end game

Ahana and Adrienne stared at each other, not moving a muscle. "Adrienne…try to calm down! I'm here for you, it's me, your sis." Ahana yelled over.

"I'm going too kill you!"

(I can't break it! If this continues then…the whole country-no…the half of the planet could be destroyed by Adrienne.) Ahana thought to herself.

Ahana threw her sword in the air and clapped her hands. She teleported right behind Adrienne in a flash.

She leaned back and delivered a powerful punch, that sent Adrienne into another nearby building.

"Please…don't make me do this, Adrienne."

Meanwhile, Flock left Ximena and Liam with Astor. "I'm coming with you, you dumb ass!" Astor yelled out.

"Stay right there! This is something much more personal!"

Flock said. Flock disappeared and left the three there. "I'll follow him closely." Liam said with confidence.

"He just said to-"

"With all do respect, Astor…we really don't have much time. If something happens to Flock…I'll never forgive myself for letting my master die! And we can't wait for K to show up, not this time." Liam argued.

Flock approached his house. His house was in the middle of nowhere in the little town, there was nothing around but trees and great fields.

Flock slowly opened the door and put on his jinn-slayer glasses.

The house was quiet and huge…nothing but the wind was heard and the creek of old wooded stairs.

Flock closed the door slowly and made his way upstairs. He froze in fear when seeing the sealed door open. "Look what you did." A whisper.

"Look what you did…Look at ME!!" Flock turned around and swung his sword. The voice was heard in his ear.

"What did you do to my family!?" Flock yelled.

"I freed them from this hell!" A little girl laughed.

Flock ran into his bedroom and found his family huddled up in the corner.

"It's ok, come to daddy!" His two kids ran to his arms and cried. His wife walked slowly towards him.

"Tell them the truth! Tell them what you did to me!" The little girl screamed.

"Shut the hell up!!"

"What's wrong?" His wife asked.

Flock grabbed his head and balled up in the corner of his room. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please don't hurt them!!" Flock pleaded.

"I need blood! You haven't fed me in months you shit!" The spirit said in anger.

"What's going on!? I'm scared daddy!" His son yelled.

"Everything's going to be ok!"

"I'll rip him apart!"

Just then, K appeared in front of Flock and slammed his hands on the floor.

"Jinn seal: show your presence!"

A purple aura surrounded the room, showing a little girl standing down the hall. "Oh?" K laughed.

Flock turned his head and realized K had knocked his family out. "Thanks."

"Don't thank me yet. This jinn…it's…different." K said.

Flock stood beside K and pulled his sword out again. "It's just like-"

"A little girl. Flock tell me….why in the hell is it shaped as a girl? It means her spirit isn't free and she's suffering. Tell me man-to-man…is she your daughter?" K asked.

Flock turned his head and replied with a very dry "no".

"I see. Did you…kidnap her?"


"Your kids…they're not your wives children…are they? They're the jinn's kids, huh?"


"Does your wife know about her? You just let your family stay in a cursed house!?"

"She knows I cheated…but she didn't know I-I was in a dark place man…I just-"

"Say no more. I don't want to hear such things. Because of you, this jinn is cursing you and your family. Which means…she's attached to one of your kids-I mean her kids." K said.

"Look what you did to me!" The girl cried.

K stared at the spirit and started to study it. "A jinn on its human form…she needs a host for her curse! You raped her…then killed her, locking her in the room and not letting your family know about it. You painted her as the monster…when really…your the damn monster who's doomed everyone in this house!" K yelled in anger.

"I-I know I made a mistake but…I can't undo the curse!" Flock cried.

"If it comes down to it…I'll sacrifice my life to stop this curse for a couple of years. If this jinn is free…she'll grow to powerful for even me or the twins to handle.

Meanwhile, in the mountains far away from the others. The jinn stood over Selina's dead body and laughed. "What a wonderful play thing." It whispered.

Ahana and Adrienne began fighting at a fast pace. Adrienne clearly had the upper hand, as he was pressuring Ahana.

Ahana jumped up to the clouds of the earth and pointed down on the city. "God restriction!"

A powerful beam of light shot towards Adrienne. Adrienne dropped his scythe and put two fingers at his head. "Allah technique: Red River Strike!"

Both of the attacks clashed, causing half of the city to glow red and the other half to glow with gold.

Adrienne pushed with all his might. Which helped his beam travel quickly through Ahana's attack. Ahana quickly covered her face and took the shot.

Adrienne watched as his sister fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

(Kill her!)

"No! What the hell am I doing!?"

(She's weaker than you, so kill her!)

"I'm not evil! I'm nothing like you! You…you killed your own people! I refuse to take that path of evil!"

Ahana got up from the ground slowly, as blood poured down from her body, And her clothes were ripped.

"Adrienne…forgive me but…if we both fight at full power…this world will crumble. So…I'll just use my ultimate attack. Forgive me…my one and only best friend." Ahana whispered.

Adrienne stared at Ahana and pulled out his scythe.

Ahana stood her ground and began making a hand signs. "Ritual!"

"A ritual!? I won't let you!" Adrienne yelled, as he swung his scythe. The slash traveled closer and closer to Ahana, destroying even more things in its path.

