
The little boy ran up and up the mountain, trying his best to hide from his dad. The boy found a cave and quickly ran in it.

Not long after, a old man came up the mountain and stopped in front of the cave. "Walter, you know your not supposed to be in there! It's too dark for daddy to see you so can you please come out" the man yelled in the cave. His voice echoed within the old cave…nothing but water drops were heard.

The man took a step forward and turned on his flash light. "WAL-"

"I'm coming daddy" his son called out. The man waited while listening to his son's footsteps getting closer and closer. But when the footsteps reached him….no one was there.


The man stepped closer in the cave and realized his son was gone.


Joey and the others finally made it to Astor's home village. Lots of people were out and doing their daily routines, until Joey and Duce appeared in their sights.

"Can we help you folk?" A man asked while holding a gun. Joey was confused for a moment but quickly remembered that Astor and Jinx were already dead, and normal people couldn't see them.

Astor touched Joey's shoulder to get his attention. "Hellfire" Astor whispered.

"Oh-right. Hellfire!" Joey said. Everyone in the village stopped and looked around. "A-Astors back! Everyone cried as they quickly put on their jinn glasses.

A huge crowd of people pushed Joey and Dice out of the way to see Astor. "I guess we don't matter now, huh?" Duce said with annoyance in his voice.

"Oh my goodness, you look just like Selina!! How have you been Astor?!!"

"I thought he was dead"

"Don't scare us like that again"

Joey and Jinx stared in amazement. "I've…never seen someone loved so much" Joey said. Jinx turned her head and stared at Joey.

Poor kid, Jinx thought. Minutes passed and everyone in the little village went back to their daily routines. Astor had walked into his house and didn't leave for some time.

"I just don't get it" Duce said to himself. Joey interrupted and asked what he was talking about.

"I don't get why your here. It's not that your weak but…if Astor assumes it's a high-level jinn…he knows that most people die, so why bring a medium-level fighter with us highs?" Duce asked.

Joey had never thought about it, Duce was completely right. "Your right….why would he suggest-oh I get it! He wanted me to tag along with you guys so I could grow stronger!" Joey laughed.

No, your wrong, Joey. If my suspension in right, then, Astor brought you here…so he could kill you, Duce thought.

Duce stared at Astor's house now with suspension. "What's going on here" Duce asked himself.


The alarm woke Jackson up. Jackson reached around in the dark and slammed his hand on the clock, nearly breaking the damn thing.

It was currently 5:00am. "As soon as Joey leaves…they wanna open school again" Jackson complained.

Jackson threw on some clothes. And stared at himself in the mirror. Jackson heard nothing in the house…just the crickets chirping in the night.

He turned on the water and began brushing his teeth. His mind flooded with memories. If you win I'll tell you what happened to your family, Jackson thought of Ahana's words. It pissed him off.

"Ahana…I don't know what it is but…something's off about you and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it" Jackson said with determination.

Jackson stood around 6'3, 215lbs, and had a good body frame. The only thing Jackson was excited for was sports.

Jackson went down stairs and made him some cereal. He took a seat and heard someone coming down stairs. "Master!" Jackson yelled with happiness in his voice, but he quickly realized it was his imagination.

Jackson clutched his fist in anger and threw the bowl at the wall. Jackson stormed out of the house and jumped in his car.

Jackson wore Timberline boots, tight black jeans, and a clear white shirt. "Why…aren't I cold" He asked himself.

A hand rubbed across Jackson's chest. Jackson quickly turned around and noticed Ahana in the back on his seat.

"What are you-"

"I have a question, Jackson." Ahana interrupted.

Jackson swallowed, as sweat began to pour from his head. "Do you…fear me," Ahana asked.

"F-fear you? Why would I?"

"Because….I'm not the right one"

"What are y-"


Jackson snapped out of it and opened his eyes. He spun around in his car and looked directly at Jodi and Lily.

"Are you okay? You just came in the car and said nothing." Jodi explained in a frantic tone.

"You had me worried for a sec" Lily sighed.

Jackson was shaken up. He had no idea what he'd just witnessed. "You guys…remembered to meet me at my house? Who's you two get here, you walked?"



