Fairy island

The plane flew over the island as the sun started to shine above the giant mountains.

"We're finally here!" Joey yelled to wake everyone up on the plane.

"Would you shut the hell up" Jinx snapped at Joey.

"Sorry" he whispered.

Duce yawned and stared out the window. "It was a peaceful little ride, I guess"

"Your so ungrateful" Jinx said while rolling her eyes at Duce.

The plane finally landed and Astor quickly jumped off. "Home sweet home! I'm here at last, Fairy island!" Astor laughed.

Joey and the others jumped off the plane and stared at the amazing jungle in front of them. "It's so beautiful" Jinx complimented with a huge smile on her face.

Astor's smile disappeared from his face as he stared deeply into the jungle. "Me and my mother…always explored this jungle together" Astor said in a dry tone.

Everyone fell into silence as Astor took a knee and lowered his head. "If only…I was there with you that day, mom" he whispered with sadness.

"No need to get emotional, Astor. We're here for one purpose only…too kill a jinn" Duce reminded.

Astor tuned around and faced the three. "From beyond this point…this mission will be nothing but hell! So…if any of you want to back-out, now's the chance" Astor warned.

"What makes you say it's gonna be hell" Joey asked.

"Because I'm here for one jinn only…I don't know it's moves and I don't know it's connections with the island are! All I'm saying…this is most-likely a high-level we're dealing with, and you all might not survive. So…if your comrades are down on the field…leave them and run" Astor said.

"I've never seen him this worked up before" Jinx whispered to Duce.

"We can't just let our allies die…that's not the right thing-"

"If you want to live and make it back to your family…you'd do the same, Joey" Astor said.

The three followed Astor deep in the jungle. Soon after they found a small village that looked to be abandoned.

"Aren't we supposed to go to the main village, you know, where people are?" Jinx asked hesitantly

"There's people that I wanna visit" Astor replied.

Duce scratched his head and kept walking. Joey and Jinx stayed at the rear and started on the lookout while walking towards the creepy village.

Astor lead the group in the middle of the village and took a deep breath. "IM FINALLY BACK GUYS!!" Astor yelled out.

"Uhh…I don't think anyones here, Astor" Dice said.

"Wrong. Just wait."

Joey was shocked to see green lights surrounding the group. "What-"

A group of small beings with wings flew over everyone and piled on top of Astor. "Astor, it's been so long…please don't ever scare us like that again!!" They all cried.

"I know, I know, it's ok now, I am here and I'll be here for a while now" Astor said in a calm voice.

These beings were small humans, were the size of a water bottle, and had wings. All of them were females. "Are these fairies? I had no idea they existed" Joey laughed.

The fairies floated on everyone…everyone besides Joey. Duce stared at the creatures in amazement as they covered his body with green dust from their wings.

While everyone else was distracted by the fairies, one fairy flew over to Joey and sat on his shoulder.

"I'm guessing…your the lonely of the group?" The fairy asked.

Joey stared at her with curiosity. The fairy had on a black dress, short black hair, beautiful green eyes, and beautiful glowing skin.

"Who…are you," Joey asked the strange creature. Joey was stunned by how beautiful she was.

"My name's Pepper…and yours," Pepper asked. As she stared at Joey without looking away for a single second.

"J-Joey…that's…my name," Joey said with a very shaky voice. "Well, nice to meet you, Joey" Pepper greeted with a big smile.

"Nice to meet you too," Joey laughed. The fairy scooted closer to Joey's face and whispered in his ear, "it doesn't freak you out that we're Fairies? I know your a jinn slayer, and-all but, most people are very surprised about our existence. Are you mentally ok?" Pepper asked seriously.

"You think somethings wrong with me for not fearing you people? I don't even know you guys, why would I be scared?"

Pepper stared at Joey with a soft glance in her eyes. He has such a beautiful heart, Pepper thought. That's good and bad…good hearts…are the worst people when angry, Pepper thought.

"Joey, you interest me," Pepper laughed.

"No…I just…know what it feels like to be an outcast," Joey admitted. An outcast? Pepper thought.

"What do you mean, Joey?"

"Well, look at your friends for example. They all went straight towards everyone else in the group, but no one towards me," Joey said while lowering his head.

"I understand, I too…am alone," Pepper admitted.

Joey turned his head towards Pepper and looked at her with resentment. "Guess we both know that all too well, huh, Pepper," Joey laughed.

Pepper bursted out into an uncontrollable laughter. Astor was talking to the fairies but quickly stopped when noticing Joey and Pepper laughing. Everyone stopped and stared at the two laughing and having a great conversation. Astor stared and envisioned him and his mother, where Joey and Pepper were laughing, having a good time with each other.

"You okay, sir," Duce asked Astor.

Astor ignored Duce and turned to the fairies. "I need to speak with your queen," Duce told the fairies.

The fairies went quiet and grabbed Astor, pulling him deeper into the village. Duce and Jinx quickly followed.

