Game over

Jackson sat in Joeys room, waiting for him to wake up. "It's been four hours…when are you gonna wake up? You damn shit head!" Jackson whispered.

"I know you probably can't hear me but…me and Jodi have left the games! We decided it was too dangerous for you and us as a group to continue!" Jackson said with disappointment.

Jackson rubbed his hands through his long,black,and silky hair. "From everything that's happened in my life…up until now, I've realized just how much I've enjoyed life…because of you." Jackson admitted.

"I literally…have no one. No father,mother,sister,girlfriend,grandparents,friends, and teacher. Before I met you, I was a jinn slayer looking for revenge! Always bullying you, never even realizing all the pain I've been putting you through. I'm saying this because…me and you, really are similar, Joey." Jackson said.

"I'm just glad I have one brother left…and that's you, Joey. So you better get well soon, or I'll kill you!" Jackson laughed.

Jackson's smiled faded away, as he remembered everyone he's lost in life. "Damn. You know I'm seven-teen years old? And for about two years of my life…was the only time I've been happy?"

Jackson got up and looked out the window. "The other teams are still fighting…and Amber still hasn't come to heal you yet. I wanted to play this game for answers…but I can't…now." Jackson said.

"The only way for me to find out about my families death…is to get stronger and fight the damn jinn who escaped the seal! Ahana has something to do with the death of my family, and I need answers…I need to know what jinn is behind all this!" Jackson said as anger grew within him.

"I guess…master was right after all! Ahana…might just be an enemy-"

The door swung open, as Amber took her time walking into the room. "He's still breathing…" she said.

"Why wouldn't he?" Jackson snapped back.

Amber ignored him and held out both hands.

She placed her hands on Joey's chest. "Heal." She said.

Joey's injuries disappeared in the blink of an eye. "Huh? You did it fast!" Jackson said.

"My family comes from a nursing background…I guess you can say it's in my blood." Amber said, while staring menacingly as Joey.

"Tell me the truth…why do the angels want Joey dead?" Jackson asked.

"Who knows? We just follow our orders!" Amber laughed.

"He should be all good to go! Now I just have to-"

"Heal Ximena and do it quickly." Ahana ordered Amber. Amber had a surprised look on her face, as Ahana held Ximena.

"What happened!?" Amber asked as she placed two hands on Ximena's body.

"The Tojo clan kidnapped her…for reasons." Ahana said.

"Why would they-"

"Say it, Amber. You think it has something to do with Joey, don't you?" Ahana asked.

"Look around you, Ahana! Everyone that you care about will die-"

"I won't let that happen, so don't you worry." Ahana claimed.

Amber rolled her eyes and focused on Ximena.

"Why aren't you guys playing?" Ahana asked Jackson.

"We left the games…for Joey's health of course. We couldn't just keep fighting." Jackson explained.

"I see." Ahana said.

Astor walked into the room. "Ahana…I need to talk too you!"

Ahana follow Astor into a private room and took a seat on a decent couch. "Joey injured my strongest pup!"

"You mean the Tojo kid? You need to tell him that he can't go back to his clan! It'll get messy within a week or so!" Ahana laughed.


"Never mind. What did you want? You know I don't really like you."

"I'm here to have permission to take Joey with me on a high ranked mission! I could use his powers!" Astor said.

Ahana put her hand on her chin and looked up at the ceiling. "Hmmm…no! Why would I send Joey with you? And besides I know what your fighting! If you were smart, you'd try not to throw your spirit's life away! Your already dead! One more time and it's over." Ahana laughed.

Astor grew angry as he slowly reached for his jinn-weapon. "Try me." Ahana whispered.

"Tsk. You know what that jinn took from me!" Astor said.

Astor got up and placed his hand on the door knob. "Everyone is starting to get hurt, all because you don't want to listen. You say you look at us like family…but it doesn't seem that way, and you need to ask yourself this question, Ahana. What are you without that eye of yours?" Astor asked.

Ahana sat in silence and stared at the ground.

"That was a question, Ahana."

"That's exactly the question my brother asked me before he changed…it's funny, really. How destiny repeats itself. But I don't want you to end up like your mother, Astor. Your stronger than she was! I'll let you take Joey. But I'll be giving him a teleportation crystal! So he can leave immediately! But if you die…all for your damn pride…that'll be a waste." Ahana explained.

Astor stared in shock, as he bow his head. "Thank you, Ahana." He said.

"You don't have to bow too me. I don believe in that crap. Unless your just an asshole." Ahana laughed.

"Right." Astor said, as he walked out the room.

"Adrienne,master, and Kebushie…why am I all alone in this?" Ahana asked herself.

Astor bursted into the room and took a seat next to Joey. Jackson stared at Astor with a confused look on his face.

"I'm surprised to see you here! What do you want?" Jackson asked.

