Martha’s backstory

"I can give you….hmm. I say about five dollars". The man said.

"Only five!? It's a bracelet. My husband gave it to me before he left for work. Surly it's-"

"Listen, ma'am are you gonna take the five or not?"

The woman looked around and took a deep breath. "Listen…today is my children's birthday, and I just want to make sure they have a good meal. We've been through so much…it would be nice if you could at least give me ten for the bracelet. I know it's real diamonds on it…I already tested it. So please, stop trying to get something out of me and do your job right". The woman pleaded.

"You know what….you're right. Now it's four dollars."


"Wanna to keep arguing? Don't make me make it cheaper!" The man threatened.

"Just…give me the four dollars please".

The woman received the four dollars and left the store. A woman held two kids hands. "Thank you for watching them!" The woman called over as the two kids ran over. "No problem, Martha. Let me know if you need anything else". The other woman said.

"Joey, I told you to stop sucking on your thumb! You remember what I told you, right?"

"Yes mama. You say dat if I keep sucking my thumb, my thumb might get stuck in my moufh".

"Mouth". Lily corrected.

"Shush!" Joey yelled as he pulled Lily's hair. Lily quickly slapped Joey and the two began fighting. Martha couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

"You two are my pride and joy". Martha said with a smile. "Pride and joy? What does pride mean mama?" Lily asked.

Martha picked up Joey and Lily; she walked down the street and sat under a bridge. "Now that we're home…pride is…hmm. Pride is feeling pleasure from someone's achievements. That's the way I look at it!" Martha said.

"You get pride from seeing us?" Joey asked.

"Of course. You two…are my babies! I wouldn't trade this for the world!"

"Mama…why do people laugh at us?" Lily asked.

"Because we're different. When your different to the world…people will judge you without even knowing you. That's the way he humans are."


"Yes Joey?"

"When's daddy coming home?"

Martha looked out at the road and sighed. "He'll be home soon. I have a surprise for you two!" Martha laughed.

Martha had boiled water in a nearby building. She pulled out a pot of water and flower. "Flower and water again!? I love it, but we always get it!" Lily said.

"This time I added some sugar".



Lily and Joey both grabbed spoons and began eating it. "It just-just-just like cake!!" Lily screamed with excitement.

Water and flour is the only thing I can usually afford…being that we're homeless. The kids love it. But it's hard for me to keep a smile.


The next day, Joey and Lily went to daycare while Martha was in search for a new home. "I haven't seen you in ages…why aren't you ever home?"

"Been busy…Martha". The man said.

"Busy? Doing what? You left me and the kids-"

"I'm doing what's right. They aren't even my kids…that thing-"

"Would you stop it, Krill!" Martha raised her voice and quickly fixed her tone. Everyone began looking in their direction.

"Sorry". Krill said as he handed Martha a stack of money. "This…should be more than enough to buy a house and live off of this for years to come".

Martha threw the money on the ground. "I don't care about the money, Krill! I just…want to be with you". She cried.

"Can't. Very soon, Martha…it'll all make sense in the future. I'm doing all this, to kill a very strong and manipulative creature that's planning to wipe out all of humans. It doesn't know that I'm on to it…but this is how I have to go about it." Kroll explained.

"What are you talking about?"

"Listen, if you get sick…it's part of the curse…and I'm sorry". Krill said in a saddened voice.

"I'll get sick? Krill…I'm so confused. All this doesn't make any-"

Krill interrupted Martha with a tight hug. "This…after this, it'll be my final mission and I'll die. That's when…everything is under it's control. Forgive me, Martha. Take care of Joey and Lily".


2 years later.

"JOEY, COME DOWN STAIRS!" Martha yelled.

Joey rushed down stairs and halted his movements in the kitchen. "I knew it. Why haven't you been going to school? Your in elementary school now. You should be making friends and-

"No, everyone makes fun of me. All because of the clothes I wear".

Martha hugged Joey and sat down on the couch. "Ignore all of that and keep being you, Joey. Whenever you find friends…make sure you cherish them,love them, and respect them. Real friends are people who support you with your dreams and goals. Don't let all of this stop you". Martha kissed Joey on the head.

"Thank you. Oh, mom…I have something else to tell you".


"Why are you still here?"

"What do you mean?" Martha grew suspicious. Joey ignored her and ran upstairs in the room.