(To be honest Adrienne…I don't know what's gonna happen to you, but…I don't wanna lose my only family. Is this…the same pain you felt, Kebushie? If Adrienne lives…he'll kill everyone.)

Ahana hesitated…but she opened her eyes and slapped her hands together. "Ritual: Allah's chosen warrior!"

Ahana's body glowed with a bright light, one that made Adrienne's attack disappear. "What's this feeling? When did sis have a ritual-oh, I see, now. I was blessed with the techniques of Allah…meanwhile, you have a ritual! How nice." Adrienne laughed.

Ahana didn't look human, she looked like a being from another world. She raised her finger and pointed at Adrienne. When Adrienne looked at her, his hair turned grey and he started to age. "Heavenly strike: level 3!"

Ahana pulled out a giant sword and swung it in Adrienne's direction. The attack landed, creating a giant explosion.

Back at Flock's house

K had casted a spell, one were he tried to seal the jinn away in the room. "K…what do you want me to d-"

"I want you to shut up and let me focus!"

"K…you don't understand how this curse works."

K turned his head and stared at Flock. "What the hell are you saying? That you'll have to-"


K stared with disbelief in his eyes. "I refuse! I won't another comrade die."

"I'm no comrade. I'm the worst of the worst when it comes to being a human being. So…I have no regrets, the only regret is…having my family cursed too." Flock admitted in a croaked tone.

Flock turned around and walked towards his family. "Release her from the spell. This is the only way she'll be satisfied for a few years." Flock explained.

"Flock…who the hell is gonna stop her in a few years? Once I start my spell, the consequences of the spell is my life. Adrienne's out of control so I don't know how that'll end up, and we might not be around! So tell me…who will kill her!?" K asked desperately.

Flock closed his eyes and touched K on the head. Visions flushed through his head.

"Amazing" Flock whispered.

(He used his future seeing ability!? Does she die!? Can I trust Flock!?)

"K" Flock yelled over.


"Let her loose. Everything will work out in the future!" Flock laughed.

K hesitated, but slowly…he lowered his hands and watched the jinn walked right past him and closer to Flock's family.

"Forgive me….everyone." Flock whispered.

K turned away and walked down stairs.

"Dad…what's going on" a boy whispered.

"Why are you awake-oh…no,no, this works out perfectly. I wish you didn't remember this, Jackson" Flock laughed, as the jinn approached them.

K left the house and heard the screams from the house. "Shit" he said with frustration.

Meanwhile Kebushie and Bomber met up. "Were where you!? It would've been so much easier with you there!" Kebushie spat.

"You handled it on your own didn't you" the jinn asked.

Kebushie stopped talking and fly hear in his heart, as Ahana and Adrienne were suddenly standing behind him.


Kebushie snapped his fingers and teleported Bomber away.

Kebushie grabbed a dagger and pointed it.

"You both came to kill me or what?"

Ahana sat Adrienne down, who was out of breath and covered with scars that would kill him soon.

"How…could we ever kill our best friend." Adrienne slowly laughed.

"You fools…still look at me as your friends!?"

"Why wouldn't we? Your like our little sibling, Kebushie." Ahana said.

"Kebushie…you said the strong get what they want…but your wrong. These eyes…are nothing but a curse." Adrienne said.

"A curse?"

Adrienne was on the ground and was held up by Ahana.

"Take a seat Kebushie." Ahana said.

Kebushie sat next to the both of them, staring at Adrienne with regret.

"Being that I have red eyes…it means I'm destined to be evil! People in history with these eyes…have always been outcast to everyone and not trusted or loved…sound familiar in your mind?" Adrienne asked.

Kebushie froze and said nothing.


"You didn't know, It's not your fault. But…know that we agree with you, Kebushie." Adrienne said.


"The way you think…about innocent people dying for a lost cost, helping the weak, caring for nature. You truly are…an amazing person with a kind heart! We just didn't help you while you were in the dark and suffering. But now that I look at it…we all were in the dark…but you were deeper in the pit." Adrienne admitted.

Ahana couldn't help but tear up as Adrienne's life was starting to fade away. "Say no more." She said in a dry tone.

"I'll…turn myself in." Kebushie said.

"No." Adrienne said. "I'll…I'll say that I put you under a spell to do my bidding. They'll believe that and should still be with the jinn slayers." Adrienne whispered.

At that moment, Kebushie had remembered all of the good times he shared with the two twins. He realized that they were his family and we're the only people who truly cared about him, even in death.

"Ahana…you have to-"

"No" she said.

"You promised. Plus it hurts really bad. So please…kill me."

Kebushie got up and turned his head. (Even if I wanted to go to the good side…I-I can't! They don't see the real enemy still!) Kebushie cried in his head.

Ahana pointed at Adrienne making a gun hand sign.

Ahana began to weep, as she just couldn't bring herself to say the words. "Ahana…it's okay." Adrienne said while crying.

"I-I can't do it!" Ahana cried.

"But you have to! I-I'm not ready to go…but you have to do it" Adrienne cried.

