Jinn pit

Years have past since that day…the day when Adrienne unlocked his full power and killed Nebula.

It's been four years since that day….

Ahana and Adrienne walked down the street, with their head high and smiling. "Man…this whole situation sucks!" Adrienne Mourned.

"It does. But at least we have each other." Ahana added.

Adrienne looked at Ahana and smiled. "Sis, when I'm with you…for some reason…I just feel powerful! I don't know what it is but…thanks." Adrienne said.

Ahana stopped and stared at the ground. "Why thank me?" Ahana asked.

Adrienne stopped and turned his head. "Because…you, Jinx, Hercules, and Rock…are all my best friends, when no one else in this world would be. So I thank you." Adrienne whispered.

Ahana was speechless, as she followed behind Adrienne. "Adrienne…it still haunts you doesn't it?" Ahana asked.

"Yeah. But I'm kinda over it by now." Adrienne said.

A younger Jinx,Hercules, and Rock jumped out in the crowd of people. "Took you losers long enough! What the hell happened!?" Rock yelled.

Everyone in the area turned their head and stared at Rock. "You speak so loud." Jinx laughed.

"I want to kill some jinns!" Hercules said.

"The three of you need to calm down! We're all here for a very special mission…so keep your guard up!" Adrienne said.

The five sprinted down the street and stopped right in front of a building. "You ready, Adrienne?" Hercules asked as he cracked his knuckles.

"Let's do it!" Adrienne said.

Adrienne sat down in the arcade and stretched his fingers, as he stared deep at the machine with his red eyes.

"Begin!" Rock yelled.

Adrienne and Hercules started mashing the buttons at a very fast pace. Almost hard to see their hands.

Adrienne's character was close to pushing Hercule's character off the map.

"COME ON YOU CAN DO IT!!!" Rock yelled.

"This is so stupid." Ahana whispered.



Jinn energy formed around Hercules's fingers, as he began pushing harder and faster.

"GOOOO!!!" He yelled.

Hercules lost the match and watched as Adrienne waved his hands in the air in victory.

"Damn it." Hercule's whispered. He walked up the game and punched it through the wall. "What the hell was that for!?" A man yelled in anger.

"Time to run!" Ahana said as she grabbed Jinx by the hand and sprinted out the store. The three boys looked at each other and darted after the two.

The man chased, but quickly started losing the five of them. "Get back here!" He yelled down the street.

"What damn fools, keep running around like children." Kebushie said. Kebushie stared at them from a tall building.

"So Adrienne…your great full for their friendship?" Kebushie said to himself.

Kebushie bit his teeth with anger. "Friendship,relations, caring for others!? All of these habits we have as humans must end! They create weakness in this world!" Kebushie said to himself.

"Calm down, Kebushie. You mustn't work yourself up!" Kebushie said to himself.

"Looks like you've lost some weight." Ahana whispered in Kebushie's ear.

Kebushie turned around quickly and jumped back. "When did you-"

"I phased through the wall. Saw you in here just talking too yourself." Ahana said.

Kebushie rolled his eyes and just stared out the window. "Your starting to distance yourself from us, did we do something?" Ahana asked.

"No. It's what you didn't do." Kebushie whispered.

"What do you mean?" Ahana asked.

"I'll never forget that pain you all showed me that night! That night…I knew exactly how important people view your lives over others!" Kebushie said in anger.

"Your talking about the Nebula attack?" Ahana asked.

"You remember it too? The way those so-called "jinn-slayers" saved us?"

Kebushie remembered well what happened that night. Memories flooded his mind as he began remembering once again.

Kebushie opened his eyes. "Did she defeat me?" Kebushie asked. Kebushie was laying on the ground, with lots of blood around him.

"Shit…at this rate I'm gonna die!" He said.

He began looking around. The forest was completely destroyed and all the creatures in the area were laying dead on the dirt, along with some people living in the area.

Kebushie's heart dropped, as he got to his feet and ran over to a grizzly cub, it was bleeding to death. "Someone! Anyone, help us!!" Kebushie yelled.

Just then, a man ran past Kebushie and all the other people, and grabbed Ahana. "Make sure to check her pulse!" The man yelled to others, who came appearing from the darkness.

Ten men jumped out and began looking for Adrienne. "Find the other one! We need these two alive and well!"

Kebushie crawled over to the group of men and held out his hand. "T-there are animals and people in the forest that'll die at any moment! Kebushie cried.

The man looked down on Kebushie and rolled his eyes. He completely ignored him and sent the remaining men out to go look for Adrienne.

