Exceeding limits

"The more you cut me up…the more jinns that'll appear!" The jinn laughed as a second one formed beside it.

"It split itself?" Duce jumped back and clapped his hands. "Jinn wolf: hunter mode!" A wolf was summoned from the sky. It was black,Jade huge white paws, with a fearsome look in its eyes.

Hunter mode: allows the jinn wolf's energy to flow at an uncontrollably rate. Making it enter a killer mode, like state.

"Attack!" Duce yelled at the wolf.

The wolf lunged at the jinn. "Good!" The jinn laughed. While the wolf was in the air, Jinx flanked around the two jinn. The chainsaw was heard being cranked up, as the jinn spun its head around to see.

"Die!" Jinx screamed. She swung the chainsaw and pushed it through the creatures neck. "Wrong one!" The jinn laughed as the other body grew a different jinn.

Okay, there's three of them now. So…if we kill the main body…will it die? Duce thought. While jinx and the wolf fought, Duce looked around. "This place is filled with much to learn. For some reason…I feel like…making art!"

Jinx continuously kept cutting the jinn to pieces. "Jinx stop it! It'll just keep growing!" Duce yelled.

A part of the jinn flew in and scooped Jinx off of her feet. "Shit!" Duce yelled.

"I'll be okay…just kill the main body!" Jinx screamed. Damn it, she left me with six!? I can't use my eagle…I already sent it to send the message. But I don't even sense it! Did the eagle…go off of course? It doesn't matter…I have to defeat these jinns and-

Duce was cut off of thought. He noticed that he had been surrounded by the jinns. "Six vs one!? Hahaha, how unfortunate for you!" The jinn laughed.

"Yeah…unfortunate…now I don't have to hold back!" Duce laughed.

"Kill him". The jinn ordered the other parts of his body. The five parts flew at Duce. Duce jumped up and was sent flying away. "Thanks, jinn dragon fly!"

"I see. He's using his animals to his advantage in fighting! Amazing child!" The jinn laughed as it jumped and bit down on Duces leg.

"Jinn wolf!" The wolf came and got the jinn off of his leg. While falling, Duce realized that the jinns below were charging up an attack. "W-what!?"

"Wave of death!!" The jinn laughed as a yellow beam shot from its mouth. Duce was in the air and couldn't move…he had to think quickly. "Jinn…rhino!" The rhino was summoned, it acted as a shield for Duce while he thought of a plan.

"Calm down, Duce. Everything…is ok. Just breath-"

"Found you!" The jinn laughed.

What? Oh, I see. The four shot the beam…while another went around and flanked…this jinn…is learning as it fights. It's like a child at a playground right now. It's not fully awakened yet…which is good. So…all of the so-called high-level jinn on the island are actually high-medium levels. All growing fast and learning how to fight. We…we all have to kill them before they fully awaken, Duce thought.

The jinn shot a beam that went through Duces left shoulder. Duce yelled in pain as blood poured from his mouth. He crashed on the ground, making a giant crater.

"So fun, so fun, so fun! Give us more!" They all laughed. Each jinn jumped down and began beating Duce. Duce jumped away. A jinn sliced his ear off with a sword and another ripped off his hand. Duce was slowly falling unconscious.

All six of the jinns jumped and kicked Duce in the stomach, damaging his eternal organs in the process.

"I thought you'd be strong! I'll just have to see about the woman instead!"

Duce lay on the ground…slowly dying. "Kill jinx? You…don't touch her"

"Eh? Your still alive? Don't worry…we'll kill you here and now boy!" The jinn laughed as it jumped in the air and pulled out a huge blade.

I'm always getting jumped…no different. But…Jinx…I can't let them hurt her.


A little boy walked alone down the street, covered in blood and tired. "Someone please help me…please". The boy said as he passed out from exhaustion.

A few moments passed, and the boy heard footsteps approaching from far. "Is anyone there!?" The boy cried out.

A pale woman with pink hair, wearing a dark outfit, and with relaxed pink eyes walked towards the boy. She stopped and studied the boy.

"You must be…his son. I knew your father…and I know what you've just went through is terrible for a young man". The woman said.

"W-who are you?"

"My names is Jinx. I know that your Duce. Duce, I knew your father and I had to handle something. You won't see him anymore".

"Mom…mom tried to attack me. I-I-didn't-

(Memories of the event crashed down on Duce's mind)

"I know everything. That's why…I did what I did.


Before Duce met Jinx…his household wasn't your daily home of a family. Instead, it was something evil and sinister in his home.

"Duce…can I come in?" His mouth whispered through the door. "Please go away". Duce said as he was curled up in the corner of his room.

"Duce….hurry up and open the door".