Ahana fell to the ground and hugged Adrienne tight. "You and me…were supposed to be in this together! I don't want to continue life if your not here with me! This is it if you die! No more life, no afterlife, and no more you…you'll be banished." Ahana cried.

Adrienne lifted up Ahana's head as she weeper at his side. "Don't very lower your head" Adrienne whispered. "I'm not ready to leave you behind…but soon I'll become evil again. It's like a drug…I just can't get over the addiction once it starts." Adrienne said.

Ahana wiped her tears and realized just how much her brother really suffered. "Make it quick, that's my final wish little sister"

Ahana wiped her tears and pointed at Adrienne. Kebushie turns his head and walked off.

"Your staying!" Ahana said in a demanding tone.

Kebushie stopped and turned around to reveal a river of tears falling from his eyes. "Adrienne…you have…any last words" Ahana asked.

Adrienne leaned on a tree and looked up at the sky. He body was crippled and he couldn't even walk anymore.

"No matter what path you choose with your life…I'll still always love you with all my heart, Ahana. Your my one…and only…true best friend! And I'm sorry I have to leave you so soon in this world." Adrienne said with a smile.

Ahana made a hand sign shaped as a gun and pointed directly at Adrienne.

"Don't fear it Ahana. And don't blame this on Kebushie. He's just a lost boy, just like us."

Ahana used her other hand and grabbed her arm. She squeezed herself so tight that she crushed her own arm bones.

"B-bang" Kebushie watched as what seemed to be an invisible bullet went through Adrienne's head. Adrienne's body tilted over and stayed lifeless.

Ahana fell to her knees and grabbed Adrienne's body. Holding it tight in her arms. Kebushie said nothing as she held her dead brother and cried loudly with pain in her voice.

No one has ever seen Ahana cry. But hearing this cry…Kebushie never heard pain in someone's voice that was so tragic.

Liam appeared and quickly ran towards Ahana. Liam stared in shock when seeing her hold her brother. "Adrienne…no this can't be real" he said in disbelief and pain.

Liam stepped closer. Ahana quickly pulled her sword out and sung it at Liam. "Don't take another damn step!" She screamed.

Liam bowed and had a sad look on his face. "Your teacher…we found his body in the forest" Liam sadly admitted.

Ahana slowly turned her head, revealing a crazy look in her eyes. "Why are you lying!?" She yelled at Liam. Her energy pushed Liam back, the force was so strong that Liam couldn't even stand.

"Why would I lie about that? I cared about him too" he yelled back with pain in his voice.

"Believe me, Ahana…your not the only person who's suffered a lose today! We all went through hell all because of that piece of shit right there!" Liam cried as he pointed at Kebushie.

"Shut up" Ahana whispered.

"Kebushie killed everyone…Selina's dead, HERCULES, Rock, the twins, Flock, thousands of people, Jinx, your master and many more! Why the hell should I forgive this…this thing!"

"I said to shut the hell up" Ahana yelled as she jumped on top of Liam and started to choke him.

Liam tried to move Ahana but she was to strong for Liam to overpower her. "Screw you" Lima struggled to say.

Ahana tightened her grip around his throat. Kebushie quickly knocked Ahana out. Liam crawled away and gasped for air.

Kebushie walked over and tried to help Liam up, but was shoved away. "Don't come anywhere near me..you damn traitor"

Kebushie said nothing…he just backed away slowly and turned around. Kebushie lowered his head and walked off in the distance…not saying a word.

Meanwhile Astor walked slowly towards the dead spirit…realizing his own mother had been killed.

Tears of flames dropped from Astor's face. "I'll get him…for you mom"

5 months later

Ahana stood over K and Adrienne's tombstones, staring endlessly at them.

"I'd body is gone but…yours is all real, Adrienne" she said to herself.

Liam and the others stood behind Ahana, feeling the same sadness she was feeling.

"Ahana…I think it's safe to say that I'm in charge now" Astor said in a demanding tone.

"You heard master. K, I'm the one who is in charge here." She said.

*sigh* if you say so. Astor said.

"How did Adrienne pass away? He was fine before I died!" Jinx said.

"I don't know…I just found his body." Ahana lied.

"I see." Hercules said.

Ahana stared at Liam with a crooked look in her eye. Liam quickly looked away and down at the ground. (Please…why are you doing this?) Lima thought to himself.

"Because I have the power to" Ahana whispered.

"What? Who are you talking to!?" Ximena asked.

"No one. Let's go to the spirit realm…and if you guys see Kebushie please bring him to me." Ahana ordered.

A few years later.

Ahana stood in front of the old house waiting for the door to swing open. She waited a long time and decided to take a walk down the street. After returning she could see two kids walking to school. Ahana stood in the middle of the rod watching the two.

She was shocked to see one of the kids wave her way. "He can see me? Without being cursed or having jinn glasses?" Ahana asked herself.

Ahana smiled at the boy and disappeared when a car passed.

"Screw why the angels say and the rest of the crew. I could never kill my master's kids. I've been watching the both of you for a long time now, Joey and Lily" Ahana said with a smile.

The four Fallen Angels Arc

Coming in 7 days