The play house

Joey and Jodi walked around, looking at everyone with curiosity.

(All these people…are staring at me with hate. Why!?) Joey asked himself.

Meanwhile, Ahana swung open a door too see everyone on a balcony watching. "This is where we watch?" Ahana asked.

"Yes ma'am!" Rock laughed.

"Good luck to you all! This year, there's a special prize to the winning group." Amber laughed.

"Prize? Like what?" Astor asked.

Amber stood up from the table and threw her arms in the air. "The legendary wish jinn!" She screamed.

Everyone's jaws dropped as they ran over closer to Amber.

"The wish jinn!? Are you serious!? I never found one in my life!" Hercules said.

"She's lying, there's no damn way!" Jinx yelled.

"I'm telling the truth! I managed to capture the damn thing and seal it in my energy ball!" Amber explained as she pulled out a tiny black ball.

"We can grant any wish and it'll come true?" Astor asked.

"Yep! Only one wish!"

Astor put his hand under his chin and stared thinking. Ahana stared at him with a weird look in her eye.

(That's…your wish, Astor?) She thought to herself.

"Let's ignore the damn jinn, where's Ximena? I don't want anyone missing while there's an angry clan!" Ahana said.

Everyone looked around and shrugged their shoulders. "You mean to tell me…you haven't heard from her?" Ahana asked with annoyance in her voice.

"I was with her and her pups on Monday. But I haven't seen her since, or her pups!" Jinx explained.

Ahana took a seat on the floor and started meditating. She could see the whole universe, all planets, and all life. She zoomed in on earth and noticed six energy balls glowing.

"What do you see?" Hercules asked.

"Only six of us…Ximena's energy isn't here on earth. Check the spirit realm!" Ahana ordered Hercules.

Hercules clapped his hands and came back quickly. "No signs of her! Do you think she's…"

"No! I'll go look for her. You five, continue with the games! I'll be back shortly." Ahana said in a dry tone.

Ahana left the building and walked outside slowly. She rolled her eyes and looked up at the sky.

"What would you do…Adrienne and master?" She asked, as she began to float above the ground. (There's only one thing to do…if my theory's correct then..I'll annihilate the clan myself!) Ahana thought as she flew quickly towards the mountains.

Meanwhile, Astor pulled the five of his pups to the side. "Now that Ahana's gone…you all need to do whatever it takes to win! I also want you guys to kill Joey! You have my permission!" Astor said.

Kilo turned his head and made eye contact with Joey and Jodi. "The one with blond hair…right?" Kilo asked.

"Yeah, that's him!" Astor said.

Astor walked upstairs to the balcony and turned his head. "I believe you all can do! Kilo,Spider,Wraith,Gon, and Delta. This year, is the year we win and bring peace to the afterlife world! You just see this mission through, no matter what!" Astor said as he vanished.

Kilo looked up at the clock and noticed five minutes remaining. "Five minutes until the playhouse game starts. I'll kill him when the second game comes. You all just do you." Kilo ordered.

"Wait! If Joey is a real threat to us then…maybe you shouldn't take him on alone!" Spider suggested

Kilo glared at Spider with a murderous look in his eyes. "You don't think I'm capable of killing him?" He asked Spider.

Spider was a tiny girl. She wore a gray dress, with designs that looked like a spider, red eyes and she had long beautiful grey hair.

"N-no I'm not saying that at all it's just-"

Kilo grabbed Spider by her hair and lifted her from the ground.

"That's enough, Kilo! Gon yelled.

Before Kilo could do anything else, Joey had a gun pointed at Kilo's head, while Jodi held his blade to his neck.

"Touch her…and we'll kill you!" Jodi threatens as he tightened the grip around his sword.

(Oh? What speed! I didn't even notice them coming.) Kilo thought to himself. Kilo slowly put Spider down.

"The games didn't even start yet! Can we all just get along and not fight!?" Someone yelled out.

Joey and Jodi put down their weapons and took a step back.

(His power…is insane! I can feel it, even just standing here it's incredible!) Joey thought to himself.

Kilo smacked his lips and pushed Joey to the side. Kilo walked past Jodi and stared him down.

"Not surprised." He said.

Everyone moved out of Kilo's way as he stood on top of a huge table. "Everyone, listen up! If any of you dare to stand in my way…I'll kill you! I could care less about you, your family's, your past, or how you feel! My goal is to win and get my damn wish!" Kilo said as he lauded the table across the room.

His team followed him upstairs and waited.

"What a piece of shit!" Jodi said with anger.

"How do you know him?" Joey asked. "It's a long story. Besides, I think the game is about-"

"GAME ONE:The Playhouse! This game was created by yours truly, Jinx! I know I'm amazing, you can all tell me that later…anyways, each game is created by a jinn slayer. In total there are eight games to be played! Make it to the end, you get the prize."

