shut the hell up." Astor said with annoyance.

Hercules kept laughing. "What? It's n my fault you can't take care of your pups! It's your fault she died that day, I mean…am I right!" He laughed.

"Hercules, that's enough." Ahana whispered.

"We've all lost people we care about. We've all made mistakes too. That's just who we are." Ahana said to everyone.

Astor got up and walked towards the portal. He turned his head. "Just give me the date and place. my pups will crush everyone's! See you all till then." He said as he walked away.

"Guess I'll be going too!" Amber said as she walked away.

"So it's settled! We'll all bring our pups to the trail area and let them battle it out." Ximena said.

"Wait…where's the twins?" Rock asked.

Ahana held her mouth shut when hearing that question.

"I haven't heard from then in a while. Are they dead?" Ximena asked.

"No matter! It's all settled. We'll hold the 5th pup trials! Our pups have two weeks to train and prepare! This is in preparation for what's coming in the future! Easy them,train them,prepare them, because we're almost there!" Ahana said as she got up from the table.

"We meet back here one week early! Then they can start." She said.

4 days later.

Joey sat on the cliff that had a huge view of the city.

He held a picture of his grandma tight in his hand.

"I'll miss you." He said with sadness.

Next chapter: Joey's change

Coming in 2 days