Trials Begin!

Jackson woke up in Joey's bed, with Jodi and Joey staring at him. Ahana was standing over him, with her hand on he's chest.

"Try not to move. I need to be careful!" She said in a calm voice. Jackson looked at his chest and noticed a weird looking symbol drawn in blood.

Jackson tried to wipe it off but failed. "Why won't it come off!?" Jackson asked.

"Would you stop your crying? I'm just studying it." Ahana said.

"Jackson…what did you see?" Ahana asked.

Jackson said nothing. He just looked at the ceiling.

"I see. Whoever did this…placed a curse on Jackson. And if he breaks this curse, he'll die! He can't tell us anything about who or what he saw, even if he knows something…he can't tell us." Ahana explained.

Jackson put a thumbs up and say up out of bed. "Where is he?" Jackson asked Ahana.

Ahana fell into silence and walked through Joey's bedroom door.

"All of you…follow me." Ahana said.

Joey,Jackson, and Jodi got up and followed Ahana to the crash. They all peeped through the bushes of the woods and looked at the car. "You remember the crash? Your master…he didn't make it. He passed away in the crash. I'm sorry." Ahana said.

Jackson looked at the ground and started punching it repeatedly. "Damn it!" He yelled in pain.

Jodi said nothing, he just stared at Jackson and watched him start to cry. Ahana did the same.

Joey put his hand on Jackson's left shoulder and took a knee beside Jackson.

"I know you know who did this…and I promise you…they'll pay for what they did. And if it's my fault that he died…please forgive me. I don't really know what I am." Joey said with disappointment.

"No, it's not your fault. It's just…I have no one left! Everyone that I've ever cared about…is dead! My mom,dad,sister,girlfriend, and now…my best friend." Jackson said with pain in his voice.

"I know how you feel. It's not fun losing someone so close to you in life! But…no matter what, you always have to keep moving forward and getting stronger for the ones we lost." Joey reassured.

Jackson stared at Joey with intense eyes.

(Joey you…have I really been that much of a bad person? I haven't realized that you…you've been through so much! People make fun of you,treat you like trash,your poor,get no girls,don't know most of your family,lost your grandmother,and have a sick mother! Joey you…you really are..) Jackson snapped out of thought and quickly walked away.

"Where are you going?" Jodi asked.

Ahana snapped her fingers to shut Jodi up. "Let him be, and Joey…you have the power to change people's hearts around you! Keep that up!" Ahana said.

"Now then, you all rest up! I'll go talk to Jackson. You two can go rest now." Ahana said.

Time went by and Ahana noticed Jackson wandering the streets at night. She approached Jackson from behind and touched his back.

Jackson stopped and turned his head. "What do you want…Ahana?" He asked.

"I noticed that you don't need your jinn glasses to see me anymore! That means your officially my pup!" Ahana laughed.

"Yeah." He whispered.

"Jackson, its ok to lose people in your life. Don't let it bother you too much."

"What do you know about losing people?! You have all of that power and never had to worry about anything! Just get out of here!" He yelled.

Ahana did nothing but smile. "It's too late for you to assume that! Everyone that I've ever loved is dead. They all died when I was…I think sixteen or so. I'm twenty-eight years old now! And I've been lonely for all these years. After I lost my brother…I didn't know what to do." Ahana explained.

"You and Joey really are the same. It's just one is nice with a good heart…while the other is a popular, nice-living young man! He lost someone last week! Now he has to take care of his mother, along with his sister!" Ahana explained.

"Yeah, I know. It's really sad. Especially with all the stuff he's been through." Jackson whispered.

"So…what's your plan? I know you can't tell me what you want because of that curse, but…if you want to improve your power to take down whoever did this…I think you should join the trials, to get stronger and prevent things like this from happening." Ahana said.

"I'm allowed to say this…my master told me to stay far away from you, no matter what! Because…whatever happened in that room that day…is what started this." Jackson explained.

"I see. I was there, if that's what your trying to ask! But I had nothing to do with your parents death. I was there with my master, and my master was best friends with your father! But I'll tell you more whenever I find out how to remove that curse!"

