The master mind

Kebushie sat in a chair, as if he already knew Hercules was approaching. Hercules jumped through the hole and stood high and proud.

"Kebushie…why the hell are you doing!? Innocent people are dying out there! You have no right-"

"Innocent? Do you know where we're at!? This city if filled with wrath and riches! They also have the lowest rate in America when it comes to helping out the poor!" Kebushie said.

Kebushie got out of his chair and walked in circles. "The other day, while you guys were out laughing and what not. I watched a starving child on the street begging for food! Not a single person stopped to helped the starving child! We humans have to do better at helping each other and not view others as beings less than us! Tell me, Hercules…when you see a homeless person on the street…what exactly do you do!?" Kebushie asked.

Hercules pulled out his two-handed axe. "I do nothing. I can't help the fact that they're in that situation! But I don't judge them in anyway!" Hercules said in a firm tone.

"Hahaha, your just all the others! I'm not the evil one here! It's you people! Starting today…there's gonna be a new world order…one that the government can't stop or control! Where the underdogs in life are on top!!"

Hercules quickly darted towards Kebushie. He swung his axe, but to Kebushie…his attack was very slow.

(Hercules is a powerful fighter…but his attacks make me want to vomit!) Kebushie thought to himself.

Kebushie jumped back and dodged Hercule's barrage of swings.

Kebushie surrounded his hand with jinn energy and landed a quick and powerful blow to Hercules rib cage.

"Shit!" He yelled. Hercules quickly countered and punched Kebushie, sending him flying out of the building.

"Jinn manipulation technique: jinn cloud!" Kebushie yelled as he was about to land.

A dark, but gloomy cloud formed beneath him. Kebushie slowly floated up to the floor where Hercules was.

Kebushie layed on the cloud side ways, with his hand underneath his chin. "You almost had me there! I'm impressed! You really are a formidable opponent after all, Hercules!" Kebushie laughed.

"Your nothing compared to Adrienne, Ahana,K, Astor,or all the other skilled fighters we have!" Hercules said.

Kebushie arose to his feet and yawned. "There are only three insane level warriors that we have in this generation! Actually there are four! That's Ahana,K,Adrienne, and an assassin named Nebula! But out of those four names I just mentioned…who do you think wired for their power? Why does the organization care so much for those two, huh? Tell me that and I'll stop all of this, Hercules! Tell me why the people with the harder lives go through hell while we all sit on a throne and watch!?"

Hercules ignored Kebushie and slowly walked towards the hole.

"Forgive me, Kebushie. But the way you think…it's crazy! You need to die, right here and now!"

"Come and get me."

Hercules launched himself through the building and jumped through the floors, all the way to the roof of the building. Kebushie quickly followed on his jinn-cloud.

"I'll kill you here and now!" Hercules yelled.

"You still don't get it, Hercules! Your chances of winning are very low."

"It doesn't matter if I can win or not! What matters…is holding you off until they come!"

Kebushie stood on top of his cloud and waited for Hercules to attack.

(This is good separation between me and him. But something's not right…why is he so calm? Is he working with a jinn!?) Hercules thought to himself.

Hercules jumped towards Kebushie, Kebushie quickly reached behind his back and pulled out a pair of nunchucks.

Hercules tried his best to his Kebushie, but Kebushie was too fast for his eyes. Hercules felt a sharp pain on the right side of his jaw, as Kebushie landed a powerful hit.

Hercules came back and swung his gaint axe as hard as he possibly could. Kebushie used the nunchucks to wrap around the axe, stopping Hercules from moving his arms.

"Didn't you guys call me the weak one?" Kebushie laughed.

"Screw you!" Hercules yelled in anger, as his muscles grew in size.

"I told you about those emotions of yours! You need to learn how to control them, Hercules, or your opponent will kill you easily!" A tall woman said as she fell from the sky.

(Ahhh Astor's mom! That means…)

Kebushie looked up and noticed other jinn slayers falling from the sky and landing in different areas of the city.

"Finally made it! Where should we start master?" Ahana asked K.

K looked at Kebushie and the rest of the city. (Lots of casualties, few thousand are dead! The rest are here in the sky floating…but thanks to my seal…people can't enter the city or see what's going on, I'll also have to erase their memories too.), K thought to himself.

"Ahana…you'll fight with Adrienne, I'll worry about a jinn that's here among us." K said.

"You can sense it also?" A well built man asked K.

"Nice to finally see you after all these years, Flock." K laughed.

