The perfect start

*Early Release

One week has passed…and the trials start tomorrow.

Joey was half asleep when listing to Ahana explain the strategy. Joey snapped awake when Ahana clapped her hands.

"Are you even listening?" She asked.

"Yeah I get it. You want us to stick together and blah, blah, blah!" Joey said.

Ahana rolled her eye and took a seat at Joey's desk. "You should really clean your room more." Ahana suggested.

"I'm a boy…that's something we don't do!" Joey laughed.

(Glad to finally see that smile on your face.) Ahana thought to herself. Joey rolled over in bed and went back to reading his book.

"Joey, this is important."

"I have my own plan, Ahana. For some reason…I'm looking for someone with the name of Tojo." Joey said.

Ahana quickly leaned in closer with curiosity on her eyes. "Tojo!?" Ahana asked.

"Yeah. It's been in my mind lately…I don't know why but…every time that name comes to mind, I just start feeling a strong presence." Joey explained.

"It's the last name of members from the legendary Tojo clan. People inherit the last name, "Tojo" when they're apart of the clan." Ahana explained.

"So…why do I keep thinking about it all of a sudden?" Joey asked.

"It means…that you've encountered somebody in the Tojo clan. And they want you dead. It's almost like a curse! Most people who imagine the name are scared, worried, ect. Because they're destined to fight a member of the Tojo clan." Ahana explained.

"What the hell is the Tojo clan anyways?" Joey asked.

"It's a legendary clan of the supernatural. The clan is stronger than us jinn slayers! Not me of course, but the rest! The clan is very powerful, and if you cross the line…one member will hunt you down and kill you. And since your seeing their name in your head, it means one of the members sees you as a threat and wants you dead!" She explained.

"What the hell did I do?" Joey asked.

"You must've forgotten. The uppers see you as a threat, which means they want you dead! They probably contacted the clan." Ahana said.

"You think it's safe for me to enter the trials?" Joey asked.

Ahana turned around and stared out the window. "To be honest, I really don't know. I can't promise you full safety!" Ahana said.

(The Tojo clan is dangerous! If he really is seeing their name then…that means the clan's coming for him at this instant!)

"Joey, you won't be able to qualify while the clan is coming for you! Do me a favor, leave your house, walk around the town, and let them capture you! I promise to return you before night!" Ahana explained.

"What!? This is all so sudden! I don't know a thing about them and you want me to just throw my life away!? Didn't you say they're stronger than jinn slayers too?" Joey asked frantically.

"Joey, you have to trust me. Between me and you…I've always wanted an excuse to wipe the clan out! This will give me the perfect opportunity!" She said with a smile.

"Ahana, I don't like this! There's something your not telling me and I don't-"

Ahana put a finger on Joey's mouth. "Fine then. I'll take you to the trials. But if I leave, just know…they're near!" Ahana explained.

Ahana felt her ear ringing. "I have to attend a meeting mg with my fellow jinn fighters. I'll be back Joey. For the mean time…you both can catch up!" Ahana said as she clapped her hands.

Jodi appeared out of nowhere and fell through thin air.

"What the hell!?" Joey yelled.

Ahana waved goodbye and disappeared.

Jodi looked and Joey. They both stared at each other.

Joey jumped up and gave Jodi a tight hug.

"I thought you were a dead man!!" Joey laughed.

"Haha! Same goes too you!" Jodi laughed.

Ahana walked through the portal and saw everyone sitting at the table. "Everyone's here! I'm so happy!" Ahana said.

"Why'd you call this meeting?" Astor asked.

Ahana had a confused look on her face. "I thought one of you called the meeting?"

Everyone looked around suspicious at each other.

"This ain't time for jokes! Who called the meeting!?" Rock asked in a demanding tone.

Just then, lots of footsteps could be heard coming from the portal.

"Who the hell-" Astor stopped as a little girl with lots of ninja-warriors walked through the portal.

Everyone froze in shock and watched as the little girl walked towards the table.

"Hello you little apes! I'm Naomi Tojo, from the Tojo clan! It's come to my belief that one of you apes here…haven't killed the one who threatens us!" The little girl said with a huge smile.

"You talking about the Joey kid?" Amber asked.

"Ahh! Yes, Joey is his name! Why is he still breathing? The uppers ordered you all to kill him…am I right?" Naomi asked.