"Where are they going?" Joey asked Pepper. "Looks like they're going to go see my mother, let's go, Joey" Pepper said as she grabbed him by his finger and pulled him.

She's really strong. She can pull me even though she's way smaller than me, Joey thought to himself.

Pepper pulled Joey in a small hut where everyone surrounded a decent-sized Fairy on a table. He skin wrinkled, white eyes, and grey hair.

"Joey…hurry up and take a seat" Jinx whispered.

Astor, Jinx, Duce, and Joey all say in front of a table where the fairy queen sat. The other fairies held the queen up and lifted her head. The queen wasn't strong enough to move her own body…her time was close.

"It's been awhile…queen of fairies" Astor said with a soft and smooth tone.

"Astor…you've finally come home" the queen gasped. Astor looked at the queen with worry. He knew she was close to death and it was only a matter of time.

"I know why…you've came, Astor." She whispered.

Astor lowered his head and clenched his fist. "I'm here to kill the Bomber jinn! He's the one who put this curse of you innocent people" Astor said with disappointment.

"Yes…I remember the bomber very well. I remember it just like yesterday when we were all humans back in my younger days…but then we were attacked by an invisible monster. But one girl made a deal with that monster, thus making us Fairies for the rest of our lives." The queen explained.

"I…I want to turn you all back to normal! But…if I kill the Bomber, then, all of you will-"

"We are prepared to die for a great cost, Astor. You and your mother have tried to bring this jinn down for years. But I don't understand…why would you challenge such a powerful creature?" The fairy queen asked.

Astor hesitated. "Because…that bastard is the one who took my mother away from me. And if I lose my mother's best friends to this curse then…I'll never forgive myself.

I'm also here…too kill a threat to humanity, Astor thought to himself while looking at Joey.

The queen looked around and noticed Duce, Jinx, and Joey. She stared at Joey. "You didn't tell me you had visitors, Astor. Just like your mother, always bringing strangers!" The queen laughed.

"Oh, yes, where are my manners! These are my comrades for this mission! The pink-haired young lady is my friend, Jinx. Beside her is her student, Duce, and the boy all the way to the right there is Joey." Astor explained.

"Nice to meet you lovely folk" the queen said.

Astor moved his head closer to the queen. "Queen…do you know where the Bomber is? You think he's on the island?" Astor flooded the queen with questions, trying hard to find answers. "I'm doing this to turn you all back to humans! And…to save others."

The queen looked around and studied everyone's faces. "I don't want to change the outcome of anything…so I'll look into everyone's futures" the queen whispered as she decided to sit up.

She waved Astor's face closer. Astor took off his pirate hat, his cape, and his black boots to get comfortable.

The queen placed a finger on Astor's head and closed her eyes. She moved down the line and stopped at Joey. Joey closed his eyes and leaned in closely to the queen's face.

"Everyone…has strange futures…what's gonna be yours" the queen asked as she placed her hand on Joey's head.

Jinx pulled the black dice and rolled it. The number landed on one…the same number it did before during the playhouse.

Bad luck again, Jinx thought as the queen put a finger on Joey's head. Pepper stared at the queen's reaction…but nothing changed on her face.

"Everyone but one person will be changed dramatically….that's all I can say" the queen said softly.

Astor stood up and put on his items. "Thank you queen. I'm headed off to the main village where my home is. I'll be seeing you again tomorrow." Astor said as he left the small hut.

Duce waited for Joey at the exit pat him on the head. "Why-"

"My jinn animals are getting weird feelings…it's a strange feeling actually" Duce explained.

Joey stared off in the distance at Astor and said, "we shouldn't tell Astor…he probably already knows and feels strange to" Joey suggested.

Duce nodded in agreement. Joey and Duce turned around and waved goodbye to the queen and her fairies.

Not long after they left Pepper flew over to the queen and asked if she could travel with Joey. "The blonde?" The queen asked.

"Yes, ma'am. There's just…something interesting about him. We get along good also…he might even be a new friend."

The queen hesitated and slowly nodded her head. "YES," Pepper screamed as she quickly flew out the door.

As soon as Pepper left all of the candles went out and the fairies wings stopped glowing and they all went dark. A chilling breeze went through the air, as the queen opened her mouth and began crying.

All the fairies were filled with fear and were scared to even talk. "I-I knew I couldn't be the only one to feel that evil presence", a fairy whispered.

The queen began to cough up blood. She gasped for air and eventually caught her breath. "Did…I just run into a monster!?" The queen asked…as if she just seen the divil himself in her own home.

"We…we can't stay here my daughters! We must leave her at once! Who knows when that thin will be unleashed." She said with fear.

"Queen…why did you see?"

The queen looked away and looked okay the ground. "A power…a great power that could destroy us all!"


Somewhere…above the main village where Astor's home was, lay six eggs with spider webs on them.

"My children…are Alamo ready to hatch! I…can finally haunt again!" A woman's voice laughed, echoing in the cave.

Joey and the others are determined to break the curse of the fairies…but they have no idea what's to come in the future with a unknown enemy.

Next chapter

Coming in 5 days