Flock was a jinn slayer that trained Liam, who only came around whenever danger happened and Ximena.

"I'll handle the jinns that Adrienne is fighting. You just worry about Kebushie." Flock said.

K smiled and quickly disappeared.

Hercules was angry, so angry to the point were the whole building began to shake. "Calm down, Hercules! You did well…but I'll be the one to put Kebushie down!" K yelled as he slowly floated towards them.


"No buts! He is my student after all!" K said.

"Selina, where is your son, Astor!? K asked.

Selina shrugged. "Oh wait! While Ahana teleported us,he was the only one to disappear because he saw something strange." Selina said.

"So he's really doing it?" Kebushie asked with a smile.

Ahana,Hercules,K,Selina, and Flock all turned their heads to Kebushie. "Kebushie…what have you done!?" Ahana asked.

"Hahaha! While you all threw me away like trash…I made new friends! One of my fellow friends are on their way to release the frightened one!" Kebushie laughed.

"You can't mean…oh shit." Flock said.

"What's wrong!?" K asked.

"Frightened one…you know how the jinn-oh god! I need to get home quickly! Flock said dreadfully, as he quickly jumped out of the building and fled the city. Ximena and Liam appeared running after Flock.

"Hahahaha!! It's too late for all of you! Kebushie laughed.

"What did you do?" K asked in a serious tone.

Kebushie rolled his eyes and got in a fighting stance, ready to fight all of the powerful slayers that stood before him.

"Even if I did tell you what was happening…you master K, the most important person in my life…wouldn't forgive me or believe me." Kebushie whispered.

Everyone got in a stance and was ready to charge Kebushie on his jinn-cloud.

Kebushie quickly clapped his hands together. But he was shocked to see a hound biting at his hand. "When did you-" Kebushie moved the cloud through the air and knocked off the hound. "Those damn twins! Always ruining someone's plan!" Kebushie shouted in anger.

"It's about time we got here!" Amber said as two of the hell hound twins appeared behind her on the street.

"So the little shit has finally made his mark? I don't have any problem killing him!" Amber laughed. He twins sprinted past Amber and summons their hell hounds at once. Hundreds of hounds quickly followed the jinn-cloud.

Kebushie flew through the city, dodging Ahana and K.

(Why aren't they focused on the jinns below!? Did they defeat them-)

Kebushie looked down and noticed thousands of dead jinn spirits. (Adrienne! This has to be your doing! But it's only a matter of time you damn fool!) Kebushie stopped flying and dropped to the street.

He snapped his fingers and summoned thousands of jinn-like centipedes and jinn-hawks. "Kill them all!" Kebushie yelled.

All of the creates ran split up and began attack the people in the air and other jinn slayer on the ground.

"Liam release your damn move!" Hercules yelled.

"But if I release it…they'll all be killed by the insects!" Liam said.

From the west side of the city, Adrienne jumped in the air and raised his scythe over his head and closed his red eyes.

"EVERYONE DUCK DOWN NOW!!" K yelled in the air after failing to catch Kebushie.

Everyone in the building ducked. Adrienne swung his scythe and killed most of the hawks in a single blow…he also killed a couple citizens in the process.

Kebushie hid in a small house and took breaths. "Too many people for me to fight alone! When is it going to happen!? He's used up a lot of his energy by swinging that weapon around…unless I need to draw out his energy more! The only way for someone with those eye to snap…is if they reach their breaking point. I'll just-" a hand reached from the darkness and grabbed Kebushie by the throat and threw him out of the house.

Kebushie spun around and landed on his feet. He stared right into the eyes of a pissed off Jinx.

"Don't worry, Kebushie…no one's around here not yet at least. I'll take pleasure in killing you." Jinx threatened.

"Your cute when your angry." Kebushie scuffed.

Jinx had a killer look in her eyes. She took a deep breath and started thinking of way to attack.

(So far…he's used thousands of jinns! He can't have anymore…right? Even if he does…his jinn weapon is no match for mine!)

Both of them stared deep into the others eyes…ready to strike.

"Jinn dragons, dragon of ice and flames!" A dark hole appeared in front of Kebushie, two worm-bodied dragons slithered around his body, one blue and the other red.

Jinx slowly pulled out her chainsaw and cranked it. Jinn energy flowed around Jinx. "Jinn energy comes from emotion. So tell me, Jinx…why the hell are you so angry? Because I killed all these people?" Kebushie asked.

"You killed children and families. There's nothing you can do to recover from this!" Jinx said.