Hercules let out a little laugh. "Well…we can't really kill him!" He said.

The girl looked at Hercules. Hercules felt a sharp pain in his body, as he collapsed to the floor.

(Feels like my hearts about to be ripped out! What the hell is this?!) Hercules thought to himself, while in the floor holding his chest.

"You can't kill him because he's too powerful?! If that's the case…it would seem you all are failures!" She said.

"That's not the reason you smart ass. It's because I refuse to let them kill him." Ahana said with a smile.

Naomi turned her gaze, with her bright green eyes, and jet-black hair. "Who…the hell are you?" Naomi asked Ahana.

One soldier moved towards and whispered something to Naomi.

"Your the one dad was telling me about! The great Ahana! The one chosen for greatness and power! Your beneath me in every way possible, I want you to know that! It's truly a blessing to be born within such a powerful clan,one that serves directly under the uppers, and rivals their strength! People like you are only here to serve and do what the clan orders you to do, your all my little selves and will kill Joey!" Naomi demanded.

Ahana pushed Jinx to the side and walked I front of the table. "Who the hell are you to tell me how to live my life?" Ahana asked with a straight expression.

"Fall!" Naomi whispered.

The gravity in the room pushed all of the jinn slayers down to the floor, everyone besides Ahana at least.

(Why won't she fall?)

"Because…unlike you, I have a power your clan could never obtain." Ahana slowly took off her blind fold to reveal her Allah eye. Ahana pushed the little girl back with strong wind.

Naomi was shocked to see her nose bleeding.

"This power is give to the chosen ones. If I wanted to…I could kill you right now!" Ahana laughed. "Your the ape here after all!"

Naomi released her power and let everyone get up. "We'll see what my family has to say about this! I'll have your head, Ahana. You can count on that!" Naomi threatened.

"Tell your clan…if they come anywhere near Joey, I'll slaughter them!" Ahana said back.

"You think you can just assault a member of the Tojo family and get away with it? Your dead!" A soldier yelled.

They carried the girl off and walked away into the portal.

Everyone in the jinn slayer group stared at Ahana with insanity in their eyes.

"Do you have any idea what you've done!?" Ximena asked.

"Ahana you…your insane! You can't do that to someone of power!" Amber yelled.

Ahana rolled her eyes and sat down at the table, as if nothing happened. She covered up her eye quickly.

"Ahana, listen to me! How much longer do you think you can protect him? We can't fight against a clan that powerful!" Rock said.

"Everyone calm down. If it comes down to it…I'll handle the clan." She said.

"No Ahana. We don't need anymore of our comrades dying! I care about you all too much!" Xiamen cried.

Everyone fell into silence as they just stared at each other.

"The trials will still be held. There's nothing to worry about. And if anything were to happen…I take full responsibility!" Ahana said.

"Ahana, are you sure about this?" Hercules asked.

"Yeah. Tomorrow at twelve is when it starts! Ready your pups and get ready! Don't worry, it'll be alright! You all can have faith in me." Ahana reassured.

"Hands in the middle!" She yelled as she put her hand out.

(What kind of childish-)

"I can read your thoughts…dipshit." She said to Astor.

Astor rolled his eyes and put his hand on top of Ahana's. Everyone else joined together. "Believe it or not but…I look at you guys as my family. You all mean the world to me, I truly believe that! So…thank you!" Ahana laughed.

Jinx and Amber turned red.. "I know I put you all in danger, but they won't do a thing. You can trust me on that!"

Ximena smiled. (It's just like when she was younger…and with Adrienne!), She thought to herself.

"Now then! Tomorrow I'll teleport you all to the place around twelve or so. So gather your pups. And remember…stay together! I can't trust what the clan is planning!" Ahana warned as she walked towards the portal. She turned around and saw everyone smiling and laughing with each other.

(I see.) Ahana thought to herself, as she smiled too.

Meanwhile, Jackson walked into his house and walked upstairs.

He stared at the dark, glooming door. Jackson froze with fear when staring at the door.

(It's going to be ok, Jackson! Run!)

Jackson grabbed his head and threw his book bag at the door. "Damn it!" He cried.

"Jackson." A voice whispered from inside the door.

