The curse

"I'm so blessed to have the two of you, Ahana and Adrienne…my little babies!" The woman said with a bright smile.

"This village and the rest of the world can rest easy now! Our children were blessed with the eyes of Allah, the both of them!" A man laughed.

The woman held both of them tightly in her arms, as a baby with blue hair started crying.

"Shhh. It's ok, now, you don't have to cry." She comforted.

"She looks just like me…" the man said.

"She does."

Ahana's eye glowed in the dark. One eye blue and the other a bright yellow. "Adrienne hasn't opened his eyes yet…but since there twins…he should also get Ahana's other eye.

Adrienne yawned and slowly opened his eyes, revealing bright-red.

"Red Allah eyes!?" She said in shock.

"Red…that isn't good, Mary." The man whispered.

"Not good how? What will the people think of this when they see him?"

"Red means he's destined to become evil. He's a threat to everyone around us…it means they'll try too kill him." He said in a sad tone.

"I won't let them! These are our children! If the people know how powerful they are then…then maybe-"

"Maybe what? This whole village is cursed by the king and his little shits! They eat us every damn night! Let's just hope during the gathering…our names aren't called." The man said.

"Your not listening though. Our children have Allah's eyes! A legendary power that can frighten the king and all the other jinns around the world!" Mary said.

"So…what's your plan? They'll just try too kill our babies anyways."

"Not exactly, Leo! I know a very powerful man…I can make a quick call and ask him to save us."

"Tell me the plan then."

Time went by, as the couple walked out of their house and heard a loud scream in the distance.

Soon after I siren was heard around the village.

"It's time…Mary. Hand me the children." Leo said. People around them quickly walked out of their houses and walked in a straight line.

"Mom…I don't want to be a sacrifice tonight…please don't let them take me!" A girl pleaded.

(What an awful world we live in….) Leo thought to himself.

Everyone walked in a straight line and up a giant hill.

When at the top, two giant doors stopped the crowd of people. "I wish we could all real out from this hell…I really do." Mary whispered.

"I know, sweetie, but the king placed a curse on us all! We can't even use jinn-energy or leave this place. If we do…we'll die within five minutes." Leo reminded.

"If they don't fear them…we'll have no choice." Mary said.

"Yeah…I agree." Leo responded.

Everyone around them had frightened looks on their faces. (This shouldn't be life…we shouldn't be slaves to a powerful creature. No one deserves to live life as a slave!), Leo thought.

The doors slowly opened, the people stared to walk in slowly. "Hurry it up you little shits, the king is hungry!" A jinn laughed.

Everyone kept quiet and stopped. A giant throne stayed on top of a long flight of stairs. Two jinns giant jinns turned their heads and snapped their fingers.

"Lower your head when your in the presence of the king!" It yelled with its demonic and deep voice.

Everyone immediately dropped to the floor and bowed their heads in fear. Leo and Mary took their time getting to the ground.

"They're ready for the name call, sir." A frail man said as he crawled out of the darkness. The throne faced away from the crowd, as a crown appeared from the top.

"Thank you, slave." The king said.

He turned his throne to reveal an old man. "In this jar is your names…if I draw your name…please step towards without any struggle." The king said in a serious tone.

Everyone stood up and waited for the results. (This ain't our king! The jinn killed our leader…then possessed his body. Every night we have are sacrificed to preserve his hunger.) Mary thought to herself.

The king reached into a box of names. He slowly pulled out a card while licking his lips.

"Isabelle Freaks." The creature growled.

It was the girl who didn't want to come in the beginning. She began shaking, as everyone turned their heads towards her with fear in their eyes.

"Walk to me, now." The king said in a deep voice.

"M-mom I don't want to go…please…I-I-I don't want to die." Isabella pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"Don't make a fuss, child! I won't harm you." The king reassured.

The girl walked slowly up the stairs and she shake uncontrollably. The king stared at her closely and closed his eyes. "Seven years old…one of the best tasting flesh there is!" He laughed.

Mary held Leo's hand tight with anger.

The king raised his hand and pointed at Isabella. "Eat."

The five jinns protecting the king jumped at Isabella and began ripping her apart.

Leo grew in anger, as he could hear the screams of the little girl.

"Shit." He whispered.

"I'll decide who goes next now." The king said as he took a bite out of the girls head.

(He's only allowed to eat humans because he's possessing a body! If I were too kill that body then…he can't eat anyone! But why do some jinns want to eat people? Must be a damn thing going around.)

"Leo Flecks…and your family." The king groaned.

Leo carried Ahana while Mary carried Adrienne. They both approached the throne and bowed their heads.

"Looks like you have two beautiful children…let me get a closer look at them." The king demanded.

Leo and Mary held out their hands, giving their children to the creature. The king stared at the two kids…he opened his mouth. Until Ahana and Adrienne both opened their eyes.

The king closed his mouth and jumped away. Hissing just like a snake. "What the hell is this?!" The little yelled in fear. The five other jinns rushed to the king's side and surrounded him.

"We will continue the sacrifices shortly…everyone return." The king whispered.

Two hours later…

Most people in the village gathered at the cabin. The village ate in the cabin. Leo and Mary sat in the corner and ate alone. Until a large group approached them.

"Can we see them?" A woman asked excitedly.

Mary looked at Leo with a confused face. "See who…?"

"Your children. They may be the key to escaping this hell." Someone in the crowd said.

Leo held out Ahana, as her eye made the building glow.

"Th-this is a blessing from the lord himself! We're finally free!!" Someone chanted.

"Cut the crap!" A man yelled.