"I could ask you the same kid." Astor said.

"Heh, I don't have anyone else to talk too, so I'm just talking to Joey for the time being!" Jackson said.

"Hahaha! I see! Looks like I'm not the only one!" Astor laughed.

"What do you mean?" Jackson asked.

"Not having anyone else left in your live too speak with. All the people you loved,known, and cared about are all gone…I know that feeling all too well." Astor said.

"That means all three of us have something in common." Jackson laughed.


"Yep! Joey's been through a lot! I removed when he and his family were homeless and were struggling on the street! I still hate the dumb ass though." Jackson said.

"You used to make fun of him? And he forgave you!?" Astor asked.

"Yeah. But I refuse to work with him…care about him though."

Astor stared at Joey, who was still knocked out.

"What an interesting fellow you are, Jackson." Astor said, as he walked out of the room.

One week later, after the games ending…

Joey and Astor watched, as the plane was landing. "I've never been on a plane before! This is gonna be fun!" Joey laughed.

"It's a mission too kill a jinn…this shouldn't be fun." Duce whispered.

"You two need to stop talking! It's time too get serious! Only the three of us are going on this mission, and I don't need dead bodies!" Astor said in a demanding voice.

Ahana and the others watched as The three walked on the plane. Everyone waved goodbye, as the plane began lift off.

Ahana held a thumbs up to Joey, who was staring at her through the window.

(Remember the crystal, Joey!) Ahana thought to herself.

Jodi and other pups watched in the distance. The plane took off in the air.

"That damn cursed brat gets to go on a mission! How stupid is that!?" A pup yelled.

"Shut up, Delta! We're lucky to even win the damn games!" Spider yelled.

"Still…he gave the wish jinn to Ahana….and I don't know why." Kilo said.

Jodi smiled and waved up at the plane. "See you whenever you come back, Joey." Jodi whispered.

Joey sat on the plane and put his seat all the way back. "I plan on taking out whatever it is you need us to kill within two days at least! I need to be home." Joey laughed.

"Is that so? Home, huh?" Duce asked.

Astor got up and walked around the plane. "Oh that's right, i forgot you snuck onto the plane, Jinx."

The pale woman, with pink hair slowly opened the bathroom door. "How did you know I was here!?" Jinx asked Astor.

Astor gave Jink an ugly look. "I saw you…literally sneak in the plane…you get it?" Astor said.

"I only took this mission just so I could get away from you, Jinx." Duce whispered.

"Hey that's not nice!! Why would you say such a rude thing, Duce!? I'm a great teacher and you will knowledge me!!" Jinx screamed.

(Is she really about to cry!?) Duce thought to himself.

Jinx's energy started spilling from her body, as her eyes glowed red. "I'm going too kill you!" Jinx cried.

"Jesus! Duce give her some damn candy now!" Astor yelled.

Duce pulled out a piece of chocolate. Jinx's tears Quincey dried up and she grabbed the Chocolate.

"Phew…thank goodness!" Astor sighed.

Astro noticed Joey ignoring all the commotion and staring down at the ground.

"Never been on a plane…" Joey whispered to himself.

(Seems like a good kid, but he needs too die! That's why I'm here…we will both die together facing our enemy! If I'm correct…it's the damn high-jinn I've been searching for! I'll just need to protect Duce! Jinx can handle her own…that is my mission! Too die with Joey!)


Kebushie's door opened, as a medium sized jinn walked in.

"What is it, bomber?" Kebushie asked the creature.

"I'll be going to my island, but I'll be back before that ugly little plan of yours takes place!" The jinn said in a smooth voice.

"Why are you telling me that? I'm not in charge of you!"

"I know that! But I also know you need my destructive power when the time comes!" Bomber said.

"True. But there's something bothering me."

"That jinn?" Bomber asked.

"Yeah. And that girl that was with it…she was amazingly strong! She almost killed Sho like it was nothing." Kebushie laughed.

"You think they're with Ahana and her crew?"

"No. Ahana would never work with a jinn. And a girl that powerful…that takes years of training. But…she's so young it's hard to believe that!" Kebushie said.

"Sounds to me like someone wants revenge!bomber laughed.

"All I know…is that she's a damn problem! Her and that unknown jinn. She was seen near that high school. Me and the others will search for her, you just do you, Bomber!"

"Hehehe, with pleasure!" Bomber laughed as he disappeared.

"That girl…is she working with the jinn from that day….when me and Ahana-hahaha! I get it now!" Kebushie laughed.

"ALL THIS TIME YOU WHERE WAITING FOR THE PERFECT SUCCESSOR! That jinn…is the key to getting the legendary demon sword from that Jackson brat! Ahahaha! This couldn't have gotten any easier! Ahana…your death is coming!"

Next chapter: The chosen ones

Ahana's backstory