"Let me out! I promise not to hurt anyone! I'll be a good girl." The voice said.

"Shut up. Your not real!" Jackson yelled.

The door quickly swung open. Long dark arms grabbed Jackson and pulled him into the darkness.

Jackson opened his eye to see his butler walk him up frantically.

Jackson grabbed his sword and swung it at the man. The butler used his hand to stop the sword from reaching his face.

"It was just a dream, Jackson." He said.

Jackson got up and quickly ran upstairs. "The door-it was open! Tell me you locked it!" Jackson yelled.

"It's locked, don't worry. Everything is ok." The butler said. Jackson couldn't help but breath hard. Fear was in his heart. "Jackson…meet with me outside once you get ready." The butler said.

A couple minutes went by and Jackson walked outside to meet with the butler.

"Take a seat, I've poured you some wine."

Jackson took a seat and a sip of the red wine.

"What did you want to talk about?" Jackson asked.

The butler threw magazines on desk. Jackson looked at them and was shocked. "Mr.Baker, principal of Heaven gates high, has been reportedly killed in his home! His body was found in his basement, with carving's. On his stomach it read "The special ones will pay."

Jackson put done the newspaper and looked up to the window on the second floor. "Your telling me that…she escaped?" Jackson asked with fear.

"Yes. And she's making her move!" The butler said.

"Wait! Joey went into that room before! Do you think…."

The butler quickly grabbed his jacket and walked towards his car. Jackson quickly followed.

"What's going on?" Jackson asked as he put on his seat belt.

"Jackson, when did Joey go into that room? And how did he get in that room?"

"He just walked upstairs and said, "I've been here before." He just opened the door and…wait…he just opened the door!" Master! She already escaped! Way before we knew it! Jackson said.

"This means…she's already after the people who were connected to the room that day…" the butler said to himself.

"What are you talking about? Is there something that happened that day that I don't know!?" Jackson asked.

The butler turned his head and looked at Jackson with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Jackson listen to me. Stay away from Ahana! Run far away as possible, even if you can't move your legs! Stay away from here!" He yelled.

"For what? Nothing is wrong with Ahana!" Jackson said.

"You don't know what I know, Jackson! The jinn that was locked in your room all these years, is on the hunt! She will find one vessel that's strong and use them to kill all who she needs!" The butler explained.

"Master, tell me what happened to my family. And the truth!"

The butler stopped the car in the middle of road and coughed up lots of blood. "What's happening!?" Jackson asked.

(She must've put the curse on me too!) the butler thought to himself.

The butler looked at Jackson and smiled. "I'm sorry, Jackson. But you'll have to fight this jinn on your own!" He said as he shoved Jackson out of the car with his jinn energy.

The car caught on fire on the hood, as Jackson ran towards the car. "Get out!" He yelled.

The butler looked out the window and smiled. "I didn't want to leave you so soon but…I believe that she doesn't want Joey. So…I only pray…that if she comes for you…you'll be strong enough to fight her! Avenge your family and fight, my boy! I leave the rest to you." He said with a tear running down his face.

"GET OUT, HURRY!!!" Jackson yelled.

The car exploded and Jackson was sent flying. "N-no…." He whispered.

People in the area ran towards the car and Jackson. "Are you ok?" A stranger asked.

Jackson stared at the car in flames and cried. "M-master you…this can't be real!" Jackson yelled as he collapsed to the ground in tears.

"Damn it!! What happened!? We were just fine!" Jackson said as he looked around and noticed all the people calling the cops.

(I-I have to get to Joey!) Jackson thought frantically.

He looked around and limped his way into the woods leading to Joey's house.

"He was bleeding from his nose, so he decided to blow the car before it could get to me! Which means…the jinn was near? No, no, that's not it! Master…I'll avenge you no matter what!" Jackson said to himself as he ran faster and faster.

Jackson slipped and fell to the ground.

Footsteps approached from behind. Jackson turned around and froze with fear.

"No way! You of all people, why the hell are you?-

"Relax. I'm not here to kill you, I'm here to kill the special one. But…to make sure you keep your mouth shut, I'll make a deal with you!" The voice said.

"B-but your suppose to be-how--why are you doing this!?" Jackson asked as he was knocked out.

"I'm coming for you, Joey!"

Next chapter: Trials begin!

Coming in 4 days