Kebushie grabbed the man's foot and squeezed it tight. "Didn't you hear what I said? I said people…people are dying all around the forest! Along with the beautiful animals! So help them! You all are part of the jinn recovery squad! You have more then enough to save the lives of these innocent people!" Kebushie cried.

"The two chosen ones…their lives comes first before anyone!" The man yelled.


The man ignored him and tended to Ahana's injuries. "She's gonna make it!" The man said.

Kebushie crawled around in the dirt and tried to find the remaining people and animals in the area. He crawled miles away from the team,as they carried away Ahana and Adrienne.

Kebushie was about to pass out and die, until master K appeared. "Kebushie! Shit! I'll get you out of here!" He yelled.

Kebushie opened his eyes and woke up, lying on a hospital bed. Master K sat by his side and held his hand.

"M-master…I-I couldn't…save them." Kebushie said as tears fell from his eyes.

K had a distraught look on his face. He lowered his head and let go of Kebushie's hand.

"When I saved you…I was able to save two human lives and three animals. One of them…was the bear cub you looked at." K said.

Kebushie grabbed at his chest and squeezed tightly. "Th-thank you! Thank you! I tried my best to protect Adrienne, Ahana, and the animals!" Kebushie cried.

"Don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong! You helped defeat Nebula, the strongest fighter from that damn assassin family." K said.

"No! I could've defeated her on my own! I let my guard down! And that's how all those people died! If I would've just beaten her then, maybe all of those animals and people could still be alive right now!" Kebushie yelled.

"It wasn't your fault those people died. Adrienne let his powers go freely, that's what injured and killed all of those people!"

"Still…he wouldn't of had to do that is I were just stronger…" Kebushie said while balling his fist.

"Remember this, Kebushie. There's nothing wrong with being weak…however. If you stay weak then that's a problem."

"Why…why didn't the jinn healing team save others? Why did they just focus on the twins?" Kebushie asked.

K took a deep breath and sat back down. "The jinn-slayers and higher-ups care a lot about Adrienne and Ahana! They want them alive and protected to help take down the jinns. That's why they made them priority number one." K explained.

"That's not right. People lost their lives because of them too, damn it! They should be punished!" Kebushie said.

"In their eyes it's the right thing to do. Adrienne should have been more careful, I'll personally punish him for that later." K said.

Kebushie rolled over in bed and slowly drifted off too sleep.

"They're the higher-ups in this world!"

"Don't you dare look down on me!"

"People like us suffer…while we're stuck in the dark."

Nebula's words repeated in Kebushie's head. Over and over again. Kebushie put a hand on his head and started having a bad headache.

"You ok?" Master k asked.

"Yes". Kebushie said.

Kebushie stopped thinking and snapped out of it. "Kebushie…I know how you feel-"

"You don't. Someone like you couldn't possibly understand what it felt like to be treated like trash!" Kebushie said in anger.

Ahana slowly took off her eye-patch and walked closer to Kebushie. "I recently unlocked the ability to read minds of others…every time we walk in public and you see people happy or living the good life, you always think about killing them, don't you, Kebushie?" Ahana asked.

Kebushie said nothing…he just stared out the window still. "Do you…want to kill people?" Ahana asked again.

"We fight jinns and break curses for others! But the world gives us no credit for doing that! I remember when I first joined the team, I lost my family in a fire…but no one held my hand when I needed it or helped me through that ruff time. But…when the great twins were born, so many people wanted to know if they were ok or happy in their lives. Why do you think that is, Ahana the great?" Kebushie asked.

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Ahana asked.

"If I had your powers…people would care about me and love me, just for being born into this world! And my ideals would become real if I had yours. Tell me, Ahana. Are you strong because you worked for your power or are you strong because you were blessed with that power?"

"I….I don't know." Ahana said.

"I see. Every last one of you have always doubted me in strength and my abilities! But…I was the one who lasted the longest against that powerful warrior! But…both you of received so much credi!"

"Are you saying you want to kill people because your jeal-"

"Of course not Ahana! When you look at the world…people are put in power either by birth,voting, family,and more!"

"Your point is?"

"You think every leader is perfect?"

"No of course not. Everyone has flaws and some are even evil." Ahana answered.

"Very true Ahana! Very true. But…if things were to go south…who do you think the government would save first?" Kebushie asked.

Ahana froze as she heard Kebushie's words. "Well…they'll do everything in their power to save the person who rules the country or whatever." Ahana answered.

"What about the citizens? Aren't there lives important too? They're the same thing as you and me…all humans with lives, dreams, families, and feelings. Why should they die because the higher-ups of this world care about themselves?" Kebushie asked.

"They shouldn't die. Everyone is equal in this world." Ahana answered.

