Mastering the power

Adrienne was on the floor bleeding out from his wound. Ahana sprinted in the living room of the cabin and was shocked to see a woman standing over him.

"Who….the hell are you?" Ahana asked.

"Well damn, not gonna check on your brother I see? But I'm Nebula, from the great assassin family! I've been contracted to kill the both of you, you and your brother here." Nebula explained.

Nebula was a beautiful woman. She stood around 5'7, long black hair, brown eyes, and had a arm sleeve tattoo.

"I thought assassins weren't supposed to give out their names?" Ahana asked, while slowly reaching for her blades.

"Oh trust me, you two will die tonight! No one's ever survived me! I'm the best of the best, and I've been hired too kill the two most powerful jinn slayers of this era, Ahana!" Nebula laughed.

"Your insane. We've done nothing wrong! We just want a normal life, that's all." Ahana explained.

"I do too. But for me to achieve that goal…I have to-I have too kill you." Manila whispered.

Nebula swung the hand-size blade in her hand and pointed it at Ahana. "Let the hunt begin!" She laughed.

Ahana sprinted towards Nebula with both the swords. Ahana jumped in the air and kicked Nebula out of the cabin.

Ahana watched, as Nebula disappeared into the dark forest that surrounded the cabin. "That's one mistake you've made so far in this little fight! Fighting in the darkness…is my speciality!" Nebula laughed, as he voice echoed through the forest.

(I guess I'll have to cover up my eye. I don't wanna be seen by her! She's very strong! But I've never heard of her before.)

Ahana put on a eye-patch and ran into the forest with the swords at her side.

Meanwhile, Kebushie grabbed Adrienne and put his hand around Adrienne's neck.

"Calm down, Adrienne. I'm going to heal you!"

Adrienne moved Kebushie's hand. "H-help Ahana, I'll be fine!" Adrienne whispered, as blood poured from his mouth.

"You'll die you dumbass! Let me-"

"It's better if one of us dies than all three of us, Now go!" Adrienne yelled.

Kebushie nodded his head and ran out into the woods.

Ahana was running and dodging blades being thrown at her in the darkness. "Come out already!" Ahana yelled.

Nebula launched herself in the air and pulled out a sword. Ahana jumped back and dodged her attack.

"You've got some skill kid. But, this isn't really me…I'm right…behind you."

Ahana turned around and was slashed on her stomach area. Ahana fell to the ground and was knocked out.

"I'll spare your life, just because your a young woman!" Nebula laughed. "The two great twins….what makes you two so great? Those damn eyes!? Don't make me laugh!"

The eyes of a creature glowed in the dark, with its bright yellow eyes. Nebula could see it's sharp teeth, as it launched towards her with its mouth wide open.

Nebula jumped away from Ahana to dodge the creatures attack.

"Medium-level jinn manipulation technique: dragon of the underworld!" Kebushie said.

(He's using a jinns ability!? That's right…this kid is a high-level jinn slayer! He can steal the abilities of a jinn he's killed!)

Nebula stood her ground, as the dragon wrapped its worm-like body around Kebushie.

"This jinn has haunted my family since the beginning of time! Allow me introduce you to Jiniki!" Nebula laughed, as a weird looking lizard formed on her shoulder.

"The hell is that?" Kebushie asked.

"This annoying thing is a curse on my family! If chosen, you can get access to great high-level weapons! And guess what…I've been chosen!" Nebula laughed.

Nebula shoved her hands down the lizards throat, pulling out another sword.

(Dual blades!?)

Nebula swung the swords around in her hands, as she slowly walked towards Kebushie.

(I'll absorb her jinn and make a run for it! I can absorb jinns too, it's just a little harder to do! I don't need to kill their owner or anything!)

Kebushie snapped his fingers, as the jinn-dragon slithered towards her.

A loud boom was heard through the forest, as dust was in the air. Kebushie was surprised to see Nebula gone.

Kebushie looked in the air and saw Nebula dropping towards him. "DIIIIEEEE!!!" She yelled happily.

Kebushie jumped out of the way and dodged her swings with nice movement. (This brat isn't bad himself! The fact he's able to dodge my attacks so smooth…it's amazing potential!!) Nebula thought.

Kebushie rolled and kept dodging. "Dragons breath!"

Nebula stopped and looked to the right. The dragon opened it's mouth and shot flames at the both of them.

Kebushie kicked Nebula towards the flames. (Hahaha! Trying to create distance I see! What an amazing fighter you are!) Nebula thought.

The flames separated the two, blinding Nebula for just a moment. In that moment, Kebushie was behind Nebula, he raised his hand and summoned a black blade. He drove it deep into Nebula's back.

Nebula screamed in pain, as Kebushie's dragon quickly wrapped its body around her.

The dragon pointed its head at Nebula, about to shoot a fireball at her. But, Kebushie snapped he's fingers, stopping the dragon from killing her.

"Why did you come? Answer me or I'll order him to shoot you!" Kebushie said in anger.

"Damn kid, your not that weak at all! It takes real talent to do what we do! These damn twins have no talent, they were just born special and with great opportunities! We have to live under a rock and suffer the most in out lives!" Nebula said.

"That didn't answer my question! I'll give you one more chance." Kebushie said as the dragon started to build up its flames.

"You must not get it! I'll just have to kill you now won't I!?" Nebula laughed.

The lizard started choking on something. "Shit! Dragon, shoot now!"

"If I kill you, then my family will get to be free!" The dragon shot its flames at Nebula at close range. A loud boom went off, along with a huge shock wave.

Kebushie ran towards the explosion, to find out Nebula had disappeared. The dragon looked around in confusion. "Where did she-"

Nebula was standing on a tree. She reached inside of the lizards mouth and slowly pulled out a hand-sized blade.