Duce didn't respond and jumped underneath his bed.

"Duce….open the fucking door! DUCE! DUCE! DUCE! DUCE! OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!" His mother screamed in a high pitched voice.

The monster always comes at night. Mom is fine throughout the day…but as soon as night hits…she's not even my mother anymore. She talked about voices in her head…something taking over and that she can't control it. Does that mean…if she's not my mom at night, then I can kill it to save her?

The door flew open and Duce watched his mother tear apart his room to look for him. "Duce…I'm sorry…I can't stop him-no,no-DUCE!"

His mom dropped to the ground and lay lifeless on the floor. Duce quickly crawled from under the bed and ran to comfort.

"Mom…please wake up". Duce cried.

Suddenly, his mother grabbed him by the throat and began laughing. "Dumbass". She said in her demonic tone.

"DO IT! KILL YOUR OWN MOTHER!" The creature laughed as it tightened the grip on Duce's neck.


"So…you left your own kid there with your possessed wife?" Jinx asked as she took a sip of her tea.

"Yes". The man cried.

Jinx was disgusted and put her coffee down on the table. "Why are you here, Geo? Your son is in danger…you've been leaving him at night…all because you can't kill your wife? If she's suffering and possessed by a jinn, we jinn slayers have to either get rid of the jinn or kill her with it. I believe she made a deal with the jinn-"

"That's the thing, Jinx. I-I-I was the one…who made the deal! I was desperate and-"

"It all makes sense now. Geo…why did you call me here? I know my pups…and it's not like you to be alone with me-"

"Forgive me, Jinx". Geo cried as he stabbed Jinx with his sword. Jinx still sat in the chair and took a sip of coffee.


"You made a deal? To kill me…and if you did that, your wife would be healed and your son would disappear?"

"How did you know? Why aren't you dying!?"

"Your a selfish man…the worst kind of a man to. I'm already dead…your sword didn't hit any major areas. Now then, Geo. We can still fix this…you just need to listen to me and give me your son. I'll take him in. You and your wife…can be alone". Jinx whispered as she pulled the sword from her stomach.

"N-no! I have to kill you Jinx! I'm so sorry! I have to do it! For me…to save my wife!" Geo yelled as he jumped at Jinx.

"I'm sorry". Jinx whispered. I'm the blink of an eye, Jinx was gone from the seat and behind Geo. Geo fell on the chair and spun around. He picked up his sword,ran at Jinx and jumped in the air.

"Jinn weapon: Chainsaw!"


Duce cried as he stabbed his mother repeatedly in her chest. "Die! Die! Die! Die! Dieee!!" He yelled as he felt the finishing blow.

Duce ran away from home and walked down an empty street.


"Where's dad?" Duce asked Jinx. "He's…out working. I know you went through a lot. I'm here to take care of you now, Duce. Duce, hold on to this for me, will you?" Jinx asked as she handed Duce a dice. "Roll this to see your luck…it'll come in handy". Jinx laughed as she grabbed Duce by the hand and walked with him down the road.


Duce snapped out of thought and rolled over to dodge the jinn's blade.

With one foot, Duce jumped on it and slowly pulled out a dice. "The hell?" The jinn said as the other five jumped back.

"A dice. Max number is 6. What will I get?" Duce asked himself as he rolled. The number 5 came up and Duce laughed uncontrollably.

"What's the matter with him?" A jinn asked another part of his body.

"Hell if I know…let's kill him now!"

"No, something's wrong".

"Hey jinn! This dice…the higher the number…the higher my odds of winning increases. Duce laughed as he slammed his hands together and held them in place with a tight grip.

"Right now, I feel…free. I'll do it! I'll actually do, Jinx! Not to protect you,but to finally let my true emotions run free!" Duce laughed with a crazy look in his eyes.

"Kill him!" The jinn yelled as six of them jumped from all angles. "With some imagination…I can pull about anything from the underworld! Hahaha, let's go! Ritual!"

A ritual!? Shit, we're too close to him now! The jinn thought.

Free…we're all born free! The wind,animals,people, everything…is free! Duce thought as his energy increased.

"I'll push past my limits and fight! Ritual: Land of the unknown!"

Darkness covered the area as it seemed the jinns and Duce were all on a whole new world. "Come…Jinn dragon!"

Duce slammed his hand to the ground and a giant dragon arose from the earth. The creature let out a loud roar that echoed across fairy island.

The jinns jumped back and studied the mighty creature. "What a powerful child! Amazing! The jinn laughed.


The six jinns surrounded the crater and built up jinn energy. "I can see…" Duce whispered as he pointed at the main jinn with ease.

"He sees my main body!?" The jinn jumped in the air and was headed straight for the clouds.

