The Dirty Work

Amber walked down the hall, and into Kilo's room. Kilo was out, as the machine starting feeding him.

"Astor…the chances of him being able to fight again…are low." Amber said with disappointment.

"Then who'll go with me on the mission!? I need someone strong to fight with me!" Astor said.

Amber grabbed a chair and took a seat next to Astor. She rested her head on his shoulder. "That mission is straight suicide! You can't go, you promised you wouldn't!" Amber said tearfully.

"Yeah…suicidal…wait,Amber that's it!" Astor laughed.

"What are you getting at?" Amber asked.

Astor looked at Joey's door. "That boy…I'll take him with me to replace Kilo! Me and him will die together in a blaze of glory!" Astor laughed.

"Your insane! I'd rather poison him right now!" Amber said.

"Don't! Believe me, it's the same way as killing him…it's just that…my life will be lost also. The foe we will face, won't be an easy one. But I'll take Joey with me and we will both die." Astor explained.

"When do you think it's coming?" She asked.

Astor closed his eyes. "It'll be soon…I wanted to take Kiki with me…but Joey will do! I just have to ask Ahana." He said.

"Where is she? She's taking a very long time."

"Like I'd know. Just save Joey to me." Astor said.

"There's still one person who's missing from our group…" Amber said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Have you seen or heard from flip and his pups?"

Meanwhile, Ahana walked slowly through the halls of the clan and approached a very tall door.

"So the rumors are true…they do keep a door where they throw away weak people! Very cruel…most people who are born in the clan are powerful! But if your weak…your a slave, weaker then weak,your thrown in the room to be eaten by jinns!" Ahana said.

She placed her hands on the door. Ahana could hear a giant heartbeat, as she quickly punched the giant door down.

Ximena was on the floor passed out. "Ximena!!!" Ahana yelled as she ran over.

Ahana studied her body and noticed scars everywhere. (She's been fighting jinns ever since she's been here!) Ahana said.

Her anger grew as footsteps approached the door. Ahana picked Ximena and held her in her arms.


Soldiers formed at the door and pointed their weapons at Ahana. "High-level jinn slayer, Astral was killed! Alert the leader immediately!" Someone screamed.

"Put that weakening down now! And face your death with pride!" A soldier yelled.

Without turning around, Ahana spoke. "Her? Weakling? You people really are dull."


"She could kill all of you in mere seconds! You guys are the ones who have to be slaves and soldiers to the clan…all because your WEAK!" Ahana laughed.

The soldiers fell i to silence, as Ahana placed Ximena on the ground. "Under the great clan of Tojo! We order you to drop down! This is a battle you will not win! Once our superiors get here, it's all over for you! It's very impressive you broke this door down though!" A soldier yelled.

"I hat law and order. In this world, people should be free, right? Are you men willing to die for this clan?" Ahana asked as she slowly turned her head and removed her eye-patch.

"The eye of-n-not possible!" The soldier said in fear.

Everyone ran out into the opening and surrounded Ahana with long Spears and swords.

"I'm giving you men a chance to walk away and live free lives. You don't have to be a slave anymore!" Ahana explained.

"Get ready to charge men!"

(He's ignoring me…well then, I tried. Forgive me…Ximena.)

Ahana opened her Allah eye and watched as everyone charged at her.


All the soldiers in that very moment , lost their heads. Every soldier's head went flying off. Even the roof was chopped off.

One soldier remained. He backed away in fear, as he fell over the bodies of his comrades. "She killed thousands of us…in just a instant…this is the great-"

Ahana snapped her fingers and watched as the man exploded from the inside.

(That created lots of noise. But it's fine, I want the superiors of this clan to come out!)

Ahana picked Ximena up and walked towards the opening. "It's been too long, Ahana!" A man with a deep voice said a couple yards behind her.

"Ahhh, it's you, Kroll!" Ahana laughed.

Ahana turned around to see six people standing in the distance.

"Where's your leader? I've been dying too meet him! I hear he's one of the most powerful humans on the planet in fact!" Ahana laughed.

"What's your business here? Answer wisely!" Kroll said in a demanding voice.

"My friend here was kidnapped and taken away from me…I just wanted her back, nothing more." Ahana whispered.

"From what I know, you haven't killed the boy yet! Why's that?" Kroll asked.

"I don't take the life of people who don't deserve it." Ahana said.

Kroll made a horrified look. As he took a step forward. "Revive all the men you killed today. If you do that…you have my word…we won't attack or kill the jinn slayers." Kroll said.

Ahana looked with amusement in her eyes. "And for Joey?" She asked.

Kroll closed his eyes with regret. "Unfortunately…we still have to follow our orders from the higher ups!" Kroll said.

"That's fine. You people can't kill me anyways! So I have no problem with any of that…but I want to personally have a meeting with the higher ups, and all of the legendary clans!" Ahana demanded.

"What for?" Kroll asked.

"We'll all talk about the REAL enemy that's coming…and not the future threat." Ahana said as she walked away.

"Wait! You haven't revived my men! I'm trying to stop a war from breaking out, Ahana!" Kroll yelled.

"You and me both know what's coming! With Kebushie and the jinns plotting together…it's only a matter of time before they use the orb,kill the demon-sword user, and use Joey! But there's one thing I can't understand…how do they plan on dealing with me?" She asked.

Ahana snapped her fingers, as all the men, including Astral came back to life.

"This clan shall live too see another day! But…from what I'm seeing with my great eye…you people don't have long before she comes to get you!" Ahana laughed.