"Children and families? People die everyday, Jinx. These people are no different from all the others lost daily on this planet. You only care because you witnessed it happen!" Kebushie said.

"Don't ever take the life of the youth or families!"

"It's funny you say that…because I lost mine."

Jinx froze hearing those words, as the two dragons slithered towards her. Jinx jumped in the air and behind Kebushie.

She swung her chainsaw. Kebushie ducked and punched Jinx in her ribs. "Flame breath."

The red dragon shot a beam of flames from its mouth. Burning Jinx on her arm. Jinx fell back and noticed the ice dragon building up its breath.

Before she could react, Kebushie jumped in the air and kicked Jinx in her stomach. Which knocked her back to the ground. The dragon shot its breath and froze Jinx's hands and feet in place.

Kebushie stood over her and pulled out a blade. "For my plan to work…a special someone needs to be angry or use up all their powers! You'll be one of my sacrifices, Jinx! But don't worry…you'll be a jinn slayer in the spirit realm!" Kebushie laughed.

Jinx tried her best to move her body. But she wouldn't budge. "Shit…I can't die to someone like you!" She screamed.

Kebushie raised the blade over his head and closed his eyes. "See you in the other realm!" He laughed.

Meanwhile, near the tall building. Everyone was fighting off the insect-like jinns. "There all low-level but…numbers are important among jinns!" Amber said.

"Where's Kebushie!?" Rock asked.

"Who the hell knows! Just keep fighting!" Liam shouted over, as he cut the head off of the jinn insect.

Suddenly, all of the jinn insects turned around and crawled away, piling on top of each other to create a mountain of jinn insects.

"Master…don't tell me that that's-" Ahana froze, K turned his head in the opposite direction. He noticed Kebushie walking towards everyone with Jinx's head in his hands.

"Hello fellow Jinn slayers!" Kebushie yelled over.

Everyone turned their heads in shock to see Jinx's head.

Adrienne dropped his scythe…his eyes blacked out.

"Everyone wait! Don't attack! We don't want the insects to harm anyone else!" K ordered everyone.

Everyone was tense. They wanted to kill Kebushie so bad. Kebushie stood on one side of the city, while the others stood on the opposite with the insects piled up behind them.

(The plan worked! Everyone is together in the right place! Now it's only a matter of time before they go off.)

Kebushie tossed Jinx's head in front of Hercules. "J-jinx.." Hercules said tearfully.

"Don't cry you big dumbass. She'll come back in the next two hours or whatever. Just not alive!" Kebushie yelled.

"What you say freak!?"

"Calm down, Hercules!" K yelled in a serious tone.

"Kebushie…why are you doing this? And what's wrong with Flock's family?" K yelled across.

"I'm doing this…to achieve freedom for the chosen ones!"

"Chosen ones?" Ahana asked Adrienne, who didn't blink at all.

"What do you you mean?" Selina asked.

"Too much explaining for all of you to understand! Today we have Master K,Selina,Liam,Ahana,The twins,Adrienne,Rock,Hercules, and soo to be others! All of you have come today to witness history!" Kebushie laughed.

"What are you-"

Kebushie snapped his fingers. Everyone turned their head in shock, as the mountain of insects began to fall. It looked just like a tsunami wave.

"RUNN!!!" Rock yelled.

Ahana and Adrienne held out both of their hands and began releasing all of their jinn energy, trying to stop the insects from crushing everyone. "Focus Ahana! We have to save everyone!" Adrienne said.

The weight was too much for both the twins to handle, the whole city was crashed upon by the insects.

The dust cleared, as Kebushie floated above the rubble and dead bodies. "Hahaha! Easy! I just need that jinn to hurry up with Flock and the others." Kebushie said.

K,Ahana,Adrienne, and Selina all crawled out from the rubble.

Ahana froze and looked around. She stood on top of thousands of bodies. Including the other jinn slayers. Only four people survived the attack.

"All weaklings! That's what true weakness is!" Kebushie laughed on top of his jinn-cloud.

Adrienne's eyes grew more red and more evil. As he began crying tears of blood.

"Kebushie…I'll…I'll kill you!" He yelled.

(Has it begun!?) Kebushie thought to himself.

Red glowing jinn-energy formed around Adrienne's body, as he raised his head slowly to the sky. "Adrienne?" Ahana asked.

"I'll kill everything that moves!" Adrienne laughed.

"W-what?" Ahana said in a stunned voice.

"Ahana get away from Adrienne now!" K yelled over.