"So you, your brother, and Kebuchie were…"

"Yeah…we all saw what happened.but I can't tell you everything, it would ruin the trust you have in me.." Ahana explained.

"Kebuchie killed my parents?" Jackson asked.

"No…and it's Kebushie."

"Ahana, please tell me who killed them! Apparently there's more to the story! Did a jinn actually kill them!?" Jackson asked.

Ahana stared at the ground with a very straight face. "Yeah, but…you wouldn't understand the truth." Ahana said.

"How about a deal?" Jackson asked.


"If we win the trials and get stronger, you have to tell me everything about what happened!" Jackson said.

Ahana thought about it and smiled. They both shook hands on it and closed the deal.

Meanwhile, Joey was laying down in bed on his phone. There was a knock on his bedroom door. He got up and opened the door to see Lily.

"Mom's sleep. I just wanted to check on you, see how your doing! Are you ok?" Lily asked.

"Of course I'm ok!" Joey laughed.

Lily pushed open the door and noticed Jodi sleeping on the floor. Lily turned red and grabbed Joey by the ear.

"W-shy is he here!?" She asked nervously.

"We're going out tomorrow. Since school's canceled and there's nothing to do…we're gonna go out." Joey lied.

"I think you should wake him up…so I can show him around." Lily said with uncertainty.

"I'm already up. And I don't mind." Jodi whispered.

"Perfect!!" Lily screamed as she grabbed Jodi and ran down stairs. (What the hell did I just watch?) Joey asked himself.

Joey went back into his room and turned on the light to see Ahana in the middle of his room.

"Where's Jackson?" Joey asked.

"He'll join us tomorrow. Don't worry about him. Just get some rest, I'll teleport everyone to the area tomorrow morning." Ahana said.

Joey rolled his eyes and drifted off too sleep.

Jackson walked into his cold,dark house. He walked upstairs slowly and opened the creepy door.

He quickly turned on the lights and looked around the room. Jackson was wearing his jinn slayer-glasses, but couldn't see a jinn anywhere.

"She…really did escape. But…the person who put the curse on me…why are you working with it!? When did you come in contact with the supernatural?!" Jackson asked himself.

(The Jinn that's cursing my family…is a relative of mine who died in our home. Ever since then, people have been scared to even come close to the house. Because her spirit haunts. She's not the upper jinn I'm looking for but…she came from it!) Jackson thought to himself.

Jackson went to his bedroom and sat in bed alone and cold. "This is what you must've felt like, huh, Joey?" He whispered to himself as he drifted off too a deep sleep.

The next morning Joey and Jodi were with Ahana waiting for Jackson to meet them. "He's taking too long, We've got to go!" Ahana said.

Jodi noticed Jackson walking up the street. "There he is." Jodi whispered.

Jackson took his time walking, as Ahana had a annoyed look on her face. Jackson stopped and said nothing to anyone.

He stared intensely at Ahana. (You better tell me everything you know, Ahana the great!) Jackson thought to himself.

Ahana smiled and raised her hands in the air. (Yes Jackson! Let that be inspiration to get stronger!) Ahana thought.

She clapped her hands and teleported everyone in front of a weird building. It was upside down, and had lots jinn energy around the building.

"Wow!" Joey said.

"This is the place…you three, go inside and wait for my voice. There will be other pups there." Ahana explained.

Joey and Jackson walked in without any hesitation. Jodi took a step forward and waved Ahana good-bye before entering.

Joey was surprised to see so many people inside the building. "There has to be about fifty people in here!" Joey said to Jackson and Jodi.

Jodi said nothing,he looked straight ahead and focused on one of the people. "Why the hell is he here?" Jodi asked himself.

"Who are you talking about?" Joey asked.

Jodi pointed at a tall man, who had long black hair, and walked around with his shirt off. The man had huge muscles and looked very intimidating.

"He looks strong!" Joey said.


Joey's heart filled with anger when hearing his name. He's stared menacingly at the huge man.

"Tojo…from the Tojo clan." Joey said in anger. He grabbed his guns,but didn't show.

Next chapter: The Play House

Coming in 2 days

Hey readers! Sorry for not being active. I've been going through a lot at home and mentally. But I'll be back shortly. Thank you!!!