"I agree! When a nation or country decides to attack another…why should others die because of others hostilities? It's just like you and Adrienne….I hate the both of you." Kebushie whispered.

"Why would you-"

"They looked at me like trash! Even all the other people your brother killed! They left all of us…like we were nothing! All because you two have great power and abilities in this world! You both were saved while the rest of us were left to die!" Kebushie said.

Ahana was speechless. She slowly moved her fingers.

"So…the only way to heal the world of evil like that…is to kill the people in power! To make an equal world!" Kebushie yelled.

"Kebushie, calm down! Your speaking irrationally! You know you can't kill me and all the others with power! Having these eyes doesn't change who we are! We didn't ask for any of this! And your saying your gonna try and kill all of the people in power of the whole world?"

"There you go again…doubting my strength! Do you know how many jinns I've killed in these past couple of years? I've killed thousands! Even some high-level jinns!"

Ahana slowly pulled out her blade and pointed it at Kebushie. "Kebushie what did you-"

"Allow me to introduce you to all these jinns that are about rain down hell on this city!?Kebushie laughed.

Ahana quickly launched herself towards Kebushie.

Kebushie leaned back and dodged Ahana's attack, making her go through the window.

"Jinn manipulation technique, high-level: jinn pit!"

Ahana fell out of the building, while in the air she noticed the ground shaking and cracking open. Thousands of jinns were coming out of the ground. Thousands of people were dead within seconds.

"Liam! Come out and use your move!" Ahana screamed while falling.

"With pleasure!" A man yelled as he speed down the building.

"Gravity control…elevation!"

Everyone started floating in the air, above the jinns. It looked like zombies coming out of the ground, as they all attacked the people who couldn't make it to the air.

Adrienne stared don at the thousands of people floating beneath him. "What an ugly mess…I can't go all out…all of these people are in the way. We can't save everyone! At least Liam put everyone in the air already. Now we, the jinn slayers can fight on ground-level." Adrienne said.

Adrienne slowly floated towards the building Ahana fell from, searching for his sister.

Ahana appeared behind Adrienne and explained everything to him. "I see." He said, as he stared at the building.

Night began to fall over the city. But it was strange to the twins…it was just 10am.

"This must be a ritual." Adrienne said.

"Where are the others? We need to hurry and confront Kebushie! I'll go alert the others!" Ahana said.

"What others?" Adrienne asked.

"I'm going to go get master K and his friends! We can't handle this on our own! There too many!"

"Fine. We will hold them off! Just hurry up and come back….and be safe."

"Don't worry about me, brother! I'll be right back."

Ahana disappeared in the clouds, while Adrienne focused on the jinns below, terrorizing the streets.

Adrienne quickly flew past the people floating and landed on the ground. Jinns immediately sprinted towards him.


Adrienne jinn weapon formed in his hands. Adrienne took one swing with his scythe and destroyed everything in the area, including buildings.

The slash traveled through objects.

He had killed hundreds of jinns in the blink of an eye. The others surrounded Adrienne with their weapons ready.

"Who the hell started this?" Rock asked, with his fist glowing with jinn energy.

"Kebushie is behind all of this! We need to kill him on sight!" Adrienne said in a determined tone.

"Already on it!" Hercules yelled while running up the tall building. "Hercules wait!" Jinx yelled.

north of the city, and I'll take care of the ones at the west and south areas of the city! Good luck!" Adrienne said as he sprinted in the opposite direction.

Jinx was the first to her area.Jinns were already killing lots of people right in front of her.

"Someone please…help me!" A little girl cried. A jinn grabbed her by the head and opened its mouth wide.

Jinx sprinted towards the jinn, trying desperately to reach the little girl.


Jinx watched as the girl was eaten right in front of her. Jinx stopped running and stared at the blood dripping from the jinn's mouth.

"I love the taste of children!" The jinn laughed.

"Yo-you killed…a child?" Jinx asked with horror in her voice.

"Hahaha! I love it when you humans look that way! So scared and that's when you lose!" The jinn walked closer and closer to jinx.

"I'm not scared…I'm pissed!" Jinx said.

Jinx held out her hands and yelled the words, "jinn chainsaw!"

(Her jinn weapon is a chainsaw!?)

"Since your talking…you must be a medium-level jinn right!? You killed all of these people and they couldn't even see you! If only they could see the ugly bastard you ate them." Jinx said in anger.

"You damn jinn slayer! I'll rip you to pieces and chew on your flesh!" The jinn screamed, as more jinns surrounded the medium-level one.

"Kill her you Low-levels!" The jinn laughed.

Jinx blacked out in that moment.

Meanwhile, in the building, Hercules was about to confront Kebushie.