K pointed at Adrienne, making his body lift in the air. (That was Kebushi's plan all along! To leave us with Adrienne while he..)

While focusing on Adrienne, K looked to the sky and noticed Kebushie flying in the direction where Flock ran.

"Shit…I can't stay here…damn it!" K said in frustration."

(He wanted to use Adrienne's powers to help him! When the chosen person with red Allah eyes is upset or at their limit….the real evil comes out! But I can't stay here…I have to hurry and get to Flock! But no one is alive…it's just Ahana and Selina!), K thought to himself.

"Have fun! I'm going to go watch a very important show." Kebushie laughed.

Adrienne yelled and tried to move his body, but L held him in place. "Shit!" K yelled.

"Just go, I'll handle Adrienne." Ahana said.

"Don't be crazy! Adrienne is-"

"I'll help her, just stop Kebushie from his real goal!" Selina yelled.

K looked around and noticed all the dead bodies and destruction. "Make sure you stop him…because…most of our comrades won't come back." K said in a sad tone.

"What do you mean!? They can all come back through the spirit-"

"No! Kebushie used the insects and placed a spell in them, which stops the spirit from reaching the realm…but I know a way to bring the young slayers back." K explained.

K let got of Adrienne and quickly flew after Kebushie. (Ahana…are you really willing too kill your own brother?)

Adrienne landed on a tall building and looked down at the destroyed city. "Hahahaha!! All this death…it's so beautiful, like flowers in a field!" Adrienne laughed.

"What the hell?" Selina asked, as she pulled out her katana.

"Selina…you can go. I'll be the one to put Adrienne down." Ahana said.

Selina nodded and ran in the opposite direction.

"Ahana…run away!!" Adrienne said, as he tried to restrain himself.

"Adrienne…it's ok. It's just me and you here! You don't have to be afraid."

"I can't…stop it. Your gonna have too…kill me!"

"I refuse! I won't kill my own family! We can break out of this together! So please…come home." Ahana said as she held out her hand.

"Your so…so dumb!!" Adrienne laughed. He quickly summoned his scythe and swung it was Ahana, destroying everything in his path.

Adrienne looked up in the air and noticed Ahana taking off her blind-fold. He yellow eye shun bright, almost like the sun in the night sky.

(I'll try my best not too kill you, Adrienne. You and Kebushie have taken for to many lives.) Ahana thought to herself.

Ahana pulled out her duel-swords and pointed them at Adrienne. "Come at me, Adrienne."

Meanwhile, Selina ran after Kebushie. She was somewhere in what looked to be the rocky Mountains.

"Where do you think your goin?" A deep,but childish voice asked.

Selina stopped and turned her head to see a jinn with sharp claws, blue skin, and a evil smile.

"Who…are you?" Selina asked.

The jinn took a bow.

(It's bowing!? What is this feeling? Is it….a high-level jinn!?)

Selina said nothing. She just stared at the muscular jinn. "What is a beautiful woman like you doing chasing after my friend?" The jinn laughed.

"You know Kebushie?" Selina asked.

"We all do! Kebushie really is something else."

(Did this thing just say "we"?, are you telling me there's more high-levels that Kebushie is affiliated with!?)

The jinn stopped smiling. In the blink of an eye, an explosion was created by the jinns feet, as it launched itself towards Selina.

Selina stomped her feet, which created flames beneath her feet, allowing her to fly to the nearest mountain.

Selina landed on top of the mountain. She looked down and noticed her chest was slashed.

The jinn was already on the other mountain.

"Yeah…your a high-level all right! That means…This won't be an easy fight…but hell, I never said it was gonna be easy." Selina said with a smile.

The jinn took a fighting stance and laughed, showing it's sharp teeth. "I'll make you suffer before you die, woman!!"

Meanwhile, in a little clown close to the city, Flock,Ximena, and Liam were running at full speed towards Flock's house.

"What's the matter, Flock!? What jinn were you talking about?" Liam asked while running.

Flock ignored Liam's questions and kept on running.

Astor appeared out of nowhere and stopped Flock.

"Flock…I already checked and…"

"And what!? Why didn't you try to stop-"

"It's too powerful. I couldn't even go near your house…it's best that you leave your pups here!" Astor suggested in a shaken tone.

Flock turned his head and looked down on the small town. "If Kebushie really did release that jinn in my home…me and my family will die because of the curse placed upon us! But I can't ignore it!" Flock said as he ran faster down the hill.

Next chapter: the curse

Coming in 2 days