(What the hell is she talking about!? Kebushie with jinns? Demon sword? She?)

"Oh yeah, I forgot how blind you clans are of the world! Just watch your back in a couple of weeks, Kroll." Ahana warned as she disappeared with Ximena.

Astral sprinted towards Kroll. "Why did you let her escape!?" He yelled.

"We mustn't worry, father! There's a much greater enemy coming our way…and we need to be ready." Kroll warned.

"The angles ordered us to kill-"

"I don't give a damn what the angels ordered! There's a threat coming our way, something that'll wipe out the clan and others!" Kroll said.

"How do you know this?" A woman with long white hair asked.

"Do you not know the abilities of that eye!? One is, she can see future outcomes of events that happened today! She warned me of the clans destruction!" Kroll yelled.

"What if she was lying, Kroll? You always have to ask these questions!" The woman said.

"I've known Ahana even before she died. She and her brother were close friends of mine! I know that look from anywhere…something's coming!" Kroll said.

"Ignore her. We will still look for Joey and kill him on sight! Kilo should kill him in the games, anyways! So we have nothing to worry about!" The woman said as she walked towards the rubble of the building.

"That woman killed our army,broke into our home,and threatened MY daughter, Naomi! This will not be tolerated by someone who's slow us!" The woman yelled.

Kroll said nothing and walked away into the distance.

"If Kebushie really is working with jinns and want the demon sword…this'll end bad! Ahana even said our clan will fall to a woman! But who? What's gonna shake this whole world? Has Kebushie told them information about the jinn slayers? Us?"

The woman with white hair quickly dropped to the floor as a tall man walked into the opening.

Everyone quickly fell to their knees with fear in their eyes. "Master I-"

"Did I tell you to speak?" The man asked.

"What…happened here? You may now speak…Amora!" The man said.

"Ahana…s-she came into the clan and killed our men! S-she took the young woman we captured from the jinn slayer group." Amora explained.

"Who failed to kill her?" The man asked.

Everyone looked at Astral. Astral felt his heart drop as he quickly stood to his feet. "I-I can explain! She's the child from many years ago who came into this world, blessed with Allah's-"

"Failure isn't tolerated here! It would seem we have a weakling among us! The man laughed.

"Master, please! Let me make it up to you! I'll kill the boy! I'll kill Ahana if I must!" Astral pleaded.

"Silence, you damn rat!"

The man with galaxy-eyes stood over everyone. "Kilo won't defeat the boy! Which means…he's failed me too, and that also means…you'll die with your own son!" The leader said.

Astral quickly ran away and disappeared into thin air. As he was moving, Astral began thinking to himself.

(My first son…Kroll! You must solve this mystery!) he thought, as he felt a powerful blow to his body. Astral lost feeling in his body. He fell to the ground and watched as the man towered over him. "Soul snatcher!"

Astral's soul was sucked out of his body and into a golden ball that formed into the man's hand.

"I guess you'll have to do for the sacrifice this week! Sucks, Astral! I was beginning to like you as my slave!" The man laughed as he put the ball in his mouth and swallowed it whole.



"Don't feel sympathy for him! The Tojo clan has no time for feelings to be in the way! Right now, is the time for celebration not agony! Me and a very special partner have come to an agreement!" The man said, with his intimidating eyes.

(What is he talking about? All the fighting units aren't here yet…so who is he talking about?) Amora thought.

The man walked past Amora and everyone else who kneeled before him.

"Everyone! Be prepared for a great moment in human history! Everyone will know truly…what horror and hell is!" The man laughed.

Another well-dressed man came into the clearing and stood beside the clan's leader.

Amora's heart filled with happiness when seeing the man appear beside her leader.

Amora and others stood up as they clapped their hands with joy. "We…we get to kill them all!?" A soldier asked.

(His mind controlling abilities are great! Good job…youngster!) the leader thought as he looked at the strange man.

"Next week! The world shall know what it's like to be afraid! We, the Tojo clan! Along with this man and his powerful Allies,shall make a new world, a world where jinns rule all! But there is a threat that must be dealt with, and that threat is… Ahana! Wouldn't you say so…Kebushie?"

Kebushie snapped his fingers, as seven-teen jinns appeared behind him.

"Thank you, Xenon! And thank you all for having me! It's a shame that we couldn't get here before Ahana could leave…but not to worry…with your strength…we can FINALLY crush her! Behind me are the seven-teen high level jinns! None of them have ever lost in battle to any slayer! They're one of the strongest! I believe…that our goals can be met if we work together to stop Ahana." Kebushie explained.

Thousands of the soldiers and eight of the elite fighters stared in amazement. "I know that all of your elite fighters aren't here, Xenon! But I'll need all I can get!" Kebushie said as he pulled out the blue glowing orb.

"The legendary orb of Lucifer! This…this will be our greatest weapon! Once we bring back the "original one!" With our orb…we will even the battle field with Ahana and her damn Allah eye! And we have the perfect someone to do that…located underneath a high school called Heaven's gate!"

Sho waved his hands as he walked through the clan's gates. "Master! He's finally here!" Sho laughed as he pointed at Flip, who was standing behind him.

Kebushie smiled and looked back to Xenon. "Flip is very important for our plan! He's my second and last loyal pup!" Kebushie explained.

"I know. Let's hope this plan of yours will work in the end!" Xenon said.

The jinn spirits closed in on Kebushie,Sho, Flip, and Xenon.

"Now then. Let's prepare for war!"

Next chapter: Game over

In 3 days