"I see. Just forget about it, now. You guys ready?" Jackson asked.

"So…we're going to the early morning food joint?" Lily asked.

"Yeah…and it's on me" Jackson said.

Lily fell into silence and stared at Jackson with a weird look in her eyes. "Jodi…make sure you have your arm covered up" Jackson said.

"Wait, now that I think about it, I never seen you not wearing that old hoodie maybe you should-"

"I'm fine, thanks though" Jodi said nervously. I'm gonna find out what's under that hoodie…I'll make it a goal of mine, Lily thought to herself.

Jackson drove up the street and stopped at the burger restaurant. The three took a seat and waited for the server.

"You guys said Joey went on a trip?" Lily asked.

"Yeah. He should be back less than three days. You miss him?" Jackson asked. Lily nodded her head and looked down.

"I miss people too" Jackson whispered.

"Hello there! What can I get you?" The man asked. Jackson was shocked to see Elizabeth's father taking his order.


"Can we get three glasses of water please" Jodi quickly interrupted. The man nodded and slowly walked away. "I wonder if they're doing okay….it must've been hard" Lily commented.

"Hard? What must've been hard?" Jodi asked.

Lily and Jackson turned their heads with disbelief written on their faces. "Do me a favor and look at that tv, they're talking about it right now, Jodi" Lily said as she turned Jodi's head for him.

Jodi focused on the tv screen. "While school was out, lots of students from heavens gate high have been disappearing lately. Police officer "Milo" will have a speech for a to win tonight at 9 sharp, we want everyone to be there. Walk home with someone,be safe, and remember….work hard"

Jodi kept staring at the tv. "Do you understand now" Lily asked.

"Yeah I understand…but why have a speech? And who's this officer?"

"They probably want to make rules for the people of this town. And that's something I'm not okay with." Jackson mumbled.

Jackson started to look around the restaurant, not seeing anyone. "Let's go, he's taking too long…we can just go straight to school and wait" Jackson said.


Jackson, Lily, and Jodi all waited in the car. "Jodi" Jackson whispered.

Jodi sat up and looked at Jackson. "What?"

"I forgot to tell you…but since she's sleep…I received information about other jinn slayers coming here. Slayers like Kilo,Spider, and others we don't know about. Why? I don't know…but somethings going on here and I don't know what yet" Jackson explained.

Jodi tilted his head, almost like he was a dog."I see. That is strange, huh"

"You not suspicious!?" Jackson asked.

"No, I'm not suspicious…not at all." Jodi said.

Jackson couldn't believe how nonchalant Jodi was acting. I can't believe this guy! I mean, really, does he not care or…was it the way he was raised? Jackson thought to himself. The bell rang and everyone jumped out of their cars.

Jackson shake Lily awake. "It's time for school, Lily" Jackson said mockingly.

A lot of people didn't talk, it was so quiet down the halls that you could hear the crickets outside. Jackson and Jodi were in the same classroom. Jackson walked in the class and froze when seeing Spider and Kilo.

So much for just talking about them, Jackson thought to himself. Jackson took a seat right next to Kilo and stared him down.

"Calm yourself, boy. We're all students here." Kilo said with his deep voice.

"Yeah, but why the hell are they're so many of you? Who's all here?" Jackson asked. "I don't know" Kilo responded.

"You have to know something" Jackson whispered.

Kilo changed his face from the board to Jackson. He stared at Jackson with hate in his eyes. "There's a river….in the Middle East that's drying up and if you don't know what that means…that's tuff."

Jackson wanted to get an insult in, but it was too late. The bell had rung and everyone quickly got in their seats.

"Don't play dumb! Just answer my damn question, Kilo!" Jackson demanded.

Spider hissed at Jackson. "Would the both of you shut the-"

"There you are! We were missing only one student today…take a seat anywhere" the teacher said with a smile.

Jackson and everyone in the room turned their heads. In the dark hallway…a black boot was the first thing noticed by everyone. As soon as the boot his throat floor it was like the whole room had turned red.

Sinister energy proceeded to fill the room. Jackson, Kilo, Spider, and Jodi were all speechless. The person walked in the room and shocked everyone.