Kebushie pointed at Nebula. The dragon launched itself at Nebula. While the dragon was in the air, Nebula jumped out of the tree and launched towards it.

She swung around the dragon and slashed the dragon's body with the blade, cutting it in half while falling.

"What the hell-", before Kebushie could react, Nebula slowly walked past him and slashed his chest area, then punching him in the back of the head.

"I killed one. That's good enough. I'll just head back home now! This should be enough to give my kids their freedom." Nebula said as she dropped the blade on the ground.

Nebula walked back to the cabin. "I need his body." She whispered.

Nebula opened the door and was shocked to see Adrienne gone. "He's still alive!? Where is he!?"

Nebula ran back outside and looked around. Her heart dropped when she spotted a pair of red glowing eyes.

"How the hell are you still alive!? I stabbed you repeatedly!" Nebula said.

"You thought you killed me, but that's just not how my powers work! The more damage I take, the faster and stronger my body gets! That also comes with regenerating!" Adrienne laughed. Blood poured from his head, and he had a crazy look in his eyes.

"This doesn't make any sense! You should be dead! Is this for real!?" Nebula asked.

Adrienne put his hands behind his back and slowly revealed a scythe covered in jinn energy.

"Oh yeah, this is real! Me and my sister haven't mastered our power yet and we both have different abilities! But…I think I'm about to take the title as worlds strongest!" Adrienne laughed.

Nebula reached in the lizards mouth and pulled out a long chain, with a blade at the end. "The fights just getting started kid!" Nebula said.

Adrienne busted out into laughter. "Your right! It really is just beginning! This is just what I've been looking for, My inspiration!" He laughed.

"You crazy son of a bitch!"

Nebula swung the chains over her head.

"This woman was hired to kill us. Just like the rest of these damn people! They're doing this…because the world fears us." Adrienne said to himself.

Nebula disappeared from view and stared zooming around the forest. Adrienne turned his head and noticed the chains headed towards him.

Adrienne flew towards the chains and dodged them in air. Adrienne flew so fast past Nebula, she could feel the wind hitting her in the face.

"So fast!" Nebula said as she quickly turned her head. Adrienne floated upside down and smiled at Nebula.

"It's not over yet, you'll die for sure!" Nebula laughed.

The chain was still following Adrienne. Adrienne used his scythe and slashed the chain.

Nebula leaped into the air and swung the other part of the chain. Adrienne readjusted his body and blocked the blade with his scythe.

Adrienne kicked Nebula back to the ground, which created a loud boom.

Before Nebula could get up, Adrienne pointed at her and said, "plus force!". Nebula, along with everything behind her, was pushed. Nebula went flying into the cabin, which was destroyed on impact.

Nebula rubbed her finger down the top of her head. "Blood? I've never bled in a fight before! And this kid…I made sure to kill him first! But his abilities are bullshit! I feel like he's holding back against me!" Nebula said in anger.

Nebula got to her feet and noticed the chain completely destroyed.

(This jinn chooses someone from our family and gives them high-jinn weapons! This damn kid dealt with it as if it were nothing! He's probably one of the strongest alive! Amazing!) Nebula thought to herself.

Adrienne floated above Nebula and studied her condition. "Broken rib, low on stamina, has no jinn energy, and I'll have to keep my distance she's amazing at close combat!)

Nebula was sweating and tired. "I planned this fight out perfectly! What's with his ability!? Why didn't I know about this?" Nebula asked herself.

"This next attack will end the fight! Your the strongest person I've ever met without jinn-energy!" Adrienne said.

Nebula stared at the ground and slowly raised her head to Adrienne. "Look at you…always above the rest of us, while your people just look down on us!" Nebula said in anger.

In that moment, Nebula remembered holding a little girl in her arms and a boy that was hugging her leg.

Nebula smiled and closed her eyes. (It's too late for my son, but for you…Elizabeth, you won't end up like me! At least I hope not. After this kid kills me…they'll likely throw you out, so forgive your mom for not being strong.) Nebula thought to herself.

"The one who'll be on top…is me!" Nebula yelled as she leaped desperately towards Adrienne.

"Allah technique: Red River strike!" Adrienne said.

Nebula watched, as red energy formed at Adrienne's finger tips. He put the finger beside his head and fluids towards Nebula.

"Forgive me and may your soul Rest In Peace, Nebula." Adrienne said.

Adrienne unleashed his attack, sending a powerful wave of energy though the forest, dragging everything in its path.

Adrienne landed on he ground and waited for the dust to clear. When it cleared, the forest was nothing more than mere dust and ash.

Adrienne was shocked to see Nebula on her feet,Half of her body was destroyed, and she had the same smile on her face.

(I can sense her life slipping away.) Adrienne thought to himself.

Adrienne walked closely to Nebula, who was still breathing. "Do you want me to put you out of your-"

"No." Nebula said as she coughed up blood.

Adrienne took a deep breath. "Kebushie is one of my comrades. I don't know if you've fought him already or not but…he can remove that jinn on you and possibly free your family from the curse. It's up to you though." Adrienne explained.

"Free my family? Haha. We've been fighting for freedom all our lives. And besides….I don't need your saving." Nebula said.

"I see. Well then, I hope you come back as a free bird." Adrienne said as he bow his head.

Adrienne turned his back and walked away deep in the forest.

At that moment I knew I had lost. Now it was only a matter of time before Jiniki can find another host. I fought only for the sake of my children.

Nebula thought only about her kids, as her vision slowly started to faint away.

"Looks like this is it. Take care….Sho and Elizabeth." Nebula said, as she stared at the moon and died while standing.

Next chapter coming in 5 days