"What's the prize?" Joey asked.

"A wish! Anything will come true, trust me when I say that." Jinx screamed.

"Now then, look at your shirts or skin! You'll notice number placed on them. If you look around you, you'll notice other people have numbers too. You'll have to steal one number and make it through the golden door before the clock hits zero! You only have one minute! No powers or killing allowed for this game!"Jinx explained.

Joey looked around to spot out people to quickly grab. (I'll finish this game quickly, then move on to the door!) he thought to himself.

"This game is to separate the strong from the weak! Ready? Begin!" Jinx screamed in the mic, as people ran around.

Joey noticed Jodi already heading towards the door. (Wow that was fast! I guess it's my turn now!) Joey thought to himself.

Joey ran behind someone and reached for their number. When he reached, the guy turned around and swung a knife at Joey.

(Didn't she say no killing?! I guess we can use weapons to stop them from getting our numbers but…this can harm me!) Joey thought to himself.

Joey leaned backwards and grabbed the man's number quickly.

(He's fast! But not fast enough!) the man thought as he slashed Joey's hand.

Joey kicked the knife out of the man's hand and sprinted towards him. He delivered a powerful punch that knocked the guy out.

"That was easy!" Joey laughed as he ran towards the door. As soon as he put his hand on the knob, the building started rotating, which's knocked Joey all the way to the bottom of the building. (Shit!) He thought as he sprinted and dodged through people.

Astor watched Joey closely as he was getting closer to the door. (Kids got some good speed and agility, I'll give him that. But I want to see his jinn energy! What makes him such a threat that the angles want him dead?) Astor thought to himself as Joey passed the first game easily.

Joey slammed the door shut and breathed heavily. He noticed Jodi in the corner of the room sleeping. (Looks like twenty or so people passed. Damn. How did so many people lose their number?)

Joey noticed Kilo with lots of numbers in his hand.

Jinx appeared from the shadows and started counting. "Five, four, three, two…and one! Everyone outside of the door will be eliminated!" She laughed. A loud boom was heard as it went silent outside.

"What the hell happened out there!?" A boy asked.

"Don't worry about it!" Jinx said.

"Before you all move to the next game, I'll need you to roll a dice that will test your luck!" She explained.

She slowly pulled out a black dice. "The higher the number, better the luck! You roll first…Joey." She said while staring deep into his eyes.

Everyone looked at Joey with intensity as he grabbed the dice. Joey rolled the dice to get a "one".

"Haha! Would you look at that! You really are bad luck,huh? You remind me…of me almost. Kinda messed up, isn't it? Not feeling loved by the people around you." Jinx whispered in his ear as she threw the dice to another person.

Everyone rolled the dice and received four or over. Joey was the only one to get the number 1.

Jinx pointed at a blue door. "This game was created by Astor and Amber! Beyond this point…you'll use your powers to fight in teams." Jinx explained as everyone walked through the door.

Jinx noticed Joey standing in the same spot. "Hey kid, the next game is starting. Get a move on-"

"When you said we're the same…I can't stand but find that hard to believe." Joey whispered.


"Not feeling loved by the people around you, that's what you said. I know that feeling, all too well. But…I met Jodi,Ahana, and I have my sis n mother. But when I look at you and all your pups and the people your around…I can't help but feel…happy almost. Ahana talks about you all the you all the time. She looks at you like your her own sister, you and Ximena." Joey explained.

Jinx stared at Joey with amazement. (This kid…his heart…I get this warm feeling, just being around him. What is this?)

"I don't think your not loved. You have all those amazing people to love you and help you in your journey. Me on the other hand…I'm not wanted in life or in death."


"You don't have to say anything. I know one of you have plotted to kill me in the future! And when that time comes, I'll be ready and waiting for you to come! I've done nothing to you guys, I've just lived a lonely life. Doing nothing but trying to survive with my family."

(The uppers want this kid dead? There's nothing threatening about him…at all! His heart is full so sadness and kindness.) Jinx thought to herself.

"Jinx…we aren't the same. So don't compare yourself to others if you don't know their past. But…after the games, I want to make more friends and comrades! So, I'd like to know more about you!" Joey said as he lifted his hand out.

Jinx stared at Joey's hand. She went through her thoughts and started thinking about a man's hand reaching out to her, crying her name.

(Your just like Adrienne, Joey.) She thought to herself. A tear dropped to the floor as she shook Joey's hand. "My pup, Duce will like you. You should team with him! And I'll keep your little promise! You can get to know me anytime, Joey!" Jinx smiled.

Joey laughed and walked towards the blue door. "See you after we win, Jinx!" Joey laughed as he ran through the door.

(For a kid with bad luck…he sure knows how to put a smile on your face. Ahana, you still haven't told him yet, have you? Once the three of them learn about the truth…it's only a matter of time…before they try to kill you!) Jinx thought to herself