"I thought she was dead"

"Didn't she go missing"

Jackson froze in fear when seeing the person walk across the room. She had muscle, grew taller in size, scars on her arm, and her hair was right below her ears from cutting it short.

Jackson and the other jinn slayers felt a sever crawl down their spines…as the girl stopped in front of the teacher and showed a twisted smile. The girl walked over to Kilo's desk and stared him down.

"Move" she whispered.

Kilo quickly got up and moved to another seat. The girl sat next to Jackson. Jackson started sweating uncontrollably. This girl…who the hell is she? And what's up with all this jinn energy!? The only feeling I get from being around her…is death, Jackson thought to himself.

Everyone in the class stared at her with weird looks on their eyes. "What's your name" the teacher asked.

The girl ignored her and stared directly at Jackson. "Do you…know where Joey is" the girl whispered to Jackson.

Jackson slowly turned his head and looked at the girl. Her eyes were cold and showed no emotion at all. "I…what do you want with-"

"Tell the truth you'll be fine, however if you lie you'll die"

Jackson hesitated and choked on his words. "I don't know" he answered. In that moment a giant cut was formed on Jackson's face. Blood gushed everywhere as people screamed.


Minutes later Jackson was in the principles office waiting for the new principal to walk in.

"How did you get that cut, Price?" The teacher asked.

"I already told you….I accidentally cut myself with a pencil" Jackson lied. "Really? I didn't see a p-"

The door opened as a man walked in the office and took a seat. "Long time…Jackson" Mr. Baker laughed.

Jackson was stunned at what he was witnessing. Jackson looked at the teacher. "You don't see this!?" Jackson asked frantically.

"See what? Our principal?"

No, no, he died sometime two weeks ago or so! What the hell is going on? And why's this teacher acting so weird, Jackson thought to himself.

"Mr. Baker your….alive?" Jackson asked.

"Of course I'm alive! Oh…do you happen to know where Joey Castle is lately!?" Mr.Baler asked with a wide smile.

The same question that girl asked me before! I feel like I know her….but somethings not right. Why is everyone….acting so strange? I have to find out….this might have something to do with the number of jinns slayers rising in the area to, Jackson thought to himself.

"No idea"

"What about his sister?"

"What about his sister?"

Jackson stared at both the people with intensity. Jackson quickly put on a fake smile and laugh. "How should I know? Joey's a damn loser and can't even come to school on time when needed!" Jackson laughed.

Meanwhile back at fort island. Astor kicked open his door and pulled out a phone. "Dead people can use-"

"Please shut up" Jinx yawned at Joey.

Astor walked past the two and ordered them to their feet. "While I looked at my home, I received information about your town Joey" Astor said.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah but…soon it won't be, at least, that's what we all think"

Astor quickly dialed a number and waited for the ringing to stop. "I'm going to call the Okeke siblings to help us finish this mission quickly" Astor said in a demanding tone.

Jinx's whole facial expression changed as she quickly rushed over to Astor's side. "Is it really that bad? What's going on that I don't know about" Jinx asked.

Far away on the continent of Africa was a giant kingdom ruled by the Okeke family. The Okeke family was a very powerful and rich family that owned all of east Africa. Astor's mother was good friends with the king, which opened a relationship for his own kids and Astor.

In a pitch black room sat a young beautiful woman in her chamber meditating. The soldiers lowered their heads and opens their mouths to speak. "Princess Zuri, we have a message from an outsider from the American lands" a soldier said.

"Praat" Zuri said in a calm voice.


"It's from…the phoenix"

Zuri stood up and turned her head to reveal two glowing purple eyes. "The phoenix needs our help again? For what?"

"He's on the phone…he says it's urgent"

Zuri grabbed the phone and held it to her ear. Zuri didn't move for twenty minutes. She just listened to Astor and hung up.

Zuri threw the phone and began stretching. "Princess….what do you-"

"Ready my two brothers at once! We're going to go have lots of fun" Zuri said.

"Yes ma'am" all the soldiers yelled.

Zuri was left alone in her chamber and had a huge grin on her face. "Well, well, well…it's starting to get serious for once in a while"

Next chapter coming in 6 days