"Like hell…I'll let you leave!" Duce yelled as he pointed in the sky. The dragon quickly lifted from the ground and flew high in the sky, after the jinn.

The other copies jumped high and followed.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! How can he see me!? How's this happening!?" The jinn asked as he noticed the dragon getting closer and closer.

"You didn't think that was all did you!? In my ritual, I can summon infinity amounts of creatures! Even the same ones if I wanted to!" Duce laughed as five eagles soared from the side.

"Fine…I'll take you a place no human can withstand!" The jinn laughed.

The jinn sped up and went even higher in the air. Duce used his dragon and jumped off to reach the jinn. Duce managed to grab the jinn's leg. "Shoot!" Duce ordered the dragon.

It sounded like a jet about to take off. The dragon shot a powerful beam of flames at Duce and the jinn.

Duce let go and watched as the jinn was caught in the flames. Two eagles caught him and flew him around.

"Now I have to-"

"It's not done yet, fool!" The jinn laughed as it kicked him away.

Duce was falling and couldn't see anything.

The flames won't work? Wait…the scales…this jinn…it's mixed with different animals! That's why…oh shit. Duce thought as he twisted and turned in air.

"I didn't even realize that my hand was healed. Still missing a damn leg and losing blood fast…but I can defeat the jinn before it's too late. I have to dig in and let my imagination sore! Jinn Falcon: Battle Mode!"

Duce twisted his two fingers and locked on the main body with his eyes. "Now!" Duce snapped his hands and summoned 50 eagles in the sky. The six jinns all made a circle and flew around attacking each eagle.

Duce and the falcon both speed around all of the chaos and made way to the dragon. ". I didn't tell the jinn this…but I can also steal physical parts of my animals! Right now, I'm able to fly because I copied my falcons wings".

"Dragon attack: Blazing Universe!" The whole sky lit up with red.

Jinx and others looked up at the magnificent battle taking place.

"Duce…." Jinx whispered as she was being carried off by the seventh jinn. "Alright…I already know that your the real body. I'll kill you quickly though!" Jinx laughed.


The jinns all flew higher. "Damn…there still going!" Duce said as the dragon sped up.

"When we reach height…we'll unleash our ability and kill them all!" The jinn yelled over to the other body parts.

"It's over you little shit! You've already lost!" The Jinn laughed. The jinns spreader out and clapped their hands. "Ritual!"

"Dragon, fly faster! Falcon return to the ritual!" Duce yelled.

"Ritual: judgment beam!"

A shining light formed in the middle of all the jinns and shot a beam of energy at Duce.

This was all part of the plan, Duce scuffed as he clapped his hands and disappeared.

"Where did he-"

"Behind you!" Duce said from above.

The jinn turned around. He looked death right in the eye.

When I summoned the 50 eagles…I sent one to flank and rest above. I can swap places with my jinn beast, Duce thought.

"I'll be borrowing your move, dragon!"

Mom…dad…since that day…I have had no regrets. I could care less about you, father. This is a twisted world! I'll end that twist…by killing every last one of these damn things!

"Dragon Breath: Meteor Crash!" Duce yelled as he put a hand over his mouth and shot a powerful attack at the jinns. The jinns beam was destroyed and the flames were getting closer.

"No! Damn it…I'll have no choice! If I die…I'm taking you with me you bastard!" The jinn yelled.

The jinn was melted. It looked like a burnt corpse falling from the sky. "Self-destruct!" The jinn squeezed from its last breath.

At this range, Duce was going to die. He was far to close to not get hit by the explosion. "Jinn Rhino!"

I see…this might actually be it….damn. At least…I actually killed the damn thing. Duce scuffed to himself.

The explosion went off and it shake the entire island.

Everything was blown away and half of the island was turned to complete ash.

Jinx stood over the dead body of the jinn she had killed and stared in horror. She sprinted towards the explosion to go look for Duce.

Moments later….Jinx stumbled upon a body that was burnt….it was Duce.

"D-Duce?" Jinx asked as she approached the body.


The whole world froze as Jinx stared at Duce and his condition. "This ain't real! I wasn't near him…so I couldn't of given him bad luck…no I-"

"Jinx, it's-o-k. I…we stopped one of them". Duce coughed.

"Stop talking, Duce. I'll figure something out! This wasn't supposed to happen! I'll find Sage and-"

Duce whispered something in Jinx's ear and Jinx was stunned. Her eyes formed tears as she just stared at Duce. "Here…the dice you gave me. Take it and give it to Joey. I want you to really watch him, Jinx. Your my master…and I would love it if you could please protect him". Duce whispered as he drifted off and took his last breath.

The wind blew and Jinx still sat in the same position.