Everyone turned their heads and noticed a muscular man eating his food aggressively.

"Oh, cmon, Joseph…you always bring everyone down in this village. You should be grateful!"

"Don't give me that crap! Since you two wanted to show off your chosen children or whatever…it means that damn "thing" will kill us all! And it's only a matter of time before he does…just you wait n see." Joseph warned.

"We won't let that happen." Leo said.

Everyone stopped and stared at Leo. "You have a plan?" Joseph asked.

"We have a curse placed on us…but if we were to use our jinn-energy. We can hold off the king and let our children be free." Leo said.

Mary got up and stood on top of the table. "If we can stick together…we can let our children be free of this curse! There's a man from up above…who's going to help us! But we mustn't let the king get to our children or yours! They're the future of the world and our race!" Mary yelled.

"So we all go out in a blaze of glory…all for some kids!?" Joseph asked.

"Not just that. We're people from the underground, "Akies" is our race, the underground people that no one knows about…only the government." Leo explained.

"You want our children to go with this man to the upper world!? Our children could be killed!" Someone yelled out.

"Listen…do you want our kids to take the risk of getting out of here or keep living in this hell where their names will most-likely be called?" Leo asked everyone.

"In the books we read…the civilization above knows about Allah and the eyes. They won't hurt the kids because they believe we're the chosen people! Mary said.

"We have to stick together and free the young generation from this curse. The whole world is counting on us tonight. There are other jinns that are on the king's level in strength!"

"So how do we do this?" Joseph asked.

"When the king gets close enough…we all attack." Leo said.

Just then, a kid knock was heard at the door.

"Hurry up and put all of the kids at the back!" Mary whispered.

The door swung open, as the king walked in the building. He took a seat in front of Leo and Mary. "Everyone…leave the cabin now." He said.

(Why is this jinn…kinda human acting? I know they all used to be humans but…this is no ordinary jinn! This one was thrown to hell. But…when people talk to him…it's like a human.), Leo thought to himself.

"We have news for you." The king said with a wide smile.

"The bastard you tried to sneak in here…is dead! Also with the rest of you people!" He laughed.

Leo quickly surrounded his fist with jinn-energy and landed a blow to the king's face.

"Take the kids and run towards the gates!" Leo yelled.

"What!? We're doing it now!?" A woman asked.


All the women grabbed their kids and quickly ran out the cabin. "I won't allow any of you to escape. Your race ends here!" The king laughed.

The king lowered his body and started walking on all fours up the wall. "Oh shit…", Leo whispered.

Meanwhile, Mary ran and ran with others towards the gate.

Yells of pain were heard from the cabin. "My husband's in there!" A woman died.

"Keep moving! We're so close!" Mary said.

Just then, the king jumped out of nowhere, landed on top of a woman and began eating her.

Mary held out her hand and surrounded the king with jinn energy, freezing him in place.

Mary looked behind her and noticed Leo with blood all over his body. "Take the kids. And get them to the gate." Mary whispered as she handed over Adrienne and Ahana.

"What about you!? I'm not gonna leave you!" Leo said tearfully.

"Don't worry…it's worth it!" Mary said with a smile, while focusing on the king.

"But I-"

"Please just listen to me!"

Leo finally stood in silence.

"We're gonna die here…in five minutes. We need to deliver our children without fail! Because…I'll leave it to them to take out this evil." Mary said.

"I'll meet you on the other side…I'll never stop loving you." Leo whispered.

Leo closed his eyes and ran past Mary and the king.

"I refuse to let my meals escape!!" He yelled. "Do you even know what those red eyes mean!? Hahaha, you humans are signing your own death!"

"Shut up." Mary said.

Leo ran and ran as fast as he could. "I'm so close…but five minutes are about to pass! I have to make it-"

Just then, Leo's heart started beating at a very fast pace. "N-no!" He said.

Leo collapsed to the ground. He rested Ahana and Adrienne on his stomach. He tried to crawl to the gate but couldn't make it.

"Someone…please take them." He whispered.

"There you are! You almost had me worried." The king said as he walked out of the shadows.

"No…it can't end like this." Leo cried.

"Your lover put up a good fight! But I made her death quick, so rest assured." The king laughed.

"Go to hell."

"I've been there before when I was betrayed by my own people! Look what it made me!" The king laughed, as a creature came out of the king's body.

Leo stared at the jinn in disbelief. Words couldn't describe what he was seeing.

The jinn went back inside of the king's body and stared at the two babies.

"Leo was it?" The jinn asked.

Leo said nothing. He turned over and tried to crawl away with his two babies. "That one with red eyes…brings back lots of memories." The king said.

Leo stopped and slowly turned his head. "Don't tell me…your-"

"Mhm. And I haunt you damn people for that!" The king said in anger.

(No one…can beat this jinn then! If he were to ever get-oh god.)

"This isn't my real body…so I can't have my full-power."

The king moved closer and stared at Ahana. "Stay away!" Leo yelled.

"Your woman has some explaining to do in the afterlife. If you two pass the trials…at least." The king laughed.

"What are you talking about!?" Leo asked.

"That one only has one Allah eye. Which is strange."

"What does it mean?!" Leo asked.

The king lowered his head, hiding his eyes. "I know true heartbreak…so forgive me, human."

"What does it mean!?"

"Somewhere…there's another child she gave birth to that have the other eye."

Tears ran down Leo's face as he slowly drifted off. "I'm sorry….Ahana-"

The king crouched over and stared at the two.

"I won't kill you two. As a matter of fact, your the key to it all."

The king picked up Ahana and Adrienne and walked towards the gates